CH. 95: I'll Always Be By Your Side... (R15)

[[ After an hour... ]]

"Alright, now what happened to you Diablo" Akira asked.

If he remembered correctly, Diablo didn't use to have those boobs and lustrous hips. He literally gender bent himself for attention.

"HAHAHAHA! SH-She really couldn't live a second without your recognition hahaha~!" Rouge laughed, pointing at the flustered Diablo.

"I— I don't see what's embarrassing in this. I simply did what's necessary to appeal to Akira-sama's cultured tastes" Diablo announced proudly.

Akira facepalmed while having a small grin drown on his face. Thinking for a second he found a little problem they needed to fix.

"Since you're a girl now, how about a new name?" Akira asked.

Diablo came closer to Akira then grabbed his arm while having stars in her eyes and an euphoric expression.


"Hm. A female demoness name which shows power and fear... I know. From now on, your new name as a demon goddess shall be Rubedo!" Akira announced.

The newly named Rubedo fell to the ground on her knees, tears in her eyes, grasping her heart with her gentle hands. "I—I will work for my entire life. No, forever and what comes after and after as loyal slave to Akira-sama~!" She cried, while her body was being enveloped in an infinite amount of primordial magical energy that made her evolve.

'Slave?... This is the second time someone's personality changes with gender bent. First Rimuru, Rouge and now Rubedo...' Akira thought.

"Talking about Rouge, I'd be glad to name you as well" Akira said.

Rouge raised an eyebrow at Akira with a surprised expression, "That's very bold and unexpected from you. Let me remind you of all the pain that you caused us bastard" She said while pouting and looking away.

The demon girls tensed after hearing those insults. Though Akira saw behind her words and knew she was just teasing him. She really wanted that name to get stronger. The only thing that problemed her is that she would be bonded to him eternally when she names him, she'll become his slave and that hurt her pride, given that she's the possessor of [Abyssal God Jāldabaoth].

Though Akira wasn't gonna force it on her whatsoever. "Whatever" He replied, shocking Rouge whom did not expect such a response.

"Now that Rubedo is a goddess, enjoy being the weakest primordial. And let's be honest, your two servants aren't even worthy of being primordials" Akira said.

At first, Rouge was just a bit flustered but now she was embarrassed and humiliated, even having her subordinates ridiculised! This completely shattered her pride coming from an Outer God. She did not speak a word after that.

"My my~ what a faceoff~" This

Their gazes fixed on the one who spoke this line.

It was none other than Rubedo who just finished her evolution. She evolved from a 'Demon Peer' to a 'Primordial Demon Goddess'. Her potential was now similar to the three iconic primordials while her power was above Ultima's !

Rubedo was the strongest primordial now! While Rouge was dragged to the bottom by her pride.

Her void black hair became so long it fell like a waterfall on the floor, while her face became extremely beautiful and her eyes red crimson, her skin was pale white and her nails colored in black, sharp enough to cut space-time itself like Testarossa.

Fangs grew in her tooth, her waist became thinner and her curves developed surprisingly well and her height grew to a spectacular 1,82m. It made her the best, having a combination of Ultima's power level, Testarossa's beauty and Carrera's charisma.

Rouge blushed slightly after seeing Rubedo, she looked away in embarrassment and hid her expression. But with her newly gained omniscience, Rubedo saw the humbled face of Rouge.

Rubedo stood up, she was as tall as Akira. Her mouth opened slightly, letting a warm and aroused breath that caressed Akira's face. She hugged him from his back then curled her lips to form a kiss on his mouth.

This scene proved to be embarrassing for everyone present, but magical to Rubedo, she kissed him passionately. Inexperienced and extremely happy, her legs shook as she came from such euphoric feelings, finally being so close to Akira and sharing a loving passionate moment.

"Hmmmn~" Rubedo moaned It was too much, and she vaginal clit ended up dripping love juices. She swallowed all saliva in Akira's mouth while her tongue was being dominated by her master. It made her just wanna go even deeper as her nails became sharper and her eyes widening.

