CH. 66: Storm of Tempest

(A/N: Cliffhanger is good. don't you think?)

The explosion of Akira's purple sphere caused an impact so powerful he started being concerned about the three Primordials. "I hope they're still alive..." He says.

But as the dust and clouds dissipated, Akira was very surprised to see that the three primordials were almost unscathed. Rouge suffered almost no damage, but Mizary and Rhein still lost 15% of their vitality.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" Rouge shouted wickedly with a grin on her face. If she received that attack head on a few months earlier she would probably be in a critical state. Her evolution was clear now.

"That's impressive. You could be on par with Carrera in this level!" Akira said, congratulating Rouge.


Rouge and her two maids jumped from the position towards Akira with their weapons pointing at him. Though as they were a few meters away from him, Akira snapped his fingers and caused the space to stop in time.

The gray colorless dimension showed a frozen Rouge and paralyzed blue and green primordials. "Trial is over, you have proven your ambition and desire for strength." He said, knowing they did not hear him.

The dimension shattered like glass. They were all teleported back to the main world where time was omnipresent.

"Wh-Where are we?" Rouge asks, looking around, this place was different from the void they were trapped in.

"I presume we're back to the main world..." Mizary says.

"But how did we leave that space..." Rhein asks, confused.

They look around once again, in the middle of their sight was Akira. They take a few steps backwards and lift their weapons. "I WON'T miss you this time..." Rouge says with piercing eyes that glared at Akira.

But suddenly, three new people appear beside him. The Three Primordial Demons ; Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima. They were standing beside him with a powerful intimidating aura emitting from their bodies.

Shocked, Rouge and her maids open their mouths wide open in surprise. They even pull back by a few steps in fear. Rouge looks at her hands, she was trebling from fear.

But then, she yells in courage, "You don't scare me. I won't lose to you again." She says with determination.

Testarossa moves forward, "Kufufu~ If isn't Rouge, the most 'powerful' demon lord~..." She mocked her.

"Shut up Testarossa... I will end your threat." Rouge says once again. She launches towards her at fast speed, destroying the ground in her way. The elegant Primordial's white hair was flying from all the winds created by Rouge's fast movements.

Rouge appears in front of her, she swings her Sword of Chaos vertically, aiming for her head. However, the momentum of the sword was fully stopped after having the blade blocked, barehanded, by Ultima. She appeared beside Testarossa and stopped Rouge from touching her.

'She has evolved alot...!' Testarossa thought. She didn't expect her speed to be so fast. If Ultima did not appear, she would have dodged that powerful attack.

"The hell?!" Rouge curses. She shifts her sight beside Testarossa and sees Ultima catching the blade of her sword with barehands, droplets of blood were dripping from Ultima's slender hands.

Her expression was dark, her eyes were dead and locked on Rouge's eyes, "I'm kinda mad..." Ultima mumbled, with an emotionless expression that thirsted for Rouge's blood.

Rouge jumped back to her initial position, she must not forget that she's leading a 3v4 right now. However, as she was analyzing the situation, Testarossa stepped forward and spoke up, "Let us put our differences aside. There is no more need for this." She said with a smile that showed no hostility.

"WHAT?!" Rouge yelled in confusion. "We won't antagonize you anymore. Have your way, we have found better to do." Testarossa added.

Rouge was being offered a deal for peace, but she was sure there was a 'but', you can't resonate with wicked beings such as those four. Especially the boy.

Rouge left her fighting stance, "So you finally decided to leave us alone with your shenanigans? And how can I trust you, you won't destroy this world someday?" She asked.

"We barely spend time in this world anymore. The Multiverse is a fun concept, you should come with us someday— Well that's if you remain alive in such a hostile territory" Testarossa added.

Rouge had a bell ring when she heard the word 'Multiverse'. A concept she had heard of from Veldanava back during her very first days in existence, before Velda actually created the Earth we know.

"So the Multiverse is real huh... Not like I was doubting my friend but I'd love to visit it one day. It'd be very entertaining~" Rouge said.

Mizary and Rhein could only watch as Rouge's opinion on them completely flipped. The Primordial Red knew just what kind of people these devils were, if Testarossa said she won't antagonize them anymore then she had every reason to believe her.

However Testarossa had the habit of breaking her promises without a second thought and shamelessly abandon her pride easily, Rouge kept her guard up while negotiating with her, "Just know that I'll be there to correct you at anytime" She said.

Testa shrugs her shoulders then regains her position beside Akira. It was the start of a new era in the world of Tensura. The angelic faction of this world should play their cards strategically if they don't wanna provoke a slaughter in Nasca.


[[ Rimuru POV ]]

Everything's ready. My tailors have already finished making my dress which I will be wearing during the meeting. I don't have any idea what we will be talking about, the only information I have, is that the parchment I was given will conduct me there immediately.

"Are you ready my friend?!" Veldora asked me enthusiastically.

I open the parchment, there seemed to be a few transcriptions on it. "Only Rimuru Tempest Is Allowed To Come" It read.

