
Satou's Disbelief

Sometimes ago before Izumi got in the Dome like building, In a spacious room with a lot of screen showing different region of dungeon, where students could be seen fighting beasts

20 peoples were all around the control panel, operating it while some old figures were sittings behind it on a high platform which let them saw the students easily

"Drake why the hell have you called us all here, Don't tell me it's for us to watch these little things play heroes" An old man with a Bald scalp and a scar running down his aged faced said while looking towards Drake and pointing towards the screens

"Na na Hijikata-kun why don't you smile a little and let the old man Drake do the talk, I'm sure he he has his reason, Right Drake" Another old man with spiky white hair and short mustaches wearing a black T-shirt and trouser said, even at his age he was packed with muscles not in the bulkier side but Muscles with a lean body just like that of an athlete

"Humph"The man known as Hijikata humph coldly and turned towards Drake for an answer,

As of now Drake who was sitting in the center seat was the center of attention of everyone in the room

"Sigh.....I'm already turning old, I have lived at least for 20 thousand years, ahhh how I sometimes wonder, That how good it would be if I too have a family, have kids and grandsons, and play with them, I'm sure you all feel the same The oldest among you is already 10 Thousand years old," Saying that Drake looked towards the man sitting in a corner of the room smoking a cigarette except all the other who were present in this room That man apperance was not old but he look quite young at-least he look around Thirty year old

Blowing a ring shape smoke out of his mouth the man looked at the ceiling lost in some thoughts, After a while The man shake his head as if trying to get all the unnecessary thoughts out of his head

"Drake-san you are a Dragon and we all know that the age of Dragon is very long, another ten thousand years would not be much for you, as for us all we are normal peoples hardly living up-to 500 years of age,..... except a certain someone who is consider an immortal, So let this Queen ask What are you getting at" An old lady with an hunched back wearing a black dress having long ears like that of elf asked looking at her face you can tell that she was a beauty of her time even the time cannot completely fade her beautiful features

"khaummm.... As always Inuyasha you are quick to catch up,..... let me be direct then, The seal of underworld is weakening" Drake cough and said with a serious face

As soon as these words left Drake mouth the atmosphere in the room turned gloomy as the faces of everyone change even the man siting in the corner who hasn't shown any reaction till now pause for a moment his hand which was holding the cigarette paused right before his lips for a moment, and continue on its path afterwards, Taking a long puff of the Cigarette and exhaling the smoke from his mouth, The man looked towards Drake and spoke for the first time

"So what that has to do with you calling me here, I don't care if the Seal on the underworld break, or the Demon slaughter everyone on this planet or they destroy the planet itself, It has nothing to do with me" standing up from his seat the man turned towards the exit "I will take my leave first, You guys enjoy the end of this world together "

"Wait Satou, at least listen what i have to say first" Drake stand up from his seat and shouted towards the leaving figure of Satou

Turning around Satou looked at Drake for a moment and said with a plain face "I very much know what you are getting at old man, but let me tell you it ain't happening, I'm not gonna teach that technique to anyone, so don't get your hopes up"

"huh...When did i tell you to teach that technique, Just... for the moment would you please sit down for old time sake, we will talk later about that" Drake made an innocent face while looking to side to avoid Satou gaze

Satou looked at Drake for a moment he narrowed his eyes but ultimately he sat down on his seat lighting an other cigarette

"Now that everyone has calm down, let me say for what i have called you all here, ....." pausing for a moment looking at everyone in the room "I want all of you to select a successor for yourself "

"What" Inuyasha, Hijikata and the man with white hair (White fang) were stunned as they looked at Drake with an indescribable expression on their faces

Even Satou looked at Drake with a look amusement on his face

"Drake have you gone mad, You want us to select a successor from your academy, even after knowing who we really are?"

"Right, I don't think that the world government will let you do something like that, They surely don't want some other maniac like us to appears in this world"

"Hijikata-kun , Inuyasha, and myself has always been the pain in the arses of World Government for a long time, You very well know what type of life we have been living since that incident happen 20 years ago, The world government has completely sunned us, They don't want our ideas to be spread.

