

In the outside world somewhere in the Oracian clan territory, Otherwise known as 'The forgotten Ancestral Shrine'

This place was one of the forbidden places of Oracian clan, Though it was said that something of great value was hidden beneath the Ancestral ground by the Ancestors of Oracian clan something that has power to change the world itself but after years of searching and digging the place upside down the the decedent of Oracian clan found nothing.....You heard it right nothing at all

At The moment this forbidden place was littered with corps, some missing there limbs, some missing there heads while some were divided in two pieces cut right through the middle a man was walking down the streets of this forbidden ground walking on the blood painted road

The man in question has little Black pointy hairs, black eyes and a very attractive face with a trimmed Jawline.

But at this moment this man was covered in blood, Though looking at him one might think that he was gravely injured but not a drop of blood on his body was his own rather it belong to the corps that littered the ground slain by him

Infront of a blooded figure of an old man can be seen standing by supporting his weight on his spear, his cloth were tattered, blood was flowing through all over his body as deep cuts could be seen everywhere on him

"Kuro.....saki hehehehe To think that you survive... after... all that. Patriarch really picked a diamond from the mud that night but...sigh its a pity "

That's right the man was Isshin kurosaki, Izumi's father

"Alucard, just get out of my way.... I don't want to kill you, After all your are the only one I respect a little in the whole Oracian clan after the death of my father" Isshin said as he lowered his sword that was pointing towards Alucard


"Hahahahah are you joking kiddo," Striking his spear on the ground Alucard shouted "I have sworn to protect this place after the death of Patriarch's death, If you was here to pay him a visit i would have welcome you with open arms no matter what enmity you have with clan, but....

That is not the case here, I can tell from your eyes that the reason you are here is not to visit your father grave but for something else.... entirely" Looking beep into Isshin eyes

"SO, if you want to pass from here you have to kill this old man first"

shua shua

Golden flames started to burn on Alucard body as his mussels swelled up noticeably. Thrusting his spear he charge, Towards isshin


The eye balls in isshin eyes started to spin


Their color change from Black to Red, as weird pattern started to appear in his eyes


Da-bump Da-bump

Spear stopped an inch away from Isshin eye, as beating of heart could be heard

Pausing absurdly Alucard look down toward his chest ... A small hole could seen there as blood flowed out


In his last moment from falling down to the ground Alcuard can see a heat thumping in the hand of Isshin 'So this is the weird power of his eyes, I didn't even feel anything..... a pity.... If only .... if only he was...the real.....blood...'

Sitting down, closing the eyes of Alucard, Isshin sigh

Looking towards the east side of the forbidden ground where the tomb of previous patriarch's laid, He started to walk towards it


Getting down in the tomb site isshin soon got infront of newly build tomb "Maxims Oracian 277th Patriarch of THE GREAT ORACIAN CLAN" could be seen written on it.

Getting down on his knees, his head soon strike the hard floor infront of the tomb


As blood started to flow from his forehead painting the ground in red..

"It's not the flesh and blood, But the heart that makes us father and son, without you I wouldn't be here where I'm today.

Grief, is the price i have paid for your love, But If i got a second chance i would still choose you to be my father, Thank you for raising me, Thank you for all the love you have given me, Rest in peace father, because the outside wouldn't "

"And don't worry i will not kill anyone innocent from the clan, BUT those responsible.....has to pay"

Standing up, his face turned dead serious, he walks away

"Now Then where was it again?"

In a underground room in front of a shrine isshin stood silently silently gazing at the shrine

"All this time, Those monkies were searching for that thing in all over the Ancestral Shrine, while the secret lay infront of them, but... There is a little trick" Saying that Isshin fetch a bottle from his storage Ring, containing some Purple liquid

As soon the bottle was out, A scary presence appeared in the air above, Creepy howls could be heard, Ignoring all of that isshin gaze at the bottle

"The Blood of Demon king"

He throw it on the shrine


As soon as the purple blood flow down on the shrine, it started to glow as words started to appear


Reading what was written on it Isshin was stunned for a very very long time, his back was already drenched with sweat as one word escape his mouth


Soon the words disappered as the room returned to its usual silence

Caw Caw

A Raven appeared on Isshin shoulder, but the weird thing about this Raven is that, it has two eyes in a row on both sides of it face, which were Red with a dot of black in the middle

Ceasing the head of Raven with his finger isshin said "It's been a long time old friend, Call them all, let them know that I'm back...."


The Raven caw and flew off towards the exit


1 day later

In the main headquarters of oracian clan, in a meeting 5 figures could be seen sitting around the round table discussing something when the door of the meeting room was kicked open by a middle age men


The men sitting around the round table frown as they glance at the new arrival with a displeased expression

"Asitoki if you weren't the son of first elder, I would have beheaded you right at the moment" An old man with bald head and wrinkled face said while pointing towards an other old man

"Calm down 2nd brother, I know my child the best he wouldn't have done something like that if there wasn't an emergency"Looking towards his son an old man with a robotus build asked "What happen Asitoki"

Asitoki looked towards the five old man as he bow "Forgive my insolence elders, but this is a serious issue, That needed your attention"

"Mhmmm Go on"

"Yes, The Forbidden ground of our oracian clan was attacked..."

"So? what there to worry about, Alucard was there and you of all peoples should know his powers, He was the bodyguard of late patriarch, he an S Rank hero, Even if the opponent was a little stronger than him he should be able to hold on for 3 days, just send some reinforcement and get rid of the intruders" An other old man with having a long goatee said with a carefree attitude "This reason is not enough for you to barrage into meeting room like this"

"Fourth elder, Acutally the Thing is that........ Aluc....ard....he.... is dead"Asitoki said while swallowing his salva


All of the five Figure stood up from there seats in astonishment

"Who could have killed Alucard, not many are alive in this worlds who can actually do this, unless "

"Unless he was surrounded by more than one S Ranks Warriors"

"That must be the work of soul race bastards"

A heated debate was started on this topic by the five elder

'Are they for real? They haven't even listen fully and already are making assumptions ' Asitoki though with a weird expression on his face, he was speechless by their behavior, gathering up his courage he shouted in a breath

"Alucard was not ambushed or ganged up by the soul race, we can only find the chakra signature of ONE person in the Ancestral Shrine"

As soon as Asitoki said that whole room was enflug by silence for a moment and then the fourth elder said

"Are you sure, its only one?, and why the hell are you only telling this now, you should have told this sooner you idiot"

'Ahhh how can i be at fault at this, you guys were the one who were so excited just now' Asitoki

"Who can it be?"

"In my view we don't have any enmity with someone of that level of power"

"NO, you are fogetting someone second brother"

"WHAT?..... It can't be the soul king we have treaty sign by the Ancestors that no one having that level of power can join the war between us, and he is not foolish enough to break this treaty, he knows that once this treaty was broken an all out war will take place between both of us, Oracian clan and soul Race, Asitoki you said you found the chakra signature of that person, did you match it with our database?" First elder asked

"Yes father, i did and....glup...It matches one" Asitoki said as he gulped

"Whose?" The third elder who was silent all this Time suddenly said

looking toward the Faces of elders,Asitoki know that these faces would soon became the ugliest faces on the earth as soon as he said the name, mustering some courage from with in he said

"Kurosaki......Isshin kurosaki"


the table was destroyed by a punch from 3rd Elder as veins popes up from his skin like snakes were crawling through underneath his skin as he howled


he was supposed to be dead, how can he come back, HOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"