CH. 79: Nightmare of Knowledge

(A/N: Hope you're enjoying the pre canon DxD arc so far!)

There was nothing to do about Akira's rampage, the dragon had already demonstrated an insane battle prowess that caused the demise of millions during the Great War.

Primordial Goddess Nyx, Queen of the Night and Ruler of Nightmares was the last hope of Olympus.

The Holy Olympian Sanctuaries were considered to be the holiest and most sacred places within the Pantheon. Access being granted only to the Primordial Deities of Olympus. And one of them, was home to the Primordial Goddess of Night.

The Dark Sanctuary was a huge domain with a never ending cycle of night. Clouds which served as pillows on thin air and a warm breeze that caressed the Goddess's cheeks.

It was her, Nyx, resting on a cloud and enjoying peace for the first time in many centuries. Reflecting her thoughts on the shiny moon in the sky of her dark domain.

Nyx is a beautiful young woman with a handsome face and long black hair with pointy ears. She wears a cute frilly dress that has a corset jumper skirt. Her body also gives out a tremendous dark aura which keeps the entire domain in this never ending cycle of dark night.

Alas, that peace was suddenly interrupted by a magic circle which appeared in a distance. She had already sensed a presence coming earlier and here it was appearing. If this person did not have a good reason to come then she'd simply kill him.

Hermes kneeled the moment he appeared from the magic circle. The cloud Nyx was resting on flew at Hermes, approaching him slowly until Nyx was focalized on Hermes.

"My~ What brings Hermes here...? Lift your head and state what you desire." Nyx spoke, with a smug on her expression

Hermes lift his head then spoke, "L-Lady Nyx, the Greek Pantheon is being attacked by a Dragon... We are in desperate need for your help"

Nyx raised an eyebrow in surprise, continuing, "A dragon?... Is it an act of the Nordic Gods?... Are they seeking a war?" She asked.

"No, It is a legendary dragon that brought the demise of many during the Great Three Faction War... We need your help, please we beg of you Lady Nyx..." Hermes pleaded Nux for her help.

It took Nyx multiple seconds of thinking before replying, "Fine... For this time only, I'll hunt this dragon out of Olympus" She said.

Nyx then got up from the cloud and stretched her arms. She napped his fingers on e and kicked Hermes out of her domain before teleporting away.






While the rampage continued, Zeus was hiding on the depths of the palace which was being attacked by the dragon. Slamming the structure with his spectral limbs and causing it to fracture.

But suddenly, a dark purplish appeared in front of him, and from it came out the Primordial Goddess of Darkness, Nyx.

Analyzing the situation, she couldn't help but let out a laugh after seeing Zeus shamelessly hiding while his children, brides and citizens of Olympus were being massacred outside.

"Lady Nyx !" Zeus shouted in surprise.

"Pfft~... Hahaha~! Look at you Zeus, how you have fallen from your high horses, hiding with no shame while I do the laborious work~" Nyx laughed.

Zeus just swallowed his pride and endured her words as she was their last hope.

"I expect to be payed gracefully... Hmm— Maybe an Ancient Weapon would satisfy me~" She announced.

Zeus was shocked by Nyx's demand. Ancient weapons were the treasure of Olympus that had been preserved through generation, guarded safely by the gods. Not even the primordial gods could claim them, hence their formidable rarity.

"Pl-Please be reasonable Lady Nyx... is a mythological treasure!" Zeus said.

Nyx grinned slightly then spoke with a confident expression, "Hm, as you wish. I guess I'll just go back to my domain and have a looong rest while you delay the inevitable demise awaiting you. Kufufu~" She laughed, while walking away.

"W-Wait!!.....Grr— Fine! I-I'll see what I can do about it..." He said with a frustrated expression that showed his defeat.

Nyx shrugs her shoulders, "Fair enough for me~" She said. Then she disappeared from the castle and appeared up in the sky.

Her gaze fell immediately on the huge spectral dragon that was punching the palace of Olympus and tearing it apart, while breathing a scorching fire at every living tissue he'd see.

A little sweat appeared on Nyx's face, 'A shadow dragon...? And why is it so big...' She thought.

