

In a hospital room, Izumi could be seen lying on a bed, still in a deep sleep


[Daily quest is now available.]

With the sound of notification, Izumi eyes shot open as he glance towards the lines of text floating in the corner of his vision

[Daily quest: journey to become the strongest starts

push ups, 100 times: incomplete

Sits ups, 100 times: incomplte

Run, 15KM: Incomplete

*Warning incompletion of daily quest will result in appropriate level of punishment]

"It's the same thing again" Izumi groans, well he has already learned his lesson as long as he doesn't wants to experience the same thing again he will do the quest

He soon got down the ground and started to push ups




He can see that the push ups has been counted in the real time

[ push ups,(3/100) incomplete]

He try to come back halfway through a push up but noticed that it didn't got counted down

Half a hour later

[push ups (100/100)completed]

[sits ups (100/100) completed]

now I only need to run, looking around the hospital room, he started to run around it

[Run, (5km/10km) incomplete]

[Run,(10km/10km) completed]

Izumi fell down to his knees, his breath reeked, as his face and back was covered in sweat

"Pant.... pant ....pant"

As he try to regulate his breathing a familiar sound rang in his ears.


[You have completed your daily quest]

[Do you want to retrieve your reward]


Curiosity got the best of him as he replied



[Following Rewards are available.]

Reward 1. Two Additional stat point

Reward 2. A random gift box

[would you like you collect them all?]


A status window appear in front of him

[ Host : Izumi Kurosaki

Rank : E

Mana/Chakra: 200

Strength: 22

Stamina: 23

Agility: 23

Intelligence: 19

Prespection: 15

( Available point to distribute: 2)




'I am sure this means i can increase one of my stats by 2 point'

He has some clues about, what strength, Agility and stamina is about but what about intelligence, and prespection could it's really possible to increase something by adding point into it

'lets find out, Add 2 points to strength'


[Strength increase by 2 points]

[ Host : Izumi Kurosaki

Rank : E

Mana/Chakra: 200

Strength: 24

Stamina: 23

Agility: 23

Intelligence: 19

Prespection: 15

( Available point to distribute: 0)




Why? strength you ask? Simple because he wants to confirm if it really work the way, he thinks it is. And there is no better way to find it, by adding point to strength, so that he can feel the physical change immediately


After adding the points he didn't feel anything at all

The only change he can feel is that the Strength stat in his status screen change from 22 to 24 nothing else

"That's it? why can't i feel as describe in the games or novals, like feeling a current and warm flow in his body, wasn't he supposed to feel his entire being filled with power.

'I should have tested my strength before adding points'

Suddenly he remember something from yesterday. skipping through the Reward menu he soon find it

[Would you like to retrieve your reward from the penalty quest?]



Reward 1: 1 Additional stat point

Reward 2: A random Gift box]

Looking around he stood before a table made of heavy marble in-front of him, lifted it using his hand, and manage to lift it a little above him


'Now..... Add point to strength'


[one point added to your strength]

Trying to lift the table again, This time he manage to lift it a little more above the ground

"Yosh.... it look like it really did work, ahh right those gift box"

As soon as he thought of that 2 box appears in-front of him

opening the first box he was speechless, looking at the round object infront of him

"A mp3 player?...."

opening the second he was speechless again 'Headphones?.... what the heck'

'Well atleast now i can listen to some music'

Wearing the headphones getting out of the hospital room, he started walking towards his droom

"O boya.... How are you feeling now?" halfway through the hospital a voice called out to him, Turning around he can see a lady doctor in white coat walking toward him

"I am okay, feels great..... by the way how i got in here?"

The lady scan izumi from up and down and replied after a moment "you were brought here by gentoki-san and 2 students, you were really exhausted at that time, could you mind telling me what you did to be this exhausted?"

"kahumm I just train in my new technique but somehow ended up over using it and exhausted my mana, hence this situation occurred" Izumi lied with a straight face

looking at izumi squinting her eyes she said " okay you can go but Remember to be cautious when training again"

Saying goodbye izumi started to walk away

Looking at the Izumi fading back the lady put a finger on her chin 'hohhhhh, just what is he trying to hide, though his is performance was good but i can still tell from his eyes that he was lying.... well it's not like i care about it'


In a building's room decorated with lots of painting, red carpet was laid on the floor, Three figures could be seen sitting on a three sided table

One being an old man with a long white bread, other wearing a black lab coat with a gas mask on his face, while the last one was wearing half black and half white kimonos, with a katana to his side.

Obviously these figures are Drake(dean), Wright and Gentoki respectively

"Old man, I had already warned you about him, but you still insisted to let him teach, now look at what he has done, THEY WERE 12 YEARS OLD KIDS AND HE...... sigh some of the kids still could not got out of the trauma he has put them through," Gentoki pointed towards Wright "you can't let him continue like this"

"Gentoki-kun don't teach me how to do my work, I bloody hell know what i am doing" folding his hands infront of his chest wright said with a calm face

"You are destroying them, nothing else"

"The world we live in, is a cruel world Gentoki-kun, here the law of jungle prevails either you kill the prey or the prey kills you, that's it ........ They needed to know that"

Standing up Gentoki yell "Fuck They are just 12 year old, They have their whole life infront of them, isn't I here, until I remain standing no one shall think about hurting my students"

"After All that you have been through Gentoki-kun,..... you are still as naive as ever before, learn to be a little ruthless, you wouldn't have lost all of them if you were a little ruthless Gentoki-kun" Wright said maintaining the same attitude

"What did you say you" putting his hand on katana's handle Gentoki said "say that again and you will not have a tongue to speak again"


"ENOUGH," slaming his hand on the table drake said "Gentoki what wright said is right, This is a dangerous world, and they need to adept to bloodshed sooner or later"

"BUT....." Gentoki spoke

"But Wright you did a go a little over the line here" Not letting Gentoki sopke Drake continue "They are after all kids, and a sudden change like that may have the opposite reaction than you are hoping to achieve..... so Wright you are in wrong here,"

"You are right dean, i will take care to not to over to it again," Wright replied

"Swear it" Gentoki sopke

"What?" Wright looked confused at Gentoki

"Swear it on your head," placing his hand on the hilt as a peculiar pressure started to spread in the room "Which I will take if you broke it"


An other pressure decend in the room clashing with the other

"Ohhh are you threatening me Gentoki-kun, It so happen that i want to experience that so called wuju Technique of your" Looking at gentoki a strange light flashes in Wright eyes


A low Roar escapes from Drake's mouth as a pressure way more powerful than the previous two descend neturlizing the other two's

"YOU TWO......... Did you take me for an air"

Both Gentoki and Wright were almost suffocated by that pressure, Their breathing become rigid as sweat started to drench their back

"Get out" saying that Drake wave his Right arm

Floosh Floosh

Both of them were thrown out of the room by different windows

"As always that old man is strong"

"Sigh........I always wonder how it feels.... to stand at the pinnacle of this world, as one of being closesed to SS Rank "

Landing outside the building both Gentoki and Wright thought