CH. 80: Route To Genocide

(2,440 Words)

Nyx seemed to be the last hope of Olympus but even so it seemed like she was having difficulties repelling the Dragon. Realistically, everyone knew that Nyx had no chance in a fair battle, but her duty was atleast to chase the dragon from Olympus.

Alas, all in vain... Nyx caught a mouthful of blood as the poison from the Nothingness Energy spread across her body. Finally getting the hang of it after suffering for more than five minutes, which proved to be enough for Akira to kill Athena and almost every god in the collapsing palace.

But Zeus was still there, shamelessly hiding while Nyx was doing all the work.

Her crimson red eyes lit up in anger. Blood veins appeared on her beautiful face that showed anger. Using [Darkness Manipulation] once again, she was able to absorb all the darkness, negativity and Agony Energy that emanates from all the dead gods and creatures.

Lifting her hands, black mist left the bodies of everyone in the same area. The clouds of dark mist merged in a single orb above her hands which grew by the second.

Sweat covered her body which tried to handle all the Agony Energy that materialized into a huge orb that was menacingly throbbing and twitching unstably.

Nyx had taken alot of damage because of this, handling a quantity of negative energy. "Tch....This is getting too intense!!" She cried, trying to launch the all-powerful attack.

And then, with a single blow, the black thunderous cloud launched towards Akira. It burst into an explosion when it reached him.

But... Nyx's face into a shocked expression when she saw what happened... Her attack, merged with Akira's body. The latter grew in size by hundreds of meters, becoming so big he became bigger than the palace.

Both hands positions, Akira spread the remains of the castle open and created a wide pit that showed the entirety of the basement where Zeus was hiding.

Akira spotted Zeus who was just running around like a headless chicken.

"This is bad!!" Nyx yelled. She tried pulling out the darkness out of Akira's body using manipulation but she had already taken alot of damage, causing her movements to become rusty and unstable.

Still, she didn't give up. She didn't care about what happened to that bastard Zeus, but if she protected the cunt he would give her , power that surpassed the laws of the world.

They are compared to Longinus in terms of power, for reference.

"I-I won't let you...!" Nyx yelled with a frustrated expression, her movements became very slow.

Suddenly, "Wait a second!!" Yelled an unknown figure. Nyx turned to see where this voice came from, she was suprised to see a woman coming at her from Akira's direction without being attacked.

"Who the..." She mumbled in confusion. The woman stopped right in front of her. Being so close, Nyx felt a shiver travel her body, dropping her body temperature from fear and shock.

"Tr-Tr—Trihexia??" She yelled in shock. The woman that happened to be Trihexia, the primordial goddess of death, nodded her head in agreement.

"I take it you're Nyx, the primordial goddess of Night... A pleasure" Trihexia greeted her elegantly.

Nyx couldn't help silently panicking, having the berserk Primordial Goddess of Death in front of her made her lips twitch and her eyes widen in shock.

"Th-The seal was brocken!" She mumbled in shock, forcibly shutting her mouth after realizing she said it in front of Trihexia, the beast of 666.

"Indeed. Master Akira was benevolent enough to release me of my seal and make me free once again..." She continued.

"W-Wait a second! That guy's your Master?!" Nyx asked.

"Yes, we happen to have alot in common..." Trihexia replied. "And you also have a chance at grabbing his interest, Nyx." She added.

"Wh-What do you mean??" Nyx asked.

Trihexia giggled a second before speaking her mind, "You see, the Greek Gods and especially Zeus have been foolish enough to try and seduce Akira's women. The only way he could let such thing pass, was by bathing in the blood of those who revolted against him."

Trihexia points her finger at Nyx, 'You figure on the list as well, Nyx..."

"No creature of Greek Origin will be left after the massive extinction. This is a Genocide." Trihexia ended.

Nyx's eyes widened in shock, she started to let out sounds of fear and confusion. "N-No... way..." She mumbled.

"However, you can survive this..." Trihexia suddenly added.

Nyx's eyes lit up after hearing those delightful words that brought up, hope. "H-HOW CAN I SURVIVE?!" She cried with teary eyes.

Trihexia's lips curled up to form a grin on her face...


Still hiding in the dept of his castle, Zeus started panicking and hiding until the sounds began calming down, when Akira stopped destroying his castle.