'Doesn't matter...' Shaking these thoughts, she got into battle stance.

Nyx started by using the Darkness in the surroundings to create hundreds of black spears and pouting them all at the dragon.

Feeling a disturbance in the environment, Akira stopped destroying the palace and turned to face Nyx menacingly pointing her spears at him.

And as soon as he looked at her, Nyx made a hand gesture then threw all the spears simultaneously at Akira.

Seeing all the spiky edges coming at him, Akira threw a scorching breath of fire that evaporated all the spears instantly.

He and Nyx made eye contact the second after, this sent her a few shivers as she was shocked the fire was powerful enough to affect abstract objects.

"Th-That's... Something..." She mumbled.

Suddenly, clouds of darkness started leaving the dragon's shadowy body. Black clouds that transformed into huge dark swords. All dangerously pointing with their sharp at Nyx.

With an intense expression drawn on her face, she used darkness manipulation to envelop her body edges with a shadowy aura.

"Alright... This *might* hurt a bit..." She mumbles. The launched at insane speed towards Nyx with sharpness that could cut her body with a simple flicker.

"SHIT!" She cursed when she barely dodged a . It went passed her face but still slightly injured her cheek. The other swords all launched at once but using Darkness manipulation she was able to slow them down at the last second.

But, the injury caused by the void sword in her cheek seemed to be weakening her. The scratch on her face made blood veins pop on her body.

"WH-WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!" She yelled in confusion.

were materialized by the shadowy mist forming Akira's draconic body. Powered by Nothingness Energy, a simple injury was enough to weaken a Primordial God, mortals and lesser creatures than Higher Gods would instantly die after being just touched by the blade of the .

Nyx caught up a mouthful of blood. Ignoring her, Akira lifted his tail and swung it across the air horizontally, aiming directly at the Palace.


The tail kick broke the walls and shattered the castle completely. The Palace started collapsing on itself and revealed the Gods that were hiding inside.

"GOAAAAR!!" Roared the Void dragon as he summoned elderish entacles and started attacking anything he'd see.

Hermes happened to be on the unlucky ones to be caught by Akira's gaze. "N-No...!!" He cried.

He and multiple gods were cornered by Akira with nowhere to go. "Th-This is bad!!" Hermes tried teleporting but Akira seemed to be preventing him from leaving this place.

In other words, their fate was sealed.

"ROAAAAR!!" Roaring once again, Akira summoned tens of tentacles and started catching anything that moved, hardening the grip and crushing it into a puddle of blood.

"GET— GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Having nothing else to do, Hermes threw magical spells at Akira's tentacles which were dangerously approaching him.

But as he attacked them, the ground below him broke and tentacles emerged from the cracks, catching his legs and making him unable to move.

Feeling contact in his legs, Hermes looked down but let out a cry as he fell on the ground paralyzed. Akira's tentacles caught Hermes and lifted him up.

He tried pulling himself out but it only made the grasp around him harder... Until, "GUYAAA—" Letting out a last cry of agony, Hermes's body was torn by the tentacle which crushed his body into two parts, leaving two empty shells with a mess of blood and organs.

This was the same for all the other gods. Athena was still unconscious, resting in the other side of the palace which was crumbling little by little. The doctors in Athena's faint presence tried desperately to wake her up as the palace was collapsing.


Getting no response, chunks of the ceiling started falling. The doctor found no other option than abandoning Athena on the adjustable bed.

Athena's eyes woke up little by little. Sounds of bricks and stone collapsing interrupted her peaceful recovery.

Getting up, her blurry gaze focused on the dragon that was destroying everything. She suddenly got flashbacks from her dreams. She rubbed her eyes, but this was no dream. It was clearly the mysterious figure from her nightmares.

Her heart let out an intense pulse of fear. But as she tried getting up, the ceiling fell directly on her head, crushing her body.



Hope you enjoyed the lecture! Check out my pa.treon, got up to 20 advanced chapters there! As well as extra free chapters to celebrate my birthday! :D (Thank youuu <3)

Also be sure to add my other novel to your Library! "A Hentai Bonding System in DxD" more chapters very soon.