Volumes kept beyond reach
Yet nearer the source
The pride to all the youth
Wiggling all day long
To stand the great flow
Of all the slow
And quick played jams.
Making instruments a family
Falling in love with the Piano works
The melody of the Zither
That does calm the mind
With Flutes and guitar
As your best friends around
Yet you take your liking
In the flow of the modern drums
Ones best loved by the youths
Yet never left the old unpleased.
Forgetting the old days
And keeping them a far
Behind your little consciousness
Those days when you enjoyed
All the lovely fire places
And loved them like brothers
That were ever by your side
And trusted in your power
The power to change the living
And still favour the non living
For this was yourself
One that followed status not
But now lost to modernity.
For not even the culture
One that made you a family
One that did welcome you
With her hands wide open
What will you say this time
That you forgot even the xylophone
One that cared never to words
For he trusted you that much
Standing all kinds of strokes
The pain held in the twists
That at times left him crying
Sobbing terribly over pain
Yet he complained not
For he held mutual love
In his little heart
And a voice that ever yearned
To bring out it's best
And leave you pleased.
But this can be done with
Only with your dear come back
To your naive yet pure self
That always valued nature
And shared best with friends
That only self of yours
That cherished it's friends
Taking them for a pure family
Laughing with a clear smile
And never harbouring selfish desires
Ones to leave a family in agony
You who was their great pillar
That brought them happiness
More like a humble judge
You settled their desputes
And left a laughing but united family.
Was it our lowly character
That had to send you away
But we only needed a word
Only one word from you
And change would be in place
One that you would also cherish
One filled with love to the brim
For you were a family to us
More to a life's councillor
To whom all always believed
But seems to be all gone.
Dear our beloved music
We need your voice
One that touches all souls
The voice that unites enemies
And leaves uplifted hearts behind
The voice that advises all
One that touches the young
And yet leave the old not
With the youths as a whole
Bring back the old days
Where you valued all kinds
And taught all age
For it's my only request
In this long left suffering.
Thanks for the love and time as to my usual call. The poem "music" is more to trust and betrayal but this is not the sole reason for it's writing. For it's sole reason stands to the so called "leaders" who stand with us with their selfish motives. They pretend to be part of us yet in actual sense, they are never with us. It's to our naive understanding that fall for them for the lowly acts that our eyes have seen. But this is always only a tip of the iceberg. For their goals are big and evil.