
A lifetime with you

Somewhere in the outside world


Black clouds filled the whole sky, as rain was rapidly pouring down,ligthning flashes through the sky

A man could be seen sitting on a stone in front of coffin with one hand on his knee, other on the stone he was sitting on as he Gaze towards the sky mumbling

"In the end i could not do anything.... "

hitting his fist on the rock as tears stream down his face


"..... Kushina we have promised to spend a lifetime together, How can you leave me alone, This is not allowed ...not allowed"

A shadow slowly appeared behind him, standing there in silence

After some time Isshin slowly stands up " Is every thing ready Levi"

Remaining silent for some time Levi looked towards the Coffin

"You know she would never let you do it if she was alive today"

"but she isn't .... I don't have time for your nonsense levi Is every thing ready"

"Yes "

"Bring kushina's body to the soul race sacred ground and let her rest there"

"That old man will not agree" Levi shook his head

"hehe That old man might be angry with her, he might have disowned her but he is after all her father, who once loved her more than anything, he will let her rest in her rightful place" Isshin said while ceasing the coffin

"okay ... You know you don't have to do this alone, Shadows always stands beside you, Contact them they will surely heed your call, after all they are all loyal to you, beside you don't even have your power anymore"

A terrifying pressure suddenly influg the sounding as a blue aura started to appear around Isshin

"It is not the time yet ... and you don't have to worry about me "

Stumbling down Levi said with a stunned face "You..... your powers .... how" - - - - - - - - - - -


Figures of twelve year old kids could be seen standind in the training ground.

A platform was embeded in front of these kids.

3 figures could be seen on the platform

In front of them laid a crystal ball.

"Now everyone you all have been practicing chakra control for a month from prof-theodore, now its time we add something else to the mix, Mr Wright could you please come over and tell them the process"

Gentoki said as he pointed towards the person standing beside Theodore having long unskimped hair, red eye and a gas mask on his face

Stepping closer to the edge of platform wright lazily said

"muahhhh... I will call you all one by one and all you have to do was transfer your mana/chakra into that crystal ball, so that we can tell which ability you have , so we can created your future traning course"

"Ability tester?"

"At last we are going to learn some good skills"

"My heart is beating faster now"

"yeah... hey what type of ability do you think i will have" a chubby student standing beneath the platform asked the boy standing besides him

"Don't worry your ability will definitely has something to do with farting... Seriously man you fart a lot and it smell like hell" said the boy as he held his nose

"hey this is the inner fragrance of body what do you know....' Fart'."

"....." fainted

"cough cough... Now lets start ... The first candidate is..... Rhaast darkin"

Mr wright cough twice to gain the attention of students as he called a name

Soon a boy with completely red muscular body, came out of crowed as he walks towards the platform

"Do as i have said before"

Standing beside the crystal ball Rhaast place his right claw like hand on the ball as he channel his mana into it

Soon a blood red light started to glow from the crystal

"oh.... Blood magic interesting very interesting" some light flashes through the hazy eyes of Mr. Wright

Gentoki and Theodore were also alaramed by the red light emitting by the ball

"To think that the first person, would have a 1st tier blood element affinity"

Abiities are divided in tiers on the basic of intensity of Light emitted by the crystal, from 5th Tier being the weakest and first tier being the strongest

"Rhaast Darkin affinity blood Element, 1st Tier" Wright said while gesturing Rhaast to go down the stage

"Next Ayami"

"Fire ability 2nd tier"

"Next suzuka "

Water and wind ability, 3rd Tier"





"Isokhi kougami"

Suddenly all the attention was fixed on Isokhi as he approach the platform

"ne..... what do you think his ability will be " Atarox asked Izumi

"How would I know, it not like i care ...." Izumi said while looking at Isokhi from the corner of his eyes

"Place your hand on the crystal ball" Mr.wright said as glint flashes through his eyes as he gaze towards Isokhi 'mhhmmm ... heir of kougami clan show me what you got'

Isshin was soon standing right next to the crystal ball, extending his hand and placing it on the top of crystal ball, he channels his chakra/mana into it...

vrooom vroom

Wind started to flow as, crystal glow with pale blue light soon it completely devour Isshin in it


'impossible how .....'

'Time related ability , a rare one indeed'

These were the thoughts of Wright, Theodore and Gentoki respectively as they stare dagger in Isokhi direction with astonishment written all over their faces

"Time related ability Black Tier ability"

Above 1st Tier exist Black tier containing some of the rarest abilities that ever exist to this day

As soon as Wright declare Isokhi abilities the blue pale glow started to dim down but instead of dying down, purple color started to shine from the the crystal ball whose intensity reaches 1st Tier

"An other one..." Wright was caught off guard by this change of event

"T... Thunder Ability , 1st Tier"

"sigh what a talent, our academy has its 3rd Black tier ability user at last" Theodore said while sighing in amazement as he gaze towards Gentoki

"ohhh You are already praising him that much, looks like u wants to train him as your successor" Gentoki said with a slight smile on his face

"As much as i like to teach him, but ... alas i cannot train him, he wield daggers and is from the Kougami family with train's in art of assassination, while I only know about brute force "

"So you admit you are muscle head " Gentoki said with a smile on his face

Theodore brow twitched for a second as he remain silent 'if it wasn't for the fact that i cannot defeat you, I would have wipe that smile of your face with my fist'

After Isokhi gets down the stage, Assessment continues


"Blood element , 2nd Tier"

"Ren Ayame"

"Light ability user, 1st Tier"

"Mikasa Yasura"

As soon as this specfice name sounded out, silence decent on the hole ground, even the buzzing of bees could be heard

Tap tap tap

rhythmic sound of foot-steps could be heard from hole ground,as Mikasa make her way towards the platform, heavy breathing of students could be heard

"she is the one ..... huh "

"yes the one and only 'cursed witch' "

"It is said that she was born with a special constitution, one that allow her to charm her opponent very soul and make them loyal to her"

"Some rather weak minded may even lost themself forever "

"But no matter what.... she is a beauty man"

"A beauty with thrones"

mummers could be heard from all over the crowed

Reaching the platform, Mikasa soon placed her pale white hand on the orb as it soon started to glow with pink light, intensity of which reached the same level as Isokhi's pale blue light

Once again silence descend on the platform

"Mr.wright do you know what pink light represent" After a couple of minutes of silence Theodore asked

"I... I don't know" Mr wright said with an awkward expression "but whatever it is, it's a black Tier ability and definatly has something to do with her constitution..... lets call it 'charm' for now I will further look into it"

"Mikasa Ability Charm, Black tier"

Next one .... Izumi kurosaki