
Biology Class

[ Daily task initiated

Run :10km

Push ups : 100

Climbing : 500 meters

Task completion rewards = 50 points , 1 stat point

Punishment will be inflicted on failure ]

Some text appears in front of Izumi


could something in my head really be broken. well there was condiotion in which people who has gone through a major trauma in their life started to hallucinate.

However nothing like that happen to me.. Too many weird things were happening with him today

'What if'

There was a chance that all the things not really a prank, when he thought of that his head started to felt clearer

'Fine, I will take my chances'

So how do i operate this thing i can't seems to have touch it

'ahh.... Right speak in your mind Izumi'



A screen appear in front of Izumi with some icon on it namely ' Quest ' ' status ' while rest of the space was grey


[ Host : Izumi Kurosaki

Rank : E

Mana/Chakra: 200

Strength: 22

Stamina: 23

Agility: 23

Intelligence: 19

Prespection: 15

( Available point to distribute: 0)




The states he saw were quite similar to those characters in game

Are these my stats????



[Daily Quest: available

Running, 10km: Incomplete

Push ups, 100: Incomplete

Climbing, 500 meters: Incomplete

#Warning in-completion of daily task will result in appropriate level of punishment]

Izumi was speechless after seing this

"haha...ha Seriously man so much for reaching the apex of world"

TO think that the Grand sounding system and quest were just some physical exercise

"as if someone can become stronger by doing that"

Well it really sound funny though

"urgh whatever I should not think about crazy suff"

Izumi averted his attention on his food

"oye Izumi class is about to start lets go"

- - - - - - - - -

A old man with a long white bread with wrinkles on his face can be seen sitting on a chair, infront of him stood a young man wearing White and black kimono, with a Katana hanging by his side

"Old man i am still against it, Letting wright teach student? You of all peoples know what type of person he is, practically he is a mad scientist even living people are just a subject to him waiting to be experimented, hell he has even experimented on his own body , in my opinion we should not let him teach students"

Sighning slightly drake replied

"Do you have anyone in mind who is better than him in this department ?"


"No Buts i know what i am doing, Wright might be little too serious about his work but he knows when to stop so no more discussion on this topic"

. . . . . . . .

Atarox and IZumi soon reached the Department of research and development

Looking around they soon enter the lab with some of students already present in it

tap tap tap

Approching from the left side of lab was Mr.wright

"Ooooo .... look likes almost everyone is here so lets start today lesson. Bring it here "

As soon as Wright spoke a stretcher was pulled inside the lab with a white cloth on it by two peoples wearing white coat



"Tha... That thing? "

As Wright pulled the curtain off, a demon can be seen on the stretcher shackled completely

"This one here is a low level demon called 'The crawler' , in today lecture we are going to inspect the inner structure of this demon ....Yes"

Mikasa raise her hand in the middle of wright speech

"Sir .....I think this demon is alive "

"So what, don't interrupt me for these stupid question.... SO where were we ah right inspect the inner structure of demon and see how they will react to different treatments"

picking up a Scalpel wright made a big, deep cut right in middle of the demon stomach

as soon as the cut was made green blood started to flow out from the wound, inserting his hand in the stomach wright pulled out some intestines


as the intestines were pulled out demon woke up as the effect of anesthesia was not able to ignore the pain from his intestines being pull out,

poor thing was not able to move due to its binding it can only scream

Ignoring the screams and the deathly pale faces of student Wright continue with his lecture

"AS we all know demons have powerful bodies than humans, not only their bodies were tough, their inner structure is also alot different than humans, just loot at these intestines "saying that wright shook the blood off them "they are way bigger than a any race out there, helping them digest a whole man completely"

Looking at the pale faces of students in front of him wright smile creepily as he clap

"clap now now don't make that faces , and concentrate on the lecture"

"you know a fun fact..... a demon can't die until you destroy their heart completely" saying that wright thrust his hand in demon body as he fork out his still beating heart


thump thump

only Sound of heart beating and the painful cries of demon could be heard in the whole classroom

"AS you can see i have pulled his heart out but that thing still breathing, ...not until you crushed it all" saying so he crushed the beating heart in his hand as the meat paste splash on some students face



Not being able to hold any longer some of students Throw up, while some directly fainted with foam coming from their mouth

Even Isokhi, Atarox , Ren, Mikasa and Izumi faces were pales , paler than they can be

Soon the demon drop lifelessly on the stretcher

"Ahhh what a pity he died .... believe it or not one day everyone of us is going to die, and turn to a cold ........motionless corp just this now lets continue"


Late at night Izumi was sitting in his room thinking what happen today

That was the first life i have seen been taken infront of me , i can't describe my feelings, its terrible i guess ..... but i also know that it was necessary, I mean if i was infront of demon he would surely have killed me with out a second though, between a demon or me , its either me or demon whose gotta live


[You have failed to complete your daily Quest. You will be transfer to the penalty zone for an extended period of time]

With the sound of notification Izumi was suddenly surrounded by darkness

"huh... NANI ? "