CH. 86: X My x Hero X

(A/N: I'll be travelling to London this Saturday! :O never being there before. Shout-out to all UK readers seeing this!)

Meanwhile, the tyrant was having an anger rush in his office, slamming his hands on the table after receiving the bad news.


Cao Cao The Original is the first primordial founder of the Hero Faction. An alliance made up solely of humans who fight to preserve their liberty. All other factions have being making moves in order to achieve world domination upon the glory created by the biblical god, going to incredibly absurd lengths such as slaughtering thousands of humans in the process.

But the Hero Faction wasn't going to accept that. The humans are the biblical god's most cherished creation. Albeit he's gone now, their were determined to revive his legacy. Which meant that things were going to take a faster pace there...

"Lord Cao Cao please calm down..." One of the servants tried calming down Cao's fury, which only made the situation worse.

"TAKE HIM AWAY!!" Cao Cao The Original ordered, the security placed the servant under arrest then took him away.

Cao Cao The Original is an old looking man with long hair attached into a ponytail, thin eyebrows and a slightly shaved beard. Black eyes and a voice filled with authority. His swordsmanship was amazing, enough to make him ascend leadership.

The members of the hero faction may share a noble cause but it was all ruined by this tyrant who served as chief. Cao Cao did not care about his subordinates' well being, blaming them when things didn't go his way even though they were for nothing. A true dictator hated by everyone, yet feared at the same time.

But how much did the heros really fear Cao Cao, and why, most importantly? Was it because of his tyranny? Because they would get tortured if things did not go his way?— Have they even experienced what true feat even meant yet?

Somethings were happening at the moment, spontaneously... Cao Cao just continued on lamenting, he may be a talented swordsman but his brain was that of a kid.

Suddenly, Cao Cao turned back and glanced at the corner, he could have sworn there was a servant standing there just a few seconds ago.

"What..." He mumbled in surprise. Around the room were four guards, now two, scattered throughout the corners of the chamber. He looked back in the initial direction to see his tow servants, not daring to speak.

"Perhaps I'm treating the situation too lightly... I hate when my emotions surge so uncontrollably..." He sighed, sitting back on his chair.

Cao Cao took a document from the pile built on his left then started the paperwork for a few minutes. And having found a difficulty, he faced one of the servants in the corner for assistance. "Asgard I require tea—" He said while flipping his chair, though he shut his mouth at the end after seeing that yet another disappeared.

This left him shocked with wide open jaws as he looked at the empty corner. The last remaining servant slightly turned his neck in a rusty movement to see that his co worker had disappeared, this made him flinch from surprise...

"Y-Yu where has Asgard gone to—" Cao Cao shifted his attention towards the last servant to see that he also disappeared. Cao Cao quickly stood up from his chair and cried a small noise of fear.

"Wh-What is happening—" Before he could finish, his mind was getting invaded by foreign voices, mysterious lines that drowned his brain in incomprehensible whispers of darkness.

Cao Cao The Original held his ears with his hands, the sounds weren't coming from the outside...

"I'm going... Crazy..." Cao Cao mumbled in shock. His eyes twitching and his limbs trembling. He collapsed on the ground, having a panic attack.

With his twitching eyes, he looked around to see the environment be coming tighter... An incomprehensible feeling which destroyed his sanity. The walls were becoming black, the floor was a dark river, the ceiling dripped with an unknown black liquid.

The environment was going to waste by the second, and Cao Cao was experiencing true horror led by the tragedy of his tyranny.

Cao Cao held his head in terror with a deformed expression as he looked around him to see a dark environment. The walls and ceiling were covered in black puddles, and a dark substance dripping from above.

On the verge of insanity, Cao Cao then held his stomach which started to hurt very bad. His mouth puffed as he puked blood... Dark blood— no, a dark matter he himself did not know.

"Wh-What is happening to me...?!" He mumbled in shock and confusion.

Suddenly, the dark liquids started flooding the entire chamber, rivers of the same black substance invading the closed room. Cao's legs were now engulfed within the black substance, he could swear he stopped feeling his feet.

"I MUST GET OUT OF HERE!!" Cao Cao yelled, as he directed towards the door. Putting his shaky hand on the handle, he tried opening the door but it seemed locked.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!" Cao Cao shouted in anger, unsheating his katana and slicing the door open, successfully opening it.

However, his urge to leave this room quickly disappeared, when he saw that what awaited him on the other side of the door was not the corridor he had crossed this morning...

Darkness, pure pitch black darkness that held beings he could not think of. Cao Cao backed off in fear of the pitch black darkness... Maybe staying in the room was the best choice after all... Right ? He placed his katana on the desk as he tried to figure out a way to get out of this mess.

Too Bad...

As he tried getting away from the door, his limbs were suddenly caught by what seemed to be tentacles, emerging from the dark flooding rivers on the ground and neutralizing him.

Cao Cao was even more shocked. Confusion poisoned his mind as he did not have the slightest idea on what was happening. He did not know why his office was flooded by the dark matter, nor why the other side of his familiar door was so mysterious, or even what were these elderish creatures grasping his legs and hands with such phenomenal force.

