
A cat?

In the east region of dungeon


Sonic booms could be heard from all around the small city, as Black and Red light flashes in the skies from time to time

A fierce battle was happening up in-the sky, while Izumi was looking at the Back and Red shinning lights in the sky while standing at the ground

"So this is the fight between two S rank warriors," The shock from the battle of Gentoki and That demon was reaching the ground, Whenever a strike was exchange the whole ground tremble slightly

After looking at the sky for sometime and not being able to see anything than the flashes of black and red light Izumi turned around his eyes landed on the door where the Demon was taking him curiosity got the best of him again as a desire to unlock that door invoke in his heart


[Host is advice to keep this curiosity to himself least he get himself in another trouble]

"Huh..... Is there any danger in there" Izumi asked while pointing towards the door

[.... Not really]

"Then keep your advice to yourself" saying that Izumi started walking towards the door

Turning the knob, Izumi pushed the door open


Inside of the room was little dark with emergency light on. With a little visibility he can see that the room was filled with Supply boxes in 4 rows

"now the question is what is the thing that interest a ArchDuke level existence to send his clone to this D-Rank dungeon" Izumi mumbled to himself while searching through the huge Supply room


A loud noise came from outside as the Trembling of Ground increased a little

Thud meowww

5 meters from Izumi a supply box came crashing to the ground

Reaching the Box Izumi find it to be open, but there was too little light fro him to see whats inside of it

Sitting down, Running his hand in the box he finds some food packs, which were probably expired by now, Izumi thrust his hand in the box again and this time his hand touch a smooth fluffy surface

'what is this' Running his hand through this surface, it touches something hard and sharp

"Ahhhhhhh" Izumi scream as he pulled his hand out of that box

But what came out the box wasn't just his hand but also a small creature who has bitten his hand came out with it levitating in the air through its jaws implanted in Izumi's hand as it Growl


Looking at creature which has implanted it's jaw in his hand Izumi was stunned

"A cat?"

A small black cat to be precious, With round black golden eyes

"Now how the hell a kitten get in here, " grabbing the kitten with his other hand Izumi tried to separate it from himself but the kitten started to struggle bu wiggling it's body

"Let go of me you stupid cat, I not a thing to eat," Izumi said while trying to open its jaw stuck in his hand

"Let go of me or...huh how about i give you some yummmy food if you let me go?????" Izumi said trying to get the cat out of his hand without hurting it

As soon as izumi said that the CAT let go of Izumi hand, landing Gracefully on the ground it looked at Izumi face with its round blaskish Gold eyes with stars in them

taking a bandage from his storage device he applied bandage on his hand and wrapped it with bandage

Meow, Meowww

The cat was still sitting on the ground meowing at Izumi as if reminding him to give her it's food

"oh Right... Here you go" Retrieving some pieces of meat jerky he place them in front of the cat, which was given to him when he enter the dungeon


The small kitten started to eat the jerky with a happy expression on its face

"It looked like there is nothing of value here, " izumi looked at the Cat and all the supply boxes once again as he made his way out of the room

Coming out of the supply room Izumi was lost in thought 'I think the demon was randomly searching throughout the building for something ... But what that thing could be ...Mhmmmm...mhmmmm..... well no use over thinking about it i will just tell Sensei about it'


The battle between Gentoki and that Demon was at it's peak

Both of them were fighting for quite some time now


The sound of sword cutting through flesh sounded out as an arm can be seen free-falling from the sky towards the ground


shua shua

As the arm landed on the ground, two figures appeared near it, Facing each-others

"HAaaa.... haah....haaah"

Gentoki was supporting his body with his swords while taking deep breaths numerous wounds can be seen from his tattered kimono, Claw marks ran through his chest while blood was flowing through them. It can be seen that he was really exhausted in this fight even moving a finger was proving difficult for him right now

On the other hand the Demon was not left well off either, Swords cuts both shallow and deeps could be seen all around his bare chest, His whole right hand was missing as blood was flowing out from his shoulder

Grunt Grrrrr

Holding firmly on his shoulder, The demon Grunt and looked towards Gentoki with little twisted smile on his face "Ahh..... How many years?........... How many years has it been since, i last feel pain, I have to say that as a decent of that tribe you are not bad..... But....Is that alll?" Demon said while looking at Gentoki as his wound started to heal with a speed visible to a naked eye, even new tissues started to appears from his shoulder and looking at the speed in which it was healing it will almost take 30 seconds to heal completely

'Damm it, I'm completely spend, Can't even lift a finger right now, I need to distract him and but some time for me to recover some stamina' Gentoki though to himself while trying his best to recover

"Who are you?" Gentoki asked

"Me?....... haha MY name is Nicholas.... Nicholas Julian, The tenth in command of the 1st general of Demon king " Nicholas bowed with his only hand in-front of his chest

"Quiet the etiquette You have there .....quiet rare for a demon I suppose "Gentoki said with a tone of amusement

"Humph , What do you know about Etiquette, We vampires are the most noble existence in the whole demon race,"

"Humph Noble you say? .... well in my view you are nothing but a dog of Dracula, who himself is a dog of Demon king.... so let me ask you ..... what do you call a Dog's dog ... 'SON OF A DOG' hhahahah" Gentoki said sarcastically while laughing

"Human your plan will not work, Your are intending to buy time to recover your stamina by talking that much, But you only have 10 Second left until my arm healed and the side effect of your trick that has parallelized my body will also go away by then so enjoy your last ten seconds of life" Nicholas said while looking at his almost healed arm

Gentoki Mumbled to himself "It look like i will have to use that technique after all or i will di..."

Before he can complete his word he was stunned by what has occurred in front of him as a silhouette appears in the air by the side of Nicholas thrusting it's swords coated with black ice in the chest of Nicholas Julian

