

Guarding the gate was a battalion of guards that employed advanced detection technologies. A dungeon had one entrance point and only one exit except and in some rare cases in which it may have one or more than one exits but still only one entrance

"Now everyone i shall take my leave, in a moment someone will come for who will tell you about rules of this test, Goodbye then" Waving his hand towards the kids Gentoki soon vanished from the view

"Who do you think will win?"

"Is there even a need to ask, Rhaast is defiantly going to win, after all he is currently the strongest in the class"

"Heh... and how do you know that, its not like anybody in our class has fight him before"

"Can't you tell by simply looking at him, look he look so imitating just by standing in there, and he even has fangs, imagine yourself being caught in those fangs"

an image of his head being held by Rhaast sharp jaw appears in the student mind as he shuddered looking fearfully towards Rhaast

Rhaast suddenly feels someone looking at him intensively as he look around he spotted a student looking at him with a weird expression "Mhmm?"

Rhaast frown and looked at the student sternly, but after some time he look away returning to his cold motionless face

Feeling the intense gaze of Rhaast the boy find himself being weighted down with an explainable pressure as his back soon got drenched by sweat

Soon the square got nosier as more and more students started to talk

"Silence" Suddenly a loud and clear voice echoed

Looking at the source, everybody couldn't help but stare blankly. They saw a dozen of silhouettes appears on the high platform in the square.

Most of them were young's around the age of 22 to 25, both man and women. But the most noticeable among them was their leader. A beautiful female

The female was wearing a red, skintight dress and it outlined her alluring curves. Especially under the dress, there were two straight, snow-white legs, and it could be said that they were perfect.

Not only was her body attractive, her appearance was also extremely lovely. With round eyes, red lips, and an oval face, it was just like a fox face.

Stepping forward she charmingly smile towards the student and said gently "My name is Sofia Fullbuster, 10 years ago we also stands at the same place where you are standing right now, as a former student of this academy and a instructor this is my duty to guide you all through this test.

So there are some rules in this test that you all have to follow, if anyone of you got unconscious in the dungeon a safety feature will be activated with in their watch which will transport them back to the dungeon entrance " picking up an token from the table beside her she said " This token will be given to every student before going into the dungeon, in case of any emergencies just channel your chakra in to this token and a blue barrier will form around you which will protect you from any attack below Rank C,

But be careful with it as soon as this token is activated a signal will be send to one of us and in a short moment you will be brought out from the dungeon, means that you will no longer be qualified to continue the test

Second with this you all will also be given a badge, which you all have to protect with all you got, AS you are allowed to fight eachother and plunder the badges at the end of exam, the one who got the most numbers of badges will be awarded with a C Rank skill

As you may know that in order to pass, you will have to kill at least 5 E-Rank demons, But this is the bare minimum requirement, and the one who manage to kill the most numbers of demons will be rewarded a Rank-C beat weapon

Third this dungeon has a central region surrounded by the other fours, you will be transported with in these four region and your goal is to reach the center of central region in five days . The first one to reach there will be rewarded with a Saint spirit grass."

"Whattt..... I didn't hear wrong right a Rank-C skill and weapon and a saint spirit grass also?"

"Forget about the skill and weapon as the saint spirit grass is already very precious"

"Yes, you right anyone standing on the pinnacle of Rank-E can consume it and directly and step in Rank-D, which is a huge boost in powers"

"Silence .... now all of you form a line and choose a weapon for yourself as your first visit to the dungeon, D-rank beast weapon will be provided by the academy this time only, you have to return them after the exam though" saying that Sofia clap her hand as weapons were carried to the platform by the peoples behind her

There were all sorts of weapons present there knives, swords, hallbread, spears, blade rings, Throwing knives, Whips, crossbow, Katana, even a scythe and many more

Students soon formed a line and started to select there respective weapons Isokhi choose two curve blades, Ren chooses a short sword, Atarox chooses a scythe while his big brother Rhaast chooses a long sword, Mikasa chooses a whip with a blade attached to its end

While Izumi chooses a katana and two short throwing knifes

soon everyone was handed down the badges and token too

"Now everyone what are you waiting for? Didn't you want to start your first adventure now? Sofia asked while smiling towards the students who were still staring blankly towards her


At that moment, endless cheers resonated as the students were like wild horses who got rid of its reins as they all rushed towards the huge gate.