"G-GET OFF ME!!" Cao Cao shouted, trying to grab his katana which he placed on the desk, but as he moved further, the tentacles seemed to gain in strength, hardening their grips around his wrists and ankles making it harder and more painful to move.

Cao Cao eventually stopped moving after the pain became too much, unable to reach the katana on the desk just a single meter away from him. Then, the tentacles grasping his limbs started moving him linearly... His feet took small steps forward as he was being forcibly directed towards the door of the abyss he was so scared to cross.

His steps filled with dread made his panic rise up to alarming lengths every time he'd get closer. Albeit the pain, Cao Cao still fought those tentacles by moving in all directions, trying his best to leave the prison, but as the movements became slower, more tentacles emerged from the abyssal door, grasping his shoulders, knees and neck.

Cao Cao quickly found himself in a desperate state, his body movements now belonged to those unknown tentacles which successfully made him cross the door.

He was finally free from those abominations, though the terrifying nightmare was still ongoing. The old man found himself in a voidic space, devoid of colors and light, the only things he could see were his hands and body.

Cao Cao was falling, without a beginning nor end to his fall he just dropped in the never ending darkness, an unknown feeling which increased his adrenaline and body alarms.

"I-I don't know what's happening... What's going on...?" The old man had still not figured out anything what was happening.

He first thought this might be a nightmare and he was sleeping, but the pain was real. He didn't need to pinch his flesh, seeing the red marks left by the powerful tentacles on his wrists.

This sensation lasted for a few minutes until he started feeling... weird.

Texts were flashing in front of his eyes briefly, loud sounds that ressembled screams piercing his ears, and an unmeasurable pain from feeling his body literally 'glitching' for a few millisecondes, each pulse felt like his entire soul and body metamorphosed forcibly, a terrible feeling.

This lasted for multiple minutes, the fall became faster, the screams louder and the glitching more common.

'666' was the text that appeared in front of his mind during this whole time, as for the noises, they were distorted female and male screams coming directly from hell. The pain made sure to encrave these stimulations to the soul of Cao Cao.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" The old man screamed from insanity, seeing nothing but the three consecutive sixes repeating themselves again and again.


Cao Cao wasn't the only one to witness these paranormal events unfolding before him. In the main village, reports of people vanishing were skyrocketing, increasing with each second. The very lucky ones who did not succombe to insanity or vanished in darkness affirmed to have seen people literally 'no-clipping' or going through the floor.

One of the generals of the faction, as well as an elite hero, was going sprinting towards the town hall to report these phenomenons to his leader Cao Cao. His name was Chen, a master at swordsmen ship who served as guard during his military-free time, in the middle of his thirties with a moderate black beard and brown eyes.

Reaching the huge door of the town hall, Chen slammed his hands on the portal. "W-WHO'S THERE?!" Asked a person behind the portal, scared from what happening.

"It is me, General Chen. I am meeting with Master Cao Cao." Chen announced. The low rank terrified guard who was leaning on the portal from the other side sighed in relief after hearing that the general was here.

"L-Lord Chen! Pl-Please excuse my insolence— i-i'm opening the entrance now!" The guard announced, unlocking the locks and opening the gate.

The door slowly opened, Chen was already seeing the other side. "Look here, I'm gonna need you to—" Chen pronounced, though unable to continue his sentence as NO ONE was standing on the other side.

Confusion was clear on Chen's expression. He could have swore that the door was just unlocked by a guard in there other side.

"Oh no...." Chen came to the terrible conclusion that the guard just became victim of the weird phenomenons happening at the moment.

With no time to waste, Chen ran across the hallways of the town hall. In normal circumstances, he'd never run in such a sacred place, but seeing how critical the situation was, he had no other choice but to ignore the yelling guards and run towards the office of Cao Cao.

Arriving at Cao Cao's office, Chen gently tocked on the door. "Master Cao Cao, I'm entering on emergency. I'm General Chen of the swordsmen division so please don't mind" Chen said.

As he grasped the handle of the door, Chen failed multiple times in opening the door. It seemed to be locked. And since he heard no response from the tyrant, he knew something was off.

Chen unsheathed his sword then cut the wooden door to two parts, then, quickly entered the chamber.


What he had seen was more than frightening, something you'd see in horror movies or fictions...

Cao Cao was sitting on the floor with multiple wounds in his body. But instead of blood, there was a black liquid he had never seen before. The same liquid splashed on the walls and the ceiling.

Cao Cao, with a shocked distorted face, was drawing a pentagram on the floor using the dark looking liquid. And behind him, were the four servants in each corner, with black out eyes and a pale skin, each staring at Chen sending him cold shivers.

Chen fell on the ground from fear. Those lifeless puppets staring at him while Chen was drawing a demonic ritual on the floor made him sick of terror.

"I..... understand..... now...." Chen heard. It was Cao Cao's voice. A more distorted and sick voice.


That was terrific!!!

Hope you liked it! If you wanna read in advance, tens of chapters ahead of everyone then be sure to check out my p@treon! Up to 20 available now depending on the tier!

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