But when Akira let go of her a string of saliva connected their two mouths. Rubedo quickly swallowed the saliva like noodles.

"What a bold thing to do in front of my dearest" This other voice was very cold, it belonged to the Ice General, Esdeath.

"My I have to say that you've had your share of Akira-sama~ so why not let me enjoy his passionate affection for once~" Rubedo said.

"My dear isn't actually something I'd 'share' you see" Esdeath and Rubedo exchanged a death glare soon after that.

She hugged Akira and blushed intensely, feeling his skin's warmth was refreshing, "Welcome back dear~ I'm so excited to tell you all my adventures during your insupportable absence~" Esdeath said.

There's no denying that Akira's return to Tensura was very exciting for some individuals. With this idea in head, he parted to meet the best girl.


"Alright! That's the last paper!" Exclaimed Rimuru Tempest, having just finished paperwork for today.

"KUAHAHAHA! THAT'S QUICK, FRIEND! BUT A REPORT STILL WAITS FOR YOU TO READ!" Veldora yelled while giving her a document.

Then suddenly, a glowing silouhette formed in the middle of the chamber, it took form after a second to reveal the arrival of Akira to Tempest.

"Greetings, Rimuru Tempest" Akira spoke.

"Ya!!" Rimuru exclaimed in surprise and shock.

"Veldora-kun, if you don't leave this room in three seconds I will call Velzard-chan" He added.

"S—SEE YOU SOON F-FRIEND!" Veldora teleported out of the chamber immediately.

Akira sit opposing Rimuru, "How have you being Rimuru" He asked.

"I-I'm fine! Thanks for asking" She replied with a sweat on her cheek.

"That's good to hear, it's great to see you surviving on your own in this new world"

"Yea—Yeah... Forgot that you now about my true origins..." She said with hesitance.

"Heh. Anyway, guess you've heard about the shit show that happened in the heavens a few hours ago. I'm happy to announce you that this world is completely safe now, and no need to work yourself up anymore"

"T-True... It's awesome to have someone very reliable like you, Akira sir" Rimuru spoke with a happy face.

"Also, I've being meaning to ask you. I'm going back to Japan tomorrow so I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me" He asked.

"Y-Yes of course! Revisiting my origins is something I look forward to everytime!" She said.

"I know" He replied.

Rimuru stood up and walked a few steps approaching Akira. "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, it's amazing." She said.

Adding even more, and going emotional, "Re-Reincarnation was a traumatic experience for me... I had no one to support me during the first months. I stayed in the cave for months with nothing to eat or do, apart from waiting for things to settle down after hearing that dangerous demons were destroying everything outside

"I lived lonely for hundreds of days. The first thing I saw when leaving was a whole kingdom crumbled, destroyed and thousands of corpses torn apart, wandering souls I absorbed for my own survival

"You protected me, took me on a journey around a thousand worlds gave me a lifestyle I would have never dreamt of. Even now, I still think this life is far better than my previous, mostly thanks to you being incredible—"

Akira caught Rimuru and hugged her intensely, so tight the slime girl was left shocked with nothing else to say. Her eyes teared up, sadness flowed from the depths of her heart. She hugged him back and cried for a dozen minutes before calming down.

"I regret what happened to you... But please, let me catch up everything to you..." He spoke.

"Wh—What *sniff* do you mean...?" She asked.

"I'm asking you to join me. To be by my side as we trample everything that stands in front of us. I promise that you'll never experience sadness again as long as you're with me. You'll live an eternal life filled with happiness, unmeasurable treasures and loyal friends you never had

"Not only that, but you'll never be alone again." He added.

"I'll have you by my side..." She said.

"I can guarantee you that" He replied.

Thus, a new bond was formed. After reaching the climax of Tensura, Akira finally succeeded in creating a healthy and safe bond with our tye little slime girl Rimuru.

What awaits next is a stronger bond, together, forever.


Have a good day everyone! Consider dropping power stones and reviews if you don't mind!~

(P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O) (N): (Up to 20 Chapters Out now!)