'Is it over...?" Zeus thought.

But his worry seemed to have faded away instantly when a magic circle with Nyx's crest appeared in front him. The magic dissipated and Nux got out of there, her gaze falling directly at Zeus with a cold expression.

"Ah! Nyx! Have you gotten rid of the—" But before he could continue, Nyx threw a kick at his head with speed so high Zeus couldn't react.

Receiving such an intense hit on the head, Zeus let out a scream of pain, just before receiving a second hit on his legs. A slam that caused his leg to break.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET YOU BASTARD!!" Nyx shouted with furious red eyes, giving him one hell of a beat up. *SMACH*— *PAW*

Zeus fell on the ground holding his brocken leg while Nyx continued to beat him up brutally. Kicking him, squeezing him and punching him with power of a Primordial Goddess untill all his bones were broken and paralyzed.

Nyx sit on his torso then threw consecutive punches on his face until his nose fell off and his eyes were blood red.

Jaws brocken but he still retained the ability to speak and scream so that his agony would be broadcasted throughout all of DxD

After finishing the beat up, Nyx held the half-dead Zeus from the collar and flew with him outside of the obliterated palace where Akira and Trihexia were waiting.

With his last remaining eye, Zeus watched as Nyx betrayed him and was offering his body to the dragon god she swore to defend against.

"Hey 'Kira! I got you what you wanted!" Nyx shouted with an evil smile on her face.

Akira stoped levitating and slammed on the ground with so much force the earth shook, and the rest of the palace turned to ruined and dust.

Akira opened his mouth frenetically beyond limit to reveal and endless void of sharp teeth and souls that screamed with agony.

"Wh-.....Why....N-Nyx—" That was the last thing Zeus mumbled before being thrown to the endless abyss that is Akira's mouth.

"I simply switched teams for my own sake." Nyx replied while she watched him falling into literal hell.

Then, the dragon slammed his jaws against each other and pierced his whole body with teeth from all angles, turning Zeus into mince meat then chewing his remains until nothing was left, not even atoms.

Satisfied, the black mist surrounding Akira dissipated and he turned back to his human self. He abruptly let out a burp followed by a small laugh.

"You have done your part well Nyx, now I know that you're not affiliated with those Olympian bastards" Akira said.

Nyx smiled happily after his announcement. Nodding to him in respect and appreciation. "Thank you, Akira. I'm sure we'll benefit alot from each other" Nyx said.

"So? What might your next move be, Akira~?" Trihexia asked. Nyx still felt a bit uncomfortable with having Trihexia around. That woman was known to be a berserk beast and here she was standing right next to her, clinging to her superior whom she had a crush on.

"While Nyx doesn't care about Olympus, there's also one another particular god who might prove to be an interesting pawn" Akira said.

"Is that so? Someone who would also betray Zeus and Olympus for his own sake?" Trihexia asked.

"Indeed. And we're going there at once" Akira said.

Destruction spread across the Pantheon of Olympus. But it all ended with the dead, or rather, consumption of Zeus at the hands of Akira. A ruthless end awaited the arrogant people who dare try anything against Akira and especially his lovers whom he considered to be 'treasures'.

The main palace of Olympus had become a deserted mass of ruines and dust, as well as corpses of gods and Olympian Denizens.

The remaining surviving gods, were now having an emergency meeting in a sacred area within the Pantheon. The meeting was hosted by Apollon who was in a VERY bad mood now.

"Our Pantheon is literally CRUMBLING beneath our eyes and NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS MESS??" Apollo shouted with anger and frustration.

Obviously no one had taught of any countermeasures, since all they cared about was partying, playing and fucking around.

"Where... THE FUCK— Is Aphrodite?" Apollo asked.

"Sh-She's not here, we've lost contact with her since a while now" Replied a god.

Apollo face palmed and rubbed his face with his hand as to say 'are you kidding me'.

"D-Does she even CARE?!" He yelled. Putting his two fingers on his forehead, Apollo calmed down a bit before continuing, "Fine... Let's see what we can do... So Aphrodite isn't here which is TOTALLY the most important meeting of our lives... Artemis is obviously NOT HERE as well... Hades is—" He slammed his hands on the table.

