
Hand to hand Combat Tranning

[Info dumb

Beast race... Although it's called a race, only those who has ability to transform in human can be consider a member of beast race, except those , the low level beast were hunted and used as resources by other races mostly humans as bones of these beasts can be used to forged weapons, blood and other ingredient were used for drug making and many other useful things just like demons now a day]

In a spacious hall children were sitting on the ground standing infront of them stood a single man with orange haired, wearing tight fitting cloths , through which you can easily see his bulging muscles

"Hello everyone welcome to hand to hand combat lesson for beginners, I will demonstrate some moves, It is up to you to learn them and figure how to use them in fight,"

"But Professor Theodore If we have abilities why would we need to learn hand to hand combat"

"Yeah lets say I am very tired and can't use my ability, surely guns would be a better option right"

Students started to silently laugh and mock Theodore

" oh .... so you all thing this lesson is useless huh"

Saying that Theodore ripped off, the top of his clothing Revaling a skin tight armor.

"You all should know that, these weapons are useless in front of demons, at most it will only be able to knock the lowest level demons, however when using a Demon or beast gears, The higher the level of gear you have the higher the level of power you can demonstrate" the armor around Theodore started to heat up as red light started to appear in it

"Right know if i were to through a punch, I can instantly destroy this hole hall"

At this time student realize that a powerful pressure has descend upon them, as if the gravity has suddenly increase by several times

"Now lets start our lesson" Releasing the pressure Theodore explain

"Throwing a fist randomly is useless until you put a weight behind your fist" Looking at his students "SO for today lesson I will need a volunteer" until his head stopped at certain someone

"Rhaast how about having a spar with me"

Out of all the students Theodore choose Rhaast but no one seems to be surprise of it as he was the only one who can really fight with hands in their class

Theodore and Rhaast were standing at opposite ends of the platform. "Now for this session once again I would like you all to not use any of your abilities, later on, we will try to learn how to combine your abilities with your fists to make more of an impact but for now forget about it" Theo explain as he looked towards Rhasst "now come at me "

" Hey Atarox will your brother will be okay" Ren asked while looking at the platform

"I admit" Atarox said " that Rhaast is stronger, possibly no one in our class can beat him yet, but we were only students nothing compares to them"

Rhaast dash towards theo with an incredible speed and punched at his face

"He's fast" seeing Rhaast moved towards theo , students compliment the fight

However Theo was able to quickly avoid that punch by moving his head to the side. missing his target once Rhaast goes for a grab from behind, he hoped to throw theo on the ground but... the man has already pivoted his foot and make a spin as his other leg manage to kick Rhaast Right in the head

force of that strike cause Rhaast to fall on the ground.

Though it might look like heavy hit but it did not cause Rhaast any damage, standing up he soon went in to fighting stance again but every time his attacks would come close, Theo would block aur deflect it using his hands, while attaching theo use's his legs

"ok that's enough" Theo said

Rhaast was now huffing and puffing for air, Through out the fight Theo fighting style charms many of students as stars appears in their eyes

"What you have witness is a Martial art Style with a mix of taekwondo in it

Theo then looked at the crowed of students " Now all of you will come at me one by one , SO who will come first"

All of the students were nervous as most of them only know how to use their ability and nothing about hand to hand fight



Out of the crowed two hands were raised belonging to Izumi and Isokhi

"Ahhh..... oea Isokhi i was the first to raise my hand so back away shoooo shoooo" Izumi said as he wave his hand at Isokhi

"Huh? Did you guys hears that, I think a dog is barking "

"Who The Hell you called a Dog" Izumi said while rolling his sleeves

"Obiously it you idiot" Isokhi replied with a straight face as if he was stating the fact

"SHUT UP YOU TWO come at me together"

3 hour later

Cires of pain could be heard from all over the hall as everyone has gone through the practice, but there was Two students whom were in worse state than others as both of their eyes has become PANDA EYES , face were swallowed , and their nose were bleeding

. . .. . . . . . . .

After the class we got a 30 min break before MR.Wright's class as i was sitting in mess eating my Lunch, suddenly something appear in field of vision


[ Binding completed]

[Welcome Host To the Lost Eternal System, as this system will help you to become strongest in the whole world]

Seeing the panel appear infront of me out of nowhere I was stunned, I wave my hand infront of me as my hand soon passed through it ,

"What is it?" Izumi mumbled to himself

[Replying to host, I am a system design to help its wielder to reach the apex of world ]

"apex of world..., so who the hell is he, who is playing prank with come out " Izumi shouted as he stands up

".... dude what happen to you all of sudden " sitting to the other side of table Atarox said while looking at their surroundings

"Just look at it yourself " Izumi said while pointing infront of him


"Dude what am i suppose to look at there is nothing there "

hearing what Atarox said Izumi tried to calm down as he considerate what truly happening with him


[ Daily task initiated

Run :10km

Push ups : 100

Climbing : 500 meters

Task completion rewards = 50 points

Punishment will be inflicted on failure ]