CH. 120: Prelude to The Party

In a large colossus, there were many gods of the Danmachi universe, sitting on their respective seats while maintaining a solemn expression. The atmosphere around them was tense and suffocating, after all this was the prelude to a War Game.

A War Game is a clash between two Familias when tension rises between the two. It is a sacred and efficient way of solving a dispute between two sides and reaching a satisfactory result, since it's the two sides who decide what happens after the winner claims victory and the loser submits and obeys.

But today's War Game was a bit special. It's a battle between the prestigious and worldly renowned Freya Familia, against the all-powerful and merciless Familia of Nox. The fight was going to be broadcast throughout the entirety of Orario. As a matter of fact, news of this imminent fight reached the entire world, some countries even decided to send spies to spectate the fight and report a bit of what the Nox Familia's strength looks like, but only a very selective handful of elite spies managed to infiltrate Orario unnoticed by the devine security system. Needless to say that security was reinforced for the event, after all, this kind of stuff happening was expected by everyone.

It is only after permission was accorded by the divine ones that the War Game was gonna take place. Thanks to Ermes' assistance the War Game was scheduled for a very close date. And during the day J-0, Akira and Freya were sitting around the crystal orb throughout which they spectated their Familia members, each standing on an opposite side waiting for the signal to start the battle.

And surprisingly, Murder was allowed during the war game battle. A chilling condition Akira proposed which shook everyone present. Murder wasn't forbidden but it was looked down upon, especially in these times after Orario went through Hell due to Hades's awakening.

With a cold sweat on his forehead, Ermes asked the divine ones about this, and to everyone's surprise— Akira's condition was unexpectedly permitted, answered positively by the divine ones.

"Th-This certainly a surprise... For murder to be encouraged during the sacred War Game, it must be highly justified by the divine ones..." Hermes commented.

Putting his hand on Hermes's shoulder, Akira spoke, "Don't forget who's fighting. The two strongest Familias in Danm— I mean Orario are gonna be having a face-off. This means that in order to reach a complete victory devoid of stalemate or draw possibilities, they must go all out regardless of what happens to the adversary." Akira said.

Thinking about it, this response was quite rational. It's true that for a fair fight, the two parties must battle with all their got, it's a logic that Hermes didn't understand at first due to the low caliber of his Familia compared to that of Freya. But even so, Hermes still couldn't get over this fact.

'This guy is no god... He's the devil incarnate...' Hermes thought, not knowing that Akira could read his mind. Hardening his grasp on Hermes's shoulder, Akira's grin grew bigger and more terrifying while his eye balls flared red in excitement, to which Hermes gulped dreadfully.


Back in the battlefield, the two Familia camps were each opposing each other, separated by a mile of nothing but a deserted and ignited biom.

"Yeeaaah!! This is going to be very fun!" Milim shouts, amused.

"Fuck yeah they even let us fucking kill the bastards this time!" Carrera added, ready to blow up some fuckers.

"Everyone, the Lord is watching so give Master Akira the spectacle he is expecting." Testarossa said seriously.

"I agree we have to show everyone the incredible power generously bestowed to us by the Lord!" Ultima added.

Unsheating her sword and standing in a fighting position, Saeko exclaims, "Let's see the results of my training... I don't intend to lose to anyone of you."

Likewise, the members of the Freya Familia were also very determined to conquer the victory for their Goddess and make her proud. However the fact remains that the Familia they were opposing was a strong foe and probably the most powerful adversary they ever went against until now.

(A/N: This war game is happening somewhere after the forth season so I will now be including the warriors of Freya from Volume 15)

"Courage everyone! The Gods are spectating us so don't disappoint our Goddess Freya! Failure is NOT an option!" Ottar roared bravely as to encourage his partners on leading a legendary victory.

"Fuck yeah that's what I'm talking about!! Let's kill them all!!" This was Allen Fromell bragging arrogantly. Allen is a short demi-human with blue eyes, black hair, cat ears and a tail. He's a very powerful Level 6 spearman with a trump card that makes him rival Ottar.

"Don't underestimate your opponent, Allen. Don't forget whom we're facing..." This was Hogni Ragnar speaking, a tall shadowy dark with tanned skin, slightly gray green eyes and silver hair that could also look pale purple. He wears a black outfit with a black cloak. Ragnar is a Level 6 Swordsman with cowardly tendencies but immense strength.

"Well said Ragnar. Our adversary is strong and we are undoubtedly going to need a strategy if we want to emerge as victors." Hedan said, a four eyes (glasses) elf with white, almost translucent skin, golden hair that falls down his back and coral eyes. He wears a black battle garment along with a white cape and a white belt, both of which have gold trim.

The last two warriors from the Freya Familia were Alfrigg Gulliver and Dvalinn Gulliver ; Two twin brothers with two others who sadly weren't chosen to participate due to the Nox's Familia small number of members. The latter are a group of four Level 4 Pallum quadruples who normally fight all four together making them unstoppable but only the two strongest were picked, Alfrigg the eldest and Dvalinn the second strongest. Needless to say that the two other brothers Berling and Grer were watching the scene while encouraging their two selected brothers.

"Let's get at it!" Alfrigg said excitedly. "You've got it big bro!" Dvalinn responded with the same energy.

The sky above the battlefield seemed to be getting darker, the aura of despair emitted by the members of Nox started getting more and more intense.

"Get ready everyone! The battle is starting anytime now!" Testarossa announced.

But before the imminent start of the battle, the five members of the Nox Familia suddenly received a telepathic message directly from their lord with back freezing instructions.

( Don't hold back, show them the power of Nox. Murder them, vore on their flesh, crush their bones, drink their blood, then send their souls to me. )

These words could only be described as bliss in the ears of these people. They were planning on making a good show for Akira but since he now gave the order a modification was provoked.

"There seems to have been a change in plans, everyone. Let us dye this battlefield red with the enemy's blood. No one is to leave here alive, it's the Lord's orders." Testarossa commanded with a smile on her face.

"Yes let's have lots of fun fighting!" Milim shouts amused, not having a bright idea of what Akira nor Testarossa meant.

"I'll do my best!" Even Saeko obeyed the order and was ready to start the bloodshed, "Ye seem pretty relaxed 'bout this human, didn't expect ya to be into this kind of fucked up shit." Carrera said to Saeko.

The latter clenched her grasp harder on her katana, eyes ignited by determination and an unshakable mind drunk on the previous order given, "I don't care if we're about to kill. Akira dear not only accepted but also embraced this side of me. And for that only, I'll wipe all humankind if it's his wish." Saeko said.

Impressed by the boldness of her speech, Carrera laughed it off and encouraged her by taping her back, "Haha can't tell who's the daemon here if it's me or ya haha!"

Apart from the gods, civilians of Orario and adventurers from other Familias were also watching the War Game which was broadcast throughout the entire City. Yes, the event was so big no one could have missed it.

Ais Wallenstein and her comrades from Loki Familia spectated via the big holographic transmission in the middle of the city while Loki was present in the mausoleum with Demeter and Hestia by Akira's side.

Just then, a small second of complete silence filled the colloseum as the starting signal was given, announcing the start of the war game.

"DISPERSE EVERYONE!" Testarossa shouts.






Next Up: Happy Massacre Party I— Crucification


"Happy Massacre Party" contains deranged aspects of torture, murder and mind breaking. Just when you feel like it stopped, it gets worse. You're informed now.