
Survive or ?

Outside a large dome-like building, Izumi was standing planning to go inside of it. As this building is the military base of this city... or was, There he should be able to find some information about this city and if he was lucky enough he might find a map of this place and its surroundings

The front of the dome was an open field filled with all sorts of junk and carter here and there. It looked like a battle had taken place outside this place.

After looking left and right for any beasts nearby and seeing that there were none there, Izumi decided to make a dash for it. But he stooped after reaching the door of building as something caught his eye, Izumi bent down to have a closer look at something lying on the ground.

Ian then dipped his finger into the black Substance. Even though it was slightly dry, it seemed pretty new.


Looking ahead Izumi can see more and more black blood splashed on the ground through the bend door as he came to a conclusion

Something is already inside and what ever it is it's injured it would be fine if it was low level demon but looking at the blooded long foot print he can see that the thing inside walks on two foot

And if he decided to go inside he might face a humanoid demon and these Humanoid demons were more difficult to deal with than others low level


After considering for a moment Izumi decided to go inside the building as the map he might find there is essential for him to leave this region and proceed to the central region

Reaching the end of hallway of the dome Izumi came in front of hanger with a steel door and a password device next to it. The door was military-grade which meant even those with abilities would find it hard to break it down.

"Should I try Ice explosion on it?" Izumi looked around the hanger, the ceiling was high and the roof was made of metal. If he was to use ice explosion in a place like this the sound would just echo out. Which might attract some trouble here

Izumi looked at the password device and press 5 random digits



Surprisingly the door made unlocking sound and swung open

'am I really that Lucky?' Seeing that Izumi was stunned for some time with his mouth wide open as he steeped in the hanger

The room was ..... the very definition of messy with stashes of papers and books all around the place with a control panel to the left with a lots of screen on it

"This might be the security room of the building i might find the way of to the control room here"

Looking around he soon find a drawn map of the building hung on the wall. Taking a look at the map he soon remember all the main roots of this building like storage room, control room, hall etc

and familiarize himself with it

'With this i save a lot of my time and efforts' Izumi though as he step towards the steel door to get out of that place as he put his hand at the handle to open the door his heart skip a beat


"REKKKKKKK" a loud piercing screech that echoed through building

Da bump

'what was that' Izumi though 'why .... why I'm having a feeling of immense danger as if... as if I open this door i would make a grievous mistake'

Still curiosity got the best of him,as he open the door a little and take a peek outside


Outside of the hanger door

a large beast stood outside the hanger, With the body of the human, and claw-like hands, the creature was hunched over. With its eyes closed, it ran forward at an inhuman speed and when it reached the side of the wall, it dug it's the claws in and started to climb

A large wound was present at it chest area, Black blood slowly flow through it

As the creature reach the top of ceiling before smashing the light there with its fists, as the light was taken off the creature was able to open its eyes

Blood red eyes with a mixture of cruelty and insanity in them, That was the first impression he got by seeing this creature eyes.

It let go of the ceiling causing it to fall the ground. The drop was at least 25 meters to the top but as it landed it bent its knees and stand back up as if it has taken no damage from that fall

Landing at the ground the creature looked towards the hanger's gate, preciously at Izumi who was Peeking through the door

"Shittt" a cursed escaped Izumi face as he stepped outside the dooe

Now that he had been discovered there was no need to stay hidden. Izumi went to his belt to touch the Knifes but before he had reached it, the beast was already upon him.

As the beast held out its claw, wrapped it around Izumi neck lifting him above the ground to it's eye level and started to smell him


[A clone of Arch-Duke Rank Demon detected]

[Survival Quest activated:

Task: Host please run for your life

Reward for surviving the immense danger : "Yours Life" , and 15,000 coins

Don't except system to do something for every mess you created, sometime clean your shit yourself, who told you to peek through that door even after I tried to warn you]

Now Izumi knew, form where that feeling to dread came through it was the system warning him but he has this itch to open the door

and now there he was in the claws of a Arch-Duke rank demon......

Demons were divided into ranks low rank demons, middle rank demon, and high rank demon. Except these three doesn't describe the power level of demons, No These three ranks describe the hierarchy of demons the one having the purer bloodline are called High rank demon while the one one having the dullest bloodline is known as Low rank demons.

Power Ranking of Demons were divided into Duke, Marquess, Earl, and Viscount . with duke being equals in power to a S rank warrior and viscount being equals to a C rank warrior and those who were weaker than Viscount rank are considered cannon folders among demon as they doesn't even develop enough intelligence yet for them to be considered a ranked demon

And above Duke demon came ArchDukes who are equals in power to a peak S rank Warrior as every rank is divided in four ranks low, Middle, high and peak in this world


As the grip of the demon got tighter around Izumi neck, Izumi started to feel suffocated as the oxygen was slowly snuffed out from his brain. his mind became a little blurry. Gripping the hand of demon Izumi tried to shake it off with all his might. but he couldn't even manage to loosen it a little


As Izumi was at his wits end the demon open his grip letting Izumi fall on the ground

"Cough cough....haah...haah .....hhaaaahh" Sitting on the ground Izumi started to cough violently and takes in deep breaths

but soon he feels a finger at his chin bringing his face upward, as the face of demon get in his view

The demon was sitting on his legs as it dark red eyes gaze at Izumi with a face that look just like a human but more beautiful than you can consider. If was not for his claw like hands and two teeth pouring out from the sides of his upper jaw you can totally confused him for some celebrity

"Okashii na Anata wa kare no yōna nioi ga shimasu" The demon licked its lips and said something which Izumi doesn't understand at all


[A foreign language detected do you want system to translate it for you]



[host doesn't have enough point to get a translator]

'FUCK YOU, why the hell you even asked for it then' Izumi wanted to curse the useless system more but he didn't have the time for it as the Demon look closely at him while constantly moving his head

Izumi was now feeling like a naked girl standing infront of hungry demon

"Korera no me wa .......watashi no ō no yō ni kare no yō ni subete o hana ni shimasu"pausing for a moment the demon continue "12-Nen mae no ta no ningen dō... Nande ōsama no nioi ga suru no?"

