Out of the blue
That held my life
Just like a pest
Holding firm on a host
Where life was a whole
With laughter over my lips
More to a baby's style
Held on the mother's laps
At that only place
Where my joy was seen
One where l spoke my thoughts
That place where birds sang
To let me out of bed
When will i have a glance of it.
Out of the blue
Where i had a sight change
When my color was gabbage
And my treasured thoughts
Only remained to me
Where l lost my only voice
Where force was my pride
With the thought of animals
To which i always cared not
Now making me regret,
Is it him that left me
The one i praised day and night
Him that i had all pride in
Where is his face now?
Out of the blue
Where work was my concern
Not to say i had a say
But i had not a voice
One to let them know who i am
And all the hardwork i shouldered
Giving me a memory of the bulls
That i used to farm all day
But they are care free
Not even about my health
For food is in crystals
And yet work loaded
More to a heard holder
They pride in possessing us.
Out of the blue
Where my language was no more
And my small voice never heard
But welcomed by my hardwork
Yet not at ounce cherished
With their bright skins
And godlike thoughts,
But the wind blows always
Just like they held us out
When it stood with might
And so it shall calm down
And the sun will shine again
To our lonely lives
To let us walk pride.