

[info dumb

From Rank F to Rank A, A person's Rank can be measured by the amount of mana he possess, other than having a greater reserve of mana/chakra and being able to perform higher level skills, Their bodies remain same..... Fragile, weak, even a simple knife coated with mana from Rank F can kill someone who's A Rank, that is.... if it can touch him in the first place, but this all changes as a person reaches S rank, now this change is the discussion of some other time]

Izumi was standing in the crowed confused with regards to a certain someone as he asked Atarox

"oea ... Atarox isn't someone suppose to die by looking in to mikasa eyes"

"Shhhhh..... you wanna die izumi, think before you speak she is princess, the next queen of Elf race how can you say something like this " placing his hand on Izumi mouth Atarox said while looking towards mikasa waringly

Izumi suddenly blank out as he touch his right cheeks, somehow feeling the same pain he feels on the second day of academy gritting his teeth he looks towards Isokhi who was smiling at him

"Dammmm you....."

"Next one....Izumi kurosaki"

As izumi was about to explode, his name sounded out forcing him to go towards the platform

Reaching infront of crystal ball, Izumi touched it nervously and channel his chakra/mana into the ball

soon white mist started to appear appear in the ball which fully covered Izumi within

"Ice element, Black Tier" Wrigth mummer to himself

".... Gentoki where do you get these kids from" Mr.wright asked with his mouth wided open 'since when did Black Tier ability user became so easy to find'

"He is the child of the one called 'Red eye demon' " gentoki said as he pointed towards Izumi

"..... That person..... mhmmm hahahahah interesting, gentoki you sure have a lot of trouble coming your way because of that child...." Mr.wright laugh as if he gaze toward Gentoki enjoying his future misfortune

Before wright can announce Izumi result the ball infront of Izumi shine with a silver luster , shining more brightly than before

"Sp...Space Element , B...ba... Black tier"

"Shit" a cursed escaped from Theodore mouth

"Another monster including him we has total of 3 monster in class A01 alone, Who has Black Tier abilities, ohhhhh I can help but shake from excitement thinking what the future holds haahahahahh" Wright laugh with a crazy expression on his face

Ingoring wright Gentoki Step forward as he addresses students

"Now that everyone's ability has been measured , you should go to the Skill center, There you should finds various types of skill/techniques, and select one skill each that you consider best for yourself, Remember that skill books are expensive, so this will be only time you will be given a skill by academy for free,

If you wants more skills/techniques you will have to pay with Merit points, you can earn merit points by slaying demons in the dungeons available in academy. or doing a mission issued by academy Please select a skill/technique by the end of Tomorrow"


Night time in Izumi room

Izumi silently gaze towards the moon from window, lost in thought

'ahhh I really miss them now.... Dad, mom. When will I see you guys again

Ah... right I remember, dad said he left somethings behind for me in the bracelet'

Skimming through the bracelet, i got my hands on some suspicious things

A black scroll with a letter 'man.... Who uses scroll and letter in these day'


A necklace with blood red bead, size of fingernail attached to it


A black color orb with weird patterns on its surface

Setting everything aside i first open letter


There is something i need to do, so the chances are we may not meet for a long time,

So consider these as a birthday gift from me and your mother.

the black scroll is a space type skill from your mother as we expected you to have space element affinity, and by any chance you didn't..... Well you can sell it whenever you go to outside world, its a pretty high class skill, would fetch a lot money in the outside world "

Looking at the scroll, i suddenly remembered my mother face as a silent tear escape my eye

" And this red bead... Well as long as i can remember it was with me, from my birth to this day, this being the only thing that has been by my side all the way to this date, it has a great importance to me so as of now I am giving it to you

" And last but not the least that black orb... Sigh I got it from a dungeon, its from the last dungeon i have visited,.....

I don't know what that orb is for but some VERY BAD people are after it, so make sure not to tell anyone about that orb, its safe here with you being in the academy,

Love from mom and dad"

closing the letter 'well i was supposed to open it at my first day of academy .....but i forgot'

Setting the scroll aside for a moment, I wore the necklace and hide it under my shirt

Gazing at the black orb i ceased it with my right hand, feeling its smooth surface



Suddenly my hand got cut by something as blood started to flow from my finger

Licking my finger i put that orb aside after finding nothing sharp on it, after moment i picked up scroll, started reading it

{Spiralling Flash

A skill used for instantaneous travel from one point to another, user can leave a specific mark made by concentrating mana/chakra (as shown in the scroll}) , on a object or living thing and using that mark as a medium you can teleport to that thing or person}

I stare blankly at the scroll 'what an amazing technique, it create a lot of possibilities in a battle, and most of all.... It's cool right

JuST IMAGINE Yourself being able to teleport in front of any one in the battlefield, ahhhhh it's makes me excited'


Izumi soon fall asleep while reading scroll as silent descend upon the room


Suddenly clicking sound could be heard from the orb, as light started to flash from it,

Slowly but surely it started to levitate in air by itself


A light shot through it falling directly upon izumi, slow wind started to flow in the room,

soon the whole room was brightened by light, which slowly died down, with time Room return to its previous state, except the black orb which was no where to be found

Izumi can hear some voices in his sleep, but ignore them as he was exhausted after hours of reading the scroll

[ starting integrating.....]

[System integration progress ....10%....25% .....80%]

[100% ..... system integration completed]

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