CH. 94: Nuts

(A/N: Sorry for this little delay, I'm planning on starting daily uploads Soon!)

"Checkmate," Said a feminine voice, so cold it resonated throughout the entire chamber with the same tonality.

It was Alice, casually ending Michael's threat without much effort. Such would argue that she had control everything, and that was right, Alice manipulated this world like it's her playground, which was actually it. In front of absolute power even the most prideful and determined could only kneel and wait for his pitiful life to be collected.

Though one thing seemed off, Alice was much happier today, probably due to the news of Akira's return from yet another world.

Time lapse is different in two different worlds. DxD just happened to be a few seconds compared to Tensura.

In the same environment, a vortex appeared in the office. Alice quickly stood up and watched with gazing eyes at the materializing figure of Akira.

"Welcome back, my king~" Alice said gently with a bitter smile, while handing him the King piece of her chess game.

Akira grabbed the piece of chess and looked at it intrigued. "That's a very efficient way of overseeing this world... It's still very sadist in my opinion" He said.

Alice left a giggle after hearing his silly words. "By the way my senses are picking up on terrible noises coming from afar, what is it about" He asked.

"Oh, just the Primordial Demons ending the heaven and causing havoc in this world... The typical menu with those seven"

'Seven...? Weren't there six...?' Akira thought.

"I'm going now" He said.

"Already? Aaaw" Alice puffed her cheeks childishly.

To this reaction Akira responded with the ultimate tool of conviction. Which are lewd head pats. Alice enjoyed every second of having her head patted by Akira, "Promise you'll be back by tonight~" She demanded.

"I will" He simply replied before disappearing.


"It's over for ya now bastard"

While Carrera was leaning or more like crushing Michael's back to the ground with her shoes, she rolled her revolver's magazine then glued the barrel to his head.

With those last remaining seconds before his execution, Rouge used her [Lucifer] to copy the abilities of Michael as well as his knowledge on his buddies as well as ultimate skill [Michael].

Without saying a word, nor showing any fear or remorse apart from the deceiving silent, Carrera ended Michael after pulling the trigger and obliterating his head with a spectral bullet.

Blood splattered around them but did not touch them sue to their shields.

Apart from Ultima, for some reason, she allowed the blood to splatter on her skin.

The body faded to nothingness after a few seconds of death.

Carrera blew the steam off the canon, "What now" She asks immediately.

"I know what" Rouge replies. She then lifts her hand and summons a portal to another realm.

All the demons feel shivers after the opening of the portal. What's on the other side of the portal defied their evil side. It was way too pure, angelic even.

"Th-Those are the heavens..." Ultima spoke.

"Exactly, little Ultima~ We're going to have some fun there as well~" Rouge spoke.

"Fufu~ I admire your way of thinking Rouge. Now, shall we~?" Testarossa adds.

Then, they set off to the heavens. The home of all angels, formerly led by Michael and his companion Feldway.

Feldway felt Michael's aura disappearing, he concluded that his companion had died

"Can't believe it's always the angels that cause all the trouble" Akira commented as he gazed at how beautiful the heavens created by Velda were.

"Too bad such beautiful place gotta be ruined now" He pitied.

Akira effortlessly manipulated the divine energy surrounding him and formed a holy sword. The blade was literally glowing like blinding light, so powerful staring at it would rip the normal eye.

The angels, acting monotonely due to Feldway's extermination of anything that's not angelic, received the signal of ending Akira's existence.

The angels created spears and light sword, all started rushing at Akira with obvious killing intent.

But without a single effort, Akira moved his arm in different angles causing the angels to get cut perfectly as they get sliced by the sword.

This surely did bring up the good times. He did the same thing in the Underworld exactly 90 chapters ago, slicing the devils and enslaving the primordials.

But this time, he wasn't going to show mercy. It started getting boring after a few minutes of non-stop killing, Akira cast the spell [Offering To The Harvest Goddess], the iconic spells from Overlord.

This killed tens of thousands of angels and transformed the dead corpses into monsterous Lovecraftian abominations. Spamming the spell until it became genocide, having summoned more than twenty 'baby goats' creatures that rampaged the Heavens and made of it a real hellhole.

News of this spread quickly, arriving almost instantly to Feldway who was already having a breakdown due to Michael's death.

But just as he felt disturbing the heavens, he quickly went towards the source while bringing with him the strongest seraphim in the heaven.

Pico, A petite girl with green eyes and light blonde hair tied in pig-tails. She wears a violet shirt with gold trim, a short black skirt and a black shawl. A catastrophe class three-winged angel.

Arriving there, Pico felt like puking, seeing the obliterated environment and disastrous state of heaven.

"This..." Feldway mumbled in shock.

Looking in a distance, they could see tens or dozens of outerish creatures crushing their land and destroying everything that moved.

The numbers of angels decreased by hundreds each second. They lost their will to fight after being corrupted by insanity as they looked at the all powerful baby goats from Lovecraft. But even so, they continued to be stomped on, crushed and killed with nothing to do other than immediate execution.

Feldway held Pico's hand teleported her right above the position of the baby goats. Flying above them, creating a secure distance between them and that danger.

Feldway cast a powerful fire based spell with holy magic and threw it at a nearby baby goat, but it had no effect, surprised how the creature suffered no bruise from the spell, but it confirmed the fact that this creature was not a demon. Even a demon lord couldn't take a holy fire attack by Feldway head on.

