
First Dungeon visit

"Ne.... ne Izumi kun, Tell me how do you manage to increase your hight, and you look handsome from before too, What type of cream are you using, Tell meeee" Rin was constantly bugging Izumi, as he was surrounded by a crowed of girls. looking at him you can see that Izumi has gotten taller than he was a month ago, with broad shoulders, and a face more developed from before

Yeah right, it's been a month since izumi got that system, and he's being doing those daily quests regularly. And after month of assigning stat point, his body has gone through visible change

The most eye catching change was drastic increase in his muscle, the normal flabby fresh of twelve year old was replaced by hard muscles, thanks to that his shoulder has grown visibly and his overall frame has grown a bit

By muscles I mean he has grown necessary amount of muscles in the necessary places, If i was to describe the impression of his body at first look it would be kinda like ' A athletic body'

Though he was twelve years old but quiet a few girls of his class already develop a crush on him in this past month

Just as Izumi was having a headache from all that Drama a voice travel through out the class

"Everyone on your seats, we will start today roll call" With that Gentoki enters the class

Seeing Gentoki-Sensei Izumi was elated as of now he will be able to enjoy some quality time without having someone disturbing him


Izumi called out in his mind



Name: Izumi kurosaki

Rank: Middle E-Rank

Hp: 200

Mp: 400

Strength: 35

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 36

Prespection: 30

(Available point to distribute: 8)


Spiralling Flash: (Level 1: teleport within 20 meters, Telepotation cost 200 Points of mana)

Ice explosion: (Level 1: Skill cost a specific points of mana according to the object it is used on)


' i have invested my stat points, almost equally, i like to have everything balances, so ....

soon the roll call was finished

"Well than, good to see everyone here, again .....today we will not be having any class"

Snapping me out of my though was the voice of Gentoki-Sensei as soon as he said that a cheers exploded in the class

"Yeah hoooo, Finaly we don't have to attend that Creepy class of Mr.Wright" A blue haired boy with said with a look of relief

"Ato... Sensei, what we will be doing if not attending classes" A girl said while munching on a chewgum

Ignoring the munching of the girl Gentoki flash a smile and said "WE Will be visiting a dungeon today,"


The class was silent for a moment before cheers erupted inthe whole class

"Yeah, finaly some action"

"I'm looking forward to my first fight, wahhh my hands are already shaking with excitement"

The whole class was in heated debate as some were nervous, while other were excited and some were scared a little

thump thump

Striking the desk Gentoki said "listen to me carfully, as i will not repeat myself,...Every student will be send separately into the dungeon, keep in mind that it's a very vast dungeon with five region, with one being in the center of other four, everyone will be transported in one of the surrounded four regions, Your have some task you needed to fulfill in order to pass

1 Kill atleast 5 E-Rank demons in order to pass,

2 Reach the center of central region in 5 days

3 Collect as many badges as you can

"now i am sure everyone of you understand first two points,as for the third.... I will explain to you when we reach the dungeon site, Now line up and follow me" saying that Gentoki walks out of the class with the whole class behind him


East side of Academy

Izumi pov

We were all walking down the road towards the east side of academy, as this place is forbidden from entry, unless you were asked to, No one was allowed to visit this place

They say that some of the most important sites of dungeon are present in this place in the whole academy including an S rank dungeon, On the way Gentoki sensei has already told us that the dungeon we are going to visit is gonna be a Rank D dungeon, The lowest level dungeon available in this academy, Rank D dungeon is also the lowest rank dungeon available in this world, peoples whose potential was only F or E Rank Usually visit a Rank D dungeon with a party of minimum 50 person to earn livelihood

Well, walking around i can see a lot of persons with their equipment walking in different directions, probably going to visit a dungeon

If you ask me how I'm feeling right know? mhmmmmm... I would say I'm a little bit excited about my first dungeon hunt, In the past month I have been through a lot of combat classes, and even manage to practice two techniques, Spiralling Flash and Ice explosion

The weird thing was that as soon as i perform these techniques the first time, This weird system interference appeared

[Congratulation you have learned Spiralling flash and Ice explosion]

Except the stat point and this haven't find any use of this thing until now.

Back to the techniques again, so when I first perform the Spir...alling flash, Man what a hard word this is, yosh i have decided to only call this technique 'Flash' from now on, So to perform this move, I would first have to condense a seal using my chakra and leave it on something then using this seal as a medium i can teleport to that thing, well as of right now i can only teleport with in 20 meters radius, meaning after condensing the seal i can teleport to that thing, if that specific thing is with in 20 meter radius of me

As for ice explosion i have tried it on some stones, frogs and tree branches, ... And the result....hehehe it was quite fascinating,

well in the process of converting chakra in ice, I .....somehow was able to weild this element to do some little tricks, except than making bombs. like making arrows of ice, ice darts, freeze something, according to logic I shouldn't be able to do this as this can be considered a type of techniques though a rather low level, but techniques are still technique and i shouldn't be able to make them with out proper guidence

But after consulting with Gentoki sensei I got my answer to this question was

"Izumi, your ice chakra nature isn't an ordinary type of ice but it's black Tier, And one of the benefits of having a black tier was to have a little control over that element so being able to perform these techniques isn't surprise at all, but you can do even better than that if you put your mind to it" was what he said

"STOP, we have our destination"

snapping me out of my though was the voice of Gentoki sensei, Though i have seen the door of dungeon many times in TV. But this was the first time I'm seeing it in real life so I'm feeling a little nervous

As i looked up the scene i saw left me speechless

At the end of road i can see it. At least a 12 meter long and 5 meter wide, a circular Bend in space having blue color.

A strange pressure was emitting from this passage as a deathly environment surrounded this place all the trees and grass surrounding this circle were chard black as if there life was sucked dry from them