
Encounter with demon beasts

Everyone was walking through the cave while dodging different traps mechanism

just as everybody was busy dodging the mechanism install in the cave


Izumi who was bored walking around the cave decided to move. He figure went forward in huge strides, and with a whoosh, his entire body was like an arrow leaving a bow as he flew forward.

At that time Rhaast was concentrating on dodging the silver needles. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past him. Without giving any time for him to react, that person disappeared once again.

"Huh?....did someone just pass through me"

Rhaast was stunned at first but looking behind and seeing those dirty faces of other students he soon distracted this thought

The person who successfully left everyone behind, increase his speed further to the maximum

Not only that, his speed and strength, hearing and vision power all surpassed the people who were at the same Rank as him all due to the system he miraculously got

Izumi was surprised with the change in his body, in the academy he hadn't gotten the chance to test his full power but here in the dungeon he can let himself loose a little. That was the reason he decided to get ahead of everyone, to test his current powers

As he ran with flying speed, Izumi finally left the mechanism stage, exited the dark cave,

Blinding light shine upon him making his vision blurry for a moment, as his vision recovered, he find himself ......in A Place of Destruction A dark, smoggy night in the middle of a small city, Demolished buildings, rusted old cars and a road filled with cracks. Izumi was standing in the middle of that road as a light from a street lamp shine upon his figure, chills were running through the streets of this small city.

Suddenly, in the distance, there was a faint booming sound like a drum being beaten. The noise soon started to get louder and louder and louder until all that could be heard was the deafening noise. Even the Ground started to vibrate

Gripping the katana in his hands izumi brought it out from the sheath


The light from the lamp shone on the blade of katana,

Drip Drip Drip

Rain started to pour down making the atmosphere more scary. As izumi was soon drenched in the rain. Some figures slowly appears on the other end of street madly running towards Izum. But due to its been night time there features couldn't be seen properly.

But soon,He could clearly see that the shape of those creatures were similar to tigers but double their sizes.

Their entire body was jet-black and you could see their blade-like claws and ivory, as well as their pairs of blood-red eyes. There were a total of 15 low level demon, That has the intelligence of 3 year old kid

Upon closer inspection, Izumi found out that there were strange lines running down there body, what it was he didn't know, but he can feel from the aura they were emitting, there are at least 10 beast equals to rank F and other 4 were Rank-E while the one in the lead with twice the body from others was A Rank-D

Let's not talk about a Rank-D and Rank-E demons. The strength of a Rank-F demon was stronger than a human or any other race of the same Rank. F-Rank demons could even compare to the warrior of Rank-E

Izumi was completely stunned "Damm, This isn't a joke ...is it" Izumi cursed

"Waa~" Just at that time, one of the Demon Beast growled and cast its gaze towards Izumi

Simultaneously, the gazes of all the demon Beasts were cast towards Izumi as they started to drool.

"Damm it" Izumi was panicking a little as he knew that he would not be able to take all these beasts on. he might be able to defeat one or two E-Rank but if they all attack together he was fated to be lost

Looking around he found a Burned 5 story building with a window on the second floor, but didn't have the time to run for it as the beast were already upon him

Grabbing a throwing knife from his belt, he threw it towards the window


Sound of glass breaking could be heard, as the knife embedded itself in the opposite wall, some strange symbols could be seen on the handle of knife which were not present there before.

Looking around quiet a few demon beast have surrounded him.


A beast Roar as it charge towards izumi and try to bite his neck off


But at the exact time Izumi figure flashes and he disappear from the spot


seeing that their prey has disappeared, the beast Roar from anger, and started to look around in search of their prey

"What is happening here?"

A sound came from the cave beside the road as the Beast attention was dawned towards the sound, Some figures soon appears from the cave

As soon as Rhaast, Mikasa and other students came out from the Cave Their expression change seeing the crowed of beast infront of them


Izumi appeared in the room of second floor right beside the knife, and landed gracefully on the floor.


Pulling the knife out of the wall, Izumi attached it to his belt.

boom baam


sound of battle could be heard from outside, Stepping near the window Izumi can see that the students were engaged in battle with the E and F Rank beast while the one with D-Rank stands behind looking extremely uninterested in the little insects in front of him

While Izumi was looking at the D-rank Demon beast, it suddenly look upward right in the direction of Izumi, his eyes caught the image of Izumi standing near the window...... But after looking for a second it look away as if he was completely not interested in this piece of meat present infront of him

For The moment when the Beast look at Izumi panic surged through him, but seeing that the beast has no plans to purse him he release a sign of relief




Name: Izumi kurosaki

Rank: Middle E-Rank

Hp: 200

Mp/Chakra: 200/400

Strength: 35

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 36

Prespection: 30

(Available point to distribute: 8)


Flash: (Level 1: teleport within 20 meters of the respected object, Telepotation cost 200 Points of mana)

Ice explosion: (Level 1: Skill cost a specific points of mana according to the object it is used on)


With this one use of flash 200 point of Chakra was used leaving Izumi with only half the amount of his original chakra reserve

He will need to find a safe place and restore his chakra, This move cannot save him for long, he has to came up with other means of fighting

On the street outside a lot of students already have a blue barrier surrounded themself and the others who weren't able to activate it were teleported out by the Al

Mikasa was walking down the street as if all of this that is happening has nothing to do with her and the Strangest thing was that no beast block her path instead they make a way for her to pass while rolling around her and moving their tails in a rather cute manner

Looking at the beast rolling around Mikasa to get her attention Izumi was completely speechless and was rather having doubts about the identity of these beast

'Are they really the same beast, who.... just a moment ago were almost about to rip my head off ' despite that izumi knew that it was a skill, An area effected skill actually but due to him being some distance away from her he wasn't effected himself nor that he wanted to get caught in this weird skill

Just imaging himself rolling on the ground with his tongue out of his mouth make his belly cramped

looking at Rhaast who was looming around the corner trying to hide from the beast a naughty smile appears on Izumi face, Picking a brick from aside Izumi throw it on rusted car near Rhaast


A sound vibrated through the street gaining the attention of 2 E-Rank beasts, as They soon spotted Rhaast hiding there


They roar and ran towards him fiercely bumping two rusted cars in the way

"Damm ittt who was it? ...... Don't let me find you you fu*ker" Rhaast cursed as he was soon engage in a fight with those two beast

'hahahahahaha, That's for taking class rep position from me, enjoy the company hehehhe' Izumi laugh with carefree expression


Stepping out of the door Izumi soon reached the top of building, and started to examine this place to get an over view of this place

Looking in the around Izumi can see that this small city was surrounded by huge walls with only the main gate to the west as the only way out of this place. But that very gate was occupied by a Demon beast with a hideous face and a body of pig

Izumi sat down to recover his chakra and started thinking about how to get out from this place