If they can they might have already killed us but our influence in the army cannot be neglected that easily, They knew that if they kill us a war might broke with in this planet and that why they have let us live to this date

but we..... Selecting a successor from this academy? They will not let that happen" Silver fang said

"hehehehe who said that the world government has to know about this" Drake said with a slight smile on his face

"You mean..."

"just watch the performance of these children first we will talk about that later on wards" Drake wave his hand and change the topic

At this moment the scene of Izumi throwing a rock on the car near Rhaast was shown on the center screen of the panel

"hahahahahaha, Drake you have some interesting student there" Hijikata laugh as he pointed towards Izumi "I like this young brat a bit "

As Hijikata pointed towards Izumi every eye in this place was drawn upon Izumi, Even Satou looked at the screen for a moment but as soon as his eyes laid on Izumi The expression he has on his face change from lazy to that of astonishment and disbelief as if he has seen some ghost, his mouth wide open

No one notice this behavior of Satou as everyone was now looking at different screens watching the young peoples fighting with beasts

"Damm That bratttt" Drake cursed slowly

"Who is that girl?" Inuyasha asked while pointing towards Mikasa who at this moment was walking through a crowed of beast and the strangest thing about that was, these beast instead of attacking her were rolling around the girl while moving their tails to get her attention

"Ohh, She caught your interest Inuyasha?" Silver fang asked

"She has the powers to influence the mind of others, though not at a high level but she is good at using it" Inuyasha complimented

"Her name is Mikasa Yasura, the current Princess of Elf race" Drake said

"hohhhh, It means she is the daughter of the current Elf Queen, my great great Grand niece interesting very interesting" Inuyasha said with a smile on her face " She has a good control over her powers, what is her assessment rank?"

"Gentoki come over here?" Drake said to Gentoki who was standing beneath the platform overseeing the whole operation

"Hello to you all, Seniors " Gentoki bow towards the old people

"As always no needed for formalities between us Gentoki-kun" Inuyasha said with a slight smile on her face

"Old women don't smile that much your teeth may drop out hahahahaha " Hijikata said as he laugh

"Shut up you old dog, I'm still younger than you" Inuyasha said while ceasing her face

"yeah a full 5 month younger than me" Hijikata said while stating a fact

" Gentoki tell us about that girl " Drake said not letting Inuyasha and Hijikata to continue their bickering

"Her name is Mikasa Yasuma, The princess of Elf clan, her potential Rank according to assessment test is S-rank, she has a body condition since her birth due to which everyone who is weaker than her might get attracted towards her, she has a Black tier affinity with charm" Gentoki said while looking at Mikasa on the screen

"That's it I choose her, you old men can have the rest"Inuyasha stated the fact

"Tch....." Hijikata click his tongue but didn't said anything as he kept looking at the screens

"Gentoki-kun tell me about that boy" Silver fang said while pointing towards a boy on the screen

The boy wields two curve knife coated with purple thunder as he fight two E- rank demon scorpion beast on a dessert, his speed was very fast, whenever an attack from the scorpion was about to be landed he dodge it as if he knew where the attack was coming from

"It look like his speed is very fast" Hijikata said

"It's not his speed that is fast, The time itself around this boy is pausing and resuming constantly, which produced an illusion of speed" Silver fang said while narrowing his eyes

"You mean...." Inuyasha said

But before she can speak Silver fang spoke " He can control time around him"

"His name is Isokhi kougami, a descendant of Kougami clan, with a talent assessment of S-Rank. having a Black Tier Time affinity and a 1st Tier lightning affinity" Gentoki spoke

"Another Black tier Affinity and that being Time element, Drake how the hell The Kougami clan, let a prodigy of that level come here" Hijikata asked Drake

"kahummm... kahummm it's a long story, I doesn't really want to talk about it" Drake cough two time and said as if avoiding this topic