Izumi went along with the flow of people and continued forward. Finally, they entered a dungeon gate.

His view was darkened as the feeling of weightlessness hit him. soon he find himself in a cave with some other student, Looking around the dark cave with caution

"Go for the Saint spirit grass go~~~"

No one knew who shouted but hearing this students started to run towards the only source of light present in the cave some distance away, They knew that there was danger but they still went ahead by themselves and didn't even look back.

The cave was very vast but it was very dark in there. The field of vision was extremely low.

*whoosh whoosh whoosh*

But after going ahead for a hundred meters, whooshing sounds came in front and endless amounts of silver needles were shot out from the wall, and they shot towards the crowds as if it was rain.



In an instant, all sorts of cries echoed. The students that rushed in front were caught off guard and over half of them fell.

Regardless, students still continued forward and they did not have any traces of retreating. They madly ran deeper into the cave.

Although the silver needle was strong, it wouldn't kill, and they knew that. After all, it was only a mechanism and to the people that were atleast F-Rank, they could dodge it as long as they were careful.

As they continued to go in deeper, the silver needles also got denser and denser and the students that they hit were usually caught off guard.

In situations like those, the crowds quickly distanced themselves. The students who were running at the front were no longer people who came hoping they would pass in the confusion. They were strong people such as the two young fellows walking ahead of everyone

one being Rhaast and other being Mikasa

As they walked in the storm-like needles, they needed to be extremely careful.

But it was as though they were leveling the ground with their shoes and it didn't look like they were running through mechanisms at all. They were simply people in a running race

Izumi was walking right behind those two easily dodging the silver needles. it was all because his prespecption stat reaching the value of 30 he was easily able to predict the direction of silver needle and dodging it easily in the process

Izumi tilted his head a little as a silver needle flash right beside his face

"Tch... so much for the class strongest person but he can't even out run that girl" A student having blond hairs and lean body said while calling out Rhaast

Looking behind him Rhaast coldly snorted and said "you little shit who the hell are you, If you want to impress a girl then do it on the basis of your own strength, don't drag me in your baby games"

Seeing his motives being caught red handed the boy's face turned red with shame as he pointed towards Rhaast wit his trembling hand "Youuu...."

"Whattt me,.....huh it look like you are angry, ohhh so now what, what are gonna do beat me" pointing towards himself Rhaast said " why don't you try that and see how i deal with you little shit"

"Ahhhh..... Die"

Feeling everyone gaze on him the boy was perplexed but after hearing what Rhaast said the boy went complely insane and in order to save some self-respect he charge at him with a knife in hand

Seeing that the boy was coming towards him izumi step aside to not be tangled in anyone's mess as the boy ran past him

reaching near Rhaast the boy thrust his knife with both hands towards him. Stepping aside Rhaast easily dodge the strike

seeing that his first strike has been dodged the boy tried to retrive his hands in order to deleiver another strike, but before he can do any thing his hands were held tightly with in Rhaast hand as a kick soon find it's way to his chin knocking him unconscious

Before his body can hit the ground, pale blue light shine from his watch as he was teleported back to the entrance


Rhaast might be consider the strongest in the class bu it was only base on some rumers, no one has seen him fighting him before the boy who just fought him was E-Rank, the same rank Rhaast was in but him being defeated with just one move left students gasping

"Hmph Idiots .... even in the same Rank difference exist don't just assume that you will be able to defeat the other if you are of the same rank" Mikasas who was quiet for this whole time spoke then turning around she continue towards the exit

With this the boy become the first person to be eliminated in the test