Every creature with a date
A specific time to come
A real place and venue
To venture all with might
But we are the left
Isolation the order of the day
Striving not day or night
For the community is all the same
Not monday or the sabbath
We cry out our hearts in vain
Yet still mocked and left
For our mouths are ever shut
With not even one to speak.
Every creature with a date
For even beasts' days are marked
Celebrated always when they come
But what crime did we do
For this was never to our asking
For we were born this way
And if at all given a chance
Who would choose a life this
For we would atleast stay
But it still comes to our parents
Showing our difference for a dislike
Abandoning or killing us at birth
Yet this is not to our own will.
Every creature with a date
Yet why to be discriminated
Why can't parents appreciate us
And welcome us with gratitude
For we are also birthed children
That yearn for love not hatred
The difference was never to our asking
Calling us names of dishonour
For normal never describes us
But deserve a child title
Communities disown us
Forgetting we were birthed to them
Although our looks are different
We still remain pure children.
Every creature holds a date
Yet we are more to the wind
For not even the government
Stands by our side
For all roads are normal marked
The parliamentary members as well
The buldings also favour us not
Schools being toturing grounds
For not even the stations
Stand to our favour
When will the date come
One to voice our thoughts
To let our rites prevail
For we also hold a birth date.