The other knew that something was fishy here but they didn't asked seeing that Drake didn't wanted to talk about it

'Those two guys aren't too bad, both are using blood magic but the later seemed to be more proficient in it" Finally after some time Hijikata also find some interesting students pointed towards two beast kins he asked "Tell me about them"

They are the Darkins brothers Rhaast and Atarox Darkin, Dean found them in MistyMoon Forest .....abandoned. They were four year old back then and from Then they have been living in this academy, They were raised by dean, Even there names were given by Dean himself, The older brother Rhasst is a little cold and arrogant type while Atarox is the Direct opposite of him. They both have 1st Tier blood element affinity" Gentoki said with a smile on his face

"Bro....brotherssss?" Hijikata was shocked beyond belief by listening what Gentoki said looking towards Drake Hijikata looked deeply in his eyes and narrowed his bows "You..... Let me ask clearly for how long did you know that the seal of the underworld was weakening?"

"Huh, What happen Hijikata? " silver fang asked while feeling a strange atmosphere in the room

"You all know about my secret technique right? It has be cultivated by two brothers related by blood to show it true power, but there is a catch to this technique" Hijikata said seriously while looking daggerly at Drake who was sitting calmly on his chair "Two brothers needed to have half a year gap of age between them, Their personalities needed to be polar opposite to eachothers, Drake now tell me what is difference between there age?"

Drake who was calmly sitting on his seat open his mouth and spat three words " Half a Year"

"can this be a coincidence?" Inuyasha said

"This is not a coincidence Inuyasha, but..... " Pointing towards Drake as Hijikata stands up "He is the one behind it, he choose those two brothers train them, Shape there personality accordingly all for this day so that they can inherit this technique, You know what that means right?"

"What are you getting at ?" Silver fang asked with a confused face

"It means that he knew That the seal of the underworld was weakning from a long time ago.........Yet he didn't tell anyone about it not even the world Government, It means that he been hiding this fact from the world all this time" Inuyasha said while trembling slightly "Why? ... Why did you not tell us about the seal before sir Drake?"


The answer she was waiting for did not came all that came was ........ silence complete silence

"Why are you asking him, It is obvious why he did that Inuyasha it is because of his blood, I always used to wonder, that how can a man like Drake sided with us in the war against the demons, The truth is he never intended to side with us from the beginning am I right DRAKE...... The Former 1st General of Demon king. There is still a side of him who want demon king to return" Hijikata shouted with a furious face

As soon as these words were spoken silence descend in the room for sometime

"If i really wanted that i wouldn't have told you about the weakening of seal right now, Would I?" Drake said while releasing a sigh of exhaustion

"Of couse you needed a excuse for ....."

Before Hijikata can speak more Satou spoke up

"Enough Hijikata, the person you are talking to is the very reason that we are alive today, If it wasn't for him this whole world might have destroyed ten thousand years ago by the Demon king, So control your tongue, I'm pretty sure this old man has his reasons for not telling us sooner about the seal and what that reason is?.........I'm not intrested in them and neither should anyone of you, and if you still........."

Suddenly Red light started to shine in the room with a loud sound

wee waa weee waaa

everyone stands up and looked towards the panel as Drake asked " what happen?"

"Sir the gate of underworld was open in the east Region of The Dungeon, " a staff member replied with a shocked face

"What did you say an Underworld gate, but wasn't it sealed down " Drake asked

"It was sealed,... but not anymore, the seal has somehow broken from the inside,"

"impossible this seal can only be broken from outside, " Drake yelled as he looked towards the screen show in the middle

A pitch black oval gate could be seen in an under ground area as a being was thrown out from that gate with a large wound around it's chest area

[Warning an early S-rank creature detected,]

"Send the emergency squad in there, safety of the students is our first priority, Gentoki you..... Gent..."Drake yelled some commands towards the staff and turn around to address Gentoki

But..... Gentoki was no longer there what remain was only the flowing dust in his place
