
System introduction

[Ding .... Welcome to the LOST ETERNAL SYSTEM]

[Binding host to system.....]

[system will take 10 hours to complete binding]

remaining time...09:59:56]

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Next morning

Trinnng trinnng

I woke up with the same annoying sound of Alarm, getting off the bed , I do some stretching groggily


Halfway through the bathroom I saw a timer at the left bottom corner of my vision,


Rubbing my eyes for a moment, i look at it again ..... but did not find anything, Ignoring this minor misconception of my eyes i took bath, change in to my uniform and walks out of the room, well my Droom has been changed from droom no 7 to 8 room 366, That where the others students lives

Looking at time it was 7:00AM still a hour early from class, Thinking for a moment I walked towards the Skill distribution center , see if i can find some good techniques there

Reaching infront of oval shape building i can see alot of students going in and out of the building with excited smile on there face

inside of building, there are benches arrange for students to sit on,in the center of these tables a counter was placed, on the other side of counter a beautiful lady sat with some what lazy expression on her face,

Stopping infront of counter

"Excuse me, I am here...."

before i can speak the lady said

"just take a spectacle from the counter ...now go away don't disturb my sleep"

Not bothering the lady anymore, i took an black spectacle from the counter and sat on a bench wearing it


As soon as i put on the glasses a holographic panel appeared in front of me, with a numbers of skills neatly arranged in horizontal mode....

The sheer numbers of techniques blows my mind off


[convert chakra in your body in fire energy and shape this energy in fireball]

Burning Chain

[convert the fire energy in to chain like shape to capture your target]

Water slicer

[convert water energy into little blades of water,skill level increase with Rank]

Sea dragon Roar

[create a spitting image of dragon using water energy, having a devastating power, required great control over chakra]

Shadow control

[Ability to control shadow, advise to be used only by shadow users]

Abilities after abilities were placed in front of me, so much that my head started to hurt from excessive reading

Suddenly a light bulb lit up in my head, as i swipe all the unnecessary skills and focused only on the ice base techniques using the search option

Gently Breez

[Ability to littlely Freeze the wind around you, Recommended to be used by B Rank or higher]


[Ability to create spears of ice around oneself, upon coming in contact with others things ,these spears freeze the area around them]





Ice Explosion

[Ability to freeze, and then detonate it at any time, Timing of explosion is controllable as long as the target in frozen state. The real threat of ice explosion is when its used on a living target that was frozen by ice. the stronger the corpse being detonated, the greater the explosion force, but user must touch the target with his arms to inject Ice Explosion Technique in it. No Rank Limitation ]

Skipping through the Techniques my gaze paused on an perticular Technique, ICE EXPLOSION as i fall in love with this technique right away

Standing up i arrived at the counter


"Mam I have decide to withdraw ice explosion "

opening her right eye a little she look at me for a while as she said

"choose some thing else kiddo, Ice Explosion is very limited at arsenal, it litterly can't do anything until you touch your opponent, so choose some thing else"

"Thank you very much, but i will take my chance " 'are you kidding me its a perfect match with the skill on scroll '

"YOU .... Whatever it's not like i care, DO what you want ..... Specific of the techniques will be send to your watch in a while, please remember that you cannot disclose this Technique to someone else or you would be expelled not only from the academy but from the city toooo... Now go away"

Getting out of the building I soon reached recived a notification that Ice Explosion was recived. Soon i reached my classroom as there was still 10 minute remaining before the class start so classroom was a little lively as students talks about their newly acquired Techniques

"Hey Izumi you came on a right time, How about going with me to the Skill distribution center after the class " seeing Izumi walks in Atarox waves his claw like hand in the air.

"ah..... The thing is I have already choose my Technique just now"

"Well .... guess I will have to go alone now as Rin has also selected her skill" Atarox said while hanging his head low

"You know if you want to, I can go with you" Seeing Atarox long face Izumi relpied

"NO you don't have i will just go with my brother"

"Suit yourself " Saying that Izumi soon walks towards his seat

Seeing Isokhi Sitting next to his seat, Izumi mouth twitched as he gaze at Isokhi with fire in his eyes

Soon Gentoki enters the class, swiping his gaze on the students

"I suppose many of you might have already choose your technique, those who hasn't should get it after the class as a new subject has been added to your course, which will be taken by MR.wright this class will consist of biology of demons, like inner structure of demon, how many types of demons there, their abilities and counter measurement and many more things will be discussed in this class. and beleive me you won't wanna be get late for that class"

" we were previously discussing about dungeon desync, it happen when the connection of a dungeon was cut off from the real world, though it doesn't happen often but when it happen we lost connection with that dungeons and anyone inside of it at the time of desync ....."

After the lecture we soon reached our training ground