"—HIDING for the sake of his OWN survival... Ooh~ His so precious flesh that matters in this story... Wait he doesn't have flesh... Should I say bones?— Oh like it matters anyway..." The gods were shocked to see Apollo in such a state, he never broke his character before which made him quite intimidating now.

"So what now...?" He asked. Then, he received an immediate reply from an unknown person behind him.

"I'll tell you what now, I will judge who remains and who dies" The figure said. Turning around quickly, Apollo saw a bloodthirsty boy with white hair that levitated from anger and glowing eyes that threatened him, a serious Akira.

"Wh-Who the—" Apollo mumbled. Akira covered ten of the gods present with a red aura that paralyzed them and made them levitate using his telepathy.

"Apollo, I have killed Zeus, and I will do the same with some of the Greek Gods who support his decisions" Akira said.

"But tell me, wise teenage god..." Akira added. Apollon gulped after hearing Akira's words. "Do you wish to survive, or die?... If you are going to stand for these gods I'm about to kill, then I'll add you to the list... But if you abandon those fuckers right here and now, perhaps, I may reconsider..." Akira continued.

"I need a word. Now." He added immediately.

Apollon found himself in an interior conflict. He would have cursed Akira if the latter didn't have the ability to read minds. The bastard had chosen the exact right moment to humiliate him in front of everyone.

But what's Humiliation compared to survival? The price for his life was surely the Shame he would receive from abandoning his fellow gods.

Moveover, were they really worthy to defend? When they were fucking and pranking each other it's HIM who worked so hard, defending the ideologies no one cared about. In addition to the safety of which NO ONE gave two shits about, apart from stupid traditions blah blah blah.

Formulating the words in his mouth, Apollon spoke his mind, "I... I-I chose to live..." He said while closing his eyes and avoiding the glares of the soon to be erased gods.

"APOLLON!! HOW COULD YOU JUST ABANDON US?!" A god shouted angrily.

"M-Master Apollon...I didn't expect such response coming from you....." Another added.

"What would your father think of you right now?!" A god said.

These were the line that repeated themselves constantly. "I-I'm sorry everyone....But there must be someone who needs to rebuild the Greek Pantheon....." Apollon said with teary eyes and shame that made him look away other than the gods.

Akira grinned, "For he had spoken, the fate of you all shall end now"

Closing his right hand and forming a fist, the gods' bodies exploded in a messy rain if blood, insides and bones.

Apollon felt a huge quantity of blood covering him entirely, for he was cause to the death of the gods, or more precisely, his decision. Apollon was cursed to be painted with the blood of the ones he betrayed for all eternity.

But suddenly, a female voice appeared in the environment, "Akira! I'm back!". Looking around, they could see Primordial Goddess Nyx in the company of Momong— I mean, Hades, the Skeletical God of Hell and Death. They appeared there using teleportation.

"Ha-Hades!— What are you..." Apollon mumbled.

"It seems like Lady Nyx has joined sides with the Boundless Dragon God... Lord Akira has not usurpated the title of 'Boundless One' " Hades said.

"Good, Hades is a cool guy so I'm sure he'll understand me." Akira said.

"Now, skeleton. So I can finally be fucking done with these Greek Shenanigans..." Akira said.

"I know what type of person you are... The prideful, but who keeps him mouth shut when needed. You despise other races, to the point where you created a special unit just to slowly eradicate and control everyone" He added.

Hades wasn't going to question how Akira knew all of this, and he was sure Akira had already decided his fate, the only thing he must do was not disappointing him.

"As I'm making sure no heir of Zeus remains..." Apollon's eyes widened in shock after hearing this.

"And as prove of your indifference concerning these foolish gods... Would you agree on me eliminating Heir Number One?" Akira asked, pointing at Apollon.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WH—" Apollon shouted.

"Fine by me..." Hades said.

Akira laughed, pointing his hand towards Apollon. "Heh~ Nice choice" He said.


Thank you all of the support throughout the way, love y'all alot.

I haven't uploaded yesterday because I was carefully working on Chapter 100 so sorry again. Enjoy this double chapter!

Hope you enjoyed the lecture! Check out my pa.treon, got up to 20 advanced chapters there! As well as extra free chapters ! (Thank youuu <3)

Also be sure to add my other novel to your Library! "A Hentai Bonding System in DxD" more chapters very soon.