Saying that demon touch the center of Izumi's eyebrows as a red light shine upon Izumi

soon Izumi felt his entire being becoming heavy as his flow of chakra was inflicted, he was not able to move his chakra in his body anylonger

As the demon lifted his body in one hand and started to walk toward the inner part of building as if he was searching for something


[A seal has been placed on the host body disturbing the chakra flow of the host]

[You need 10,000 points to break this seal]

'And how the HELL did i gain those points'

[ By killing peoples and demons and by completing quest given by the system except the daily quest]

'but i didn't get any quest up until now except those daily quest how am i supposed to have the coins'

[You can loan them from system but on the basis of 50% interest on the original amount]

'I accept' Izumi knew that he doesn't have the time for bargaining with the system as he accept this unreal amount of interest

[The unsealing process has been started it will take 10 mins to break the seal]

"Watashi wa anata o watashitoisshoni tsuremodoshimasuga, saisho ni watashi wa mada koko de ikutsu ka no mikansei no bijinesu o motte imasu" The demon said while looking at Izumi as he started to walk toward a specific room in the building


"Put the boy down" but before he can enter that room a voice came from behind the demon as a silhouette appear at the end of the hall way

Wearing a half black and a half white kimono Gentoki was standing there at the end of the small hall way with his katana unsheathe in his right hand

"Tch.... So no yōna doraggu"(Tch.... what a drag) The demon spoke with an annoyed face "Anata-tachi wa watashi ga yosō shite ita yori mo yoku han'nō shimasu....Mā. ... Watashi wa sukoshi undō suru hitsuyō ga arimasu"(You guys were faster than i expected... well.... I might exercise a little)

Flunging Izumi to side the demon vanish from his place and appears infront of Gentoki while swipping his claw

Moving his step to the side Gentoki easily dodge that strike while he swung his katana to the back of demon head going for a one hit kill... except the demon disappears from his place again and appears 5 meters away

"Anata wa hayai( You are fast)" The demon spoke with a slight smile on his face

"Hah....Tell me something I don't know" Gentoki scoff while pointing his katana towards the demon as the Blade of Katana started to shine with black light soon the whole blade turned black as a fire black as an ink coated the whole blade even the handle of the sword turned black

"hahahahaha ....Sono tekunikku,dakara anata wa sono basho no saigo no ikinokoridesu(That technique, so you are the last survivor of that place) The demon laugh while looking at the black fire which appears on Gentoki's blade "1 Man-nen mae no tatakai de taikō o koroshita wūjutekunikku.....Sore ga chikarada to iu koto o mokugeki sa sete kudasai

(The wuju technique which killed an ArchDuke in the battle Ten thousand years ago..... Then let me witness it's power)

"Come~~~~" Gentoki souted as he swung his blade upside down an arc of black fire appeared in the middle of hall as it traveled through the air towards the Demon

"Kore wa hayaidesu.. ... Shikashi jūbun ni hayaku arimasen" (This is fast .....but not fast enough) The Demon smile a little as he again disappears from his place and appears next to Gentoki, But this time the Arc of black fire also appeared right infront of his face

Caught offguard the Arch collided with the demon face as he was flung backwards a deep gash was present on his face

"huh?" Feeling the stinging pain on his face the demon touch his face to find gash open in there through which his skull could be seen but this deep wound slowly close it self

"Sore wa anata no shitsureideshita.. ... Dō yatte kono utsukushī kao o kōgeki suru koto ga dekimasu ka"(That was rude of you ..... How can you attack this beautiful face)

"heh... I don't like things more beautifull than me" Gentoki said with a smile of satisfaction on his face

"Jūbun'na purei jikan ga owatta. ... Junbi o shite kudasai kodomo watashi wa jissai ni kōgeki suru tsumoridesu"(Enough Play time is over .... Be ready kid I'm gonna attack for real) saying that the Demon get into a boxing fighting stance "Watashi wa saikin ningen kara kore o manabimasu. ... Koko ni kimasu"(I learn this from a human recently ....here I come)

Saying that the Demon delivered an upper cut, as Gentoki was standing Some distance away from him, this punch was not supposed to connect with anything but air


But...Somehow the fist of demon disappeared right in front of the eyes of Gentoki and miraculously appeared underneath his chin launching him in the air in the processs

Gentoki flew upwards breaking the ceiling of the dome towards the black skies

Looking towards Izumi who has just gotten up the demon Spoke "Koko de mattekudasai kiddo watashi wa sugu ni modotte kimasu"(Wait here kiddo I will be back soon)


Two Red wings then appears on his back as The demon flew towards Gentoki