"Look there!" Feldway pointed his finger towards a human looking creature transporting a holy sword in its hands, it wasn't an angel, but probably the source of their problems.

"Let's go" He descended to the ground while Pico accompanied him, shaking from disgust, fear and confusion.

The two stopped in front of the mysterious individual, the all famous Outer God Akira, he admired the guts Feldway had for opposing him, and pitied the innocent Pico for being dragged into this shit show.

"So yer the one destroying everything huh" Feldway said.

Akira pointed his light sword at Feldway's neck then said, "You got it all right Fel".

"WH-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR HOME?!!" Pico shouted crying while looking around the incinerated environment that made her go insane.

"Don't tell me you went on this quest of resurrecting your god without being ready to face consequences and despair?

"Though I must admit, my very existence is extremely unbalanced in the whatsoever world I end up in...

"Meh, why does Akira do what he does I guess" Akira said.

Pico continued despairing and shedding to tears until fainting and collapsing on the ground, while Feldway tried looking for a way to get out of this one, even though it seemed impossible at this point.

"Destruction of the heavens won't be unheard... In this world or another, yer name will be heard and will cause an effect..." Feldway said.

"Wars will emerge all aiming for the same objective, which is ending your threat, ye who's name is—"

"Equinox" Akira replied.

"Ah, as in 'Dusk Of The Night' yea yea I've heard of it ye know" Feldway commented.

"End of the night, as well as heavens' last night in existence" Akira said. The baby goats all lined up around Akira and Feldway to show the angel leader that there was no way of escaping whatsoever.

It's the first time Feldway would see such horror. Even though emotions were still a mystery to him those creatures gave off an unusual aura that made him shiver, while Pico

"That's fucking nuts"

But still, Feldway wasn't planning on stopping the fight, he tried attacking but he just couldn't cast a single thing.

Akira went right past him and whispered a word in his ear. Feldway's eyes widened after hearing that, his eyes twitched and his legs trembled, emotions were finally coursing through his vains.

Negative emotions of despair that grew with each second knowing that his demise had come.

Feldway looked at the fainted Pico's direction, she started fading away and becoming dust, literal particules of nothingness that disappeared as well as her body.

"Wh— What did y-y-ya do..." He mumbled in confusion.

Looking around, watching as the heavens themselves teared apart, disappearing with each second and becoming dust.

"Erasure" Was what he heard in his ear, but he wasn't expecting EVERYTHING to be erased. Erasure was indeed going to suppress Feldway from existence, but not only him, but knowledge of his existence as well as any individual that had any kind of relationship with him.

Feldway couldn't feel his limbs any longer, as they disappeared. He simply collapsed on the ground and waited his death and that of everyone and everything he had ever known.

"V-V-Veld..." He wanted to speak last words, but his mouth then face disappeared shortly.






In the Ingrassia Kingdom and more precisely in the Free guild main building, Yuuki Kagurazaki, the main antagonist of the series was having a nice time chatting with one of his close friends, that is Shizue Izawa. They were having tea while talking about all the events that happened recently.

"Thank You again for having me, Yuuki-san" Shizue said.

"Ha~ That's nothing Shizue, my pleasure as always. In fact, it should be me the one to thank you for coming" He said, sitting on the couch opposing her while sipping on his tea.

"Why so?" She asked.

"I've heard you've accomplished alot of things recently. You've even evolved to a great hero!" He complimented her.

"Hehe~ Well I guess that is all thanks to my savior" She said with a bitter smile.

"Ah your savior, you always speak of him, yet you've never had an actual encounter with him" Yuuki spoke.

Shizue frowned after hearing those truthful words, Yuuki felt guilty for breaking her mood.

"Ah, I know what'll make you feel better! One of Japan's good old tea mixes... Oh and a manga to accompany this will be the best!" Yuuki cheered her up.

Shizue's eyes lit up after hearing the world 'manga'.

"D-Does that mean that you a m-manga?!" She asked seriously.

A sweat formed on Yuuki's forehead as he replied, "I— Hehe, I kinda exaggerated with the manga thing. Let me bring you the cup of hot tea" He said, getting up and going towards the kitchen to bring so fresh tea.

Shizue sit there smiling and waiting for Yuuki's return. Though it lasted for more than fifteen minutes until Shizue started questioning what's going on.

Nevertheless, she carried on with the patience. Those fifteen minutes became fifty until she realized something was going on.

Standing up, she went towards the kitchen, calling Yuuki's name before coming in, "Yuuki? Are you still here?" She asked.

Entering the kitchen, you could imagine her surprise when she looked around to see nothing around, Yuuki was nowhere to be found and no traces indicating his presence.

"Y-Yuuki! Wh-Where are you?" She asked, with growing worry. She started searching the other chambers of the apartment, then the whole stage before realizing that he was nowhere to be found.

Returning to the kitchen, she tried looking for anything that may signal his position, but nothing was there, apart from a pile of dust on the ground.

Perhaps that dust meant something? No... She couldn't bring herself to think the dust was important lore.

Seriously, what could dust provide as proof ?


Consider checking my p@treon for up to 20 chapters in advance and many other perks such as character design and update schedule!

Cheap advanced chapters for a whole month with constant upload !