And then, the transcriptions disappear and the parchment takes fire. I quickly let go of it. "What happened??" I asked in confusion. The parchment became ashes then suddenly we get enveloped in an unknown purple aura.

The next ring we see, is that i'm no longer in my office. As I'm trying to understand what just happened, i see multiple figures staring at me, I subconsciously gulp in intimidation, I almost faint after seeing seven women staring at me with malicious expressions.

"Testarossa..." I say with barely any voice. The white haired primordial demon or whatever smiled, "We've been expecting you~" She said.

But before I could say anything, I was interrupted by a yellow haired girl. She has the appearance of a young girl in her late delinquent highschool years, "Huh that girl's a slime??" She says in surprise.

"Wait what? How is that possible?" Replied a woman with red hair and an exotic outfit. Standing beside her were a blue haired and green haired maids.

The next thing I see, is a purple haired teenage girl sitting beside me and throwing analyzing gazes at me, "I never saw a talking slime... Now I see why Akira finds you interesting..." She said.

It's then when I receive a report from [Raphael].



I look at the purple haired bishojou with a sweat on my forehead.


I shift my gaze and glance at the white haired woman in the corner, i didn't even feel her presence when I got here! Her eyes were closed, her expression was emotionless and no way to read her mood. It's then where she throws at me a cold star that made me shiver.

I almost faint but I'm determined to win this. No matter the outcome, my mission right now, is to make it out of here alive.

The doors suddenly open and another person comes in, 'Please save me...' I mumble in my thoughts.


Wait, that wasn't the voice of [Raphael]... Who was that. "Thank you everyone, I'll continue from here." Pronounced the person. Immediately, everyone leaves the chamber and I find myself alone with this mysterious figure.

He turned around and then I was able to perceive him entirely. 'Holy fuck...' I think. I wouldn't be surprised if these girls were part of his harem or something like that. Red eyes, white hair and a sexy body... W-Wow calm down girl— I need to focus on survival.

"I'm Rimuru Tempest. Chancellor of the south part of the Jura Forest." I start by introducing myself.

"Akira. Akira Nava." He simply says his name. He then proceeds to sit on the couch opposing mine.

Wait a second... His voice... It's like the one I heard from [Raphael] !!

'Raphael! What was that voice earlier??' I asked my assistant.


Alright... Inhale... Exhale... Now Think.

"Right... So, what's the purpose of the meeting?" I asked.

He took a few seconds to think it out before replying, "To be honest, nothing in particular... I just wanted to meet you personally~" He responded.

"...Then let's get to know each other better!— First I'd like to ask, if possible, who were those girls from earlier?" I asked.

I know I'm being indiscret but he struckes me as the nonchalant type, I don't think I risk anything.

"Ah yes. My lovers~" He said with a happy expression. 'I called it...' I thought.

"First, there's Testarossa, she likes entertainment and fun, but still keeps an elegant professional pose at all time. She's the leader of the Demon Lords of this world. A Goddess of Devils." He said.

I gulp. So her statements were true... I gotta be careful next time I see her.

"Ultima, the purple haired Primordial Demoness, also a Goddess, she's the second strongest. Her [Death Touch] can kill everyone on Earth simultaneously" He said.

Shouldn't he keep that information secret? Maybe they're so powerful they can afford playing blindly.

"Ah, Carrera. The blondie, she's the best. Also a Primordial Goddess. A delinquent tsundere"

I look away with a smirk, 'Yeah it was obvious hehe~' I laughed inerly.

"The red haired was the former strongest Demon Lord and Leader, Rouge Crimson. Her two maids were Mizary, the green haired and Rhein, the blue haired. All Primordial Demons."

"What about the pale girl?" I asked.

"Ooh. Alice. She's an Omniscient Intelligent Core. The smartest existence in this world. Her power can rival the strongest gods, outside of Outer Gods evidently" He stated.

Ah, now it connects perfectly... She's the most powerful. "Does her power rival yours?" Asking him directly will probably get him pissed, I'll get the answer another way around.

"I'm her Master, so I'm technically stronger. I'm an Outer God after all! Hahaha~"

...Outer God?...

"Yeah! Satou Mikami, I'm sure you read some of Lovecraft's novels back in Japan. Those ridiculously powerful beings with boundless omnipotence~"

(A/N: Satou = Fem Saturo)

...Wh-What... How does he know so much...? No one knows about my past life...

"H-How did you know?" I asked.

"I know everything, didn't I say I was an Outer God?" He then holds out his hand to me, I swear it's glowing...

"Khiarreh'Nox. Destruction, Havoc and Romance" He says, his smile seems friendly. My sight is focused on Akira's joyful face, his eyes were glowing.

"Rimuru Tempest, once again. I hope we stay on good terms" I say with a bit of worry, but I'm sure he's a chill guy.

"I hope so too." He says, shaking my hand.

(A/N: We're back to World Travelling! Next world is yours to guess!)


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