CH. 121: Happy Massacre Party I— Crucification

Read Slowly, and Enjoy.






"DISPERSE!!" Testarossa commanded. Following her order, Milim flew up in the sky to launch aerial assaults while the four others wiped the ground and those arrogant members of Freya who dared challenge them.

The first one to engage in the battle was Carrera. Being a fighting addict, she was looking very forward to fighting these guys in a death battle regardless of strength, and after receiving the order from the Lord to turn this battlefield into a slaughterhouse her Instincts went ecstasic, craving blood and death. She's truly a battle junkie as described in the Wiki.

Travelling a mile, she met up with the Level 6 Demi-human named Allen, a prideful son of a bitch, "You're going to hell rookie." Allen provoked Carrera as only a few meters were separating the two. They walked slowly in a circular direction both staring at each other, focused, and ready to strike at any time.

"I've been in the hustle for long enough to know a rookie like you doesn't stand a chance against someone like me." He said.

"I won't hold back, now DIIIIE!!!" He dashed towards her at a fascinating speed while holding his spear up in his arms and preparing to slash it down once he approaches her enough— being a level 6 merged with the enhanced attributes of a cat beast man gave him immense agility and speed, enough to rival the most powerful adventurers in this world.

But as the sharp tip of his spear descended on Carrera, the latter just yawned, bored, but mostly disappointed ; What seemed to be world-shattering speed was extremely slow for her, his movements were in slow motion and she had all the time to retaliate.

In the decelerated world, Carrera simply walked past him. Then, she forms a dagger made purely from restricted blast energy— a yellow form of energy taking the shape of a dagger.

"What a disappointment I hope the bastard doesn't die from this." She shoves the dagger in Allen's right abdomen. Snapping her fingers, time accelerated once again taking a normal pace.

"DIE!" Allen slashed with force, winds blowing from the attack's speed. Grinning in confidence of having hit his opponent, he looked at his spear only to realize that this was just an afterimage of Carrera's initial position. "Wh-Wha..." Confused, he suddenly feels blood dripping from his mouth and a pain in his abdomen region, looking down on almost a rusty movement, he perceives the dagger of blast energy planted deeply inside.

The next second, the dagger explodes.


The mix between the sound of the blast and the pain screams of Allen formed a melody that danced its way through Carrera's ear holes.

"HeheheHaHaHaHAHA~ What a fucking shit show." Carrera mocked. As the dust of the explosion dissipated, Allen was seen holding his arm in pain.. at least what remained of his arm.

"FUCKING SHIT IT HURTS!!!! YOU BITCH YOU FUCKED MY ARM!!" He cried. His right arm evaporated with the explosion. Focusing his energy back into his arm he managed to regenerate it, but to everyone's surprise his regenerated arm exploded as well, throwing bits of flesh and blood everywhere, "FUUUUUCKKK SHIIIIT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Hahahahaha~!" Carrera laughed seeing the bastard bark even more than a dog.

"Ya can't regenerate parts I've blown up with my magic dipshit!" She added. Allen lost an arm and had many wounds around his body, a part of his hair was burnt and his three remaining limbs trembled.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU BITCH!!" He shouts, running towards Carrera while holding the spear furiously at the grinning demon. And as he slashed his spear vertically, Carrera caught hand and completely nullified his momentum, "THE FUCK LET ME GOO!!" He orders, but the grasp on his hand gets even more intense and Carrera ends up crushing all the bones in his hand using nothing but brute force.

The pain becomes unbearable his eyes tremble, she lets go of his broken last remaining hand but immediately grasps his neck, "F-F...FU—" He groans with the last bit of force he has left. Allen tries using his trump card [Gralineze Fromel] which makes him even more powerful but the next second Carrera crushes the bones in his neck by hardening her grasp, rendering the incantation impossible.

"BUAAKHH" The fallen Allen vomits a mouthful of blood, his mind was going blank, his spirit broken. Nevertheless, Carrera didn't stop from tormenting him. It was so easy to keep him lifted from the ground from how small he was (161cm), his body didn't show any signs of resistance, he was completely submitted to her.

"I'll show ya why they call me the fucking nuclear daemon, asshole!!" She shouts with flaring yellow crimson eyes.

Carrera uses a hand to grasp Allen's remaining arm but uses the second keep hold of him in the air, then she pulls it away and fucking tears apart his limb from body.

Screams, cries, tears, infinite pain, Allen was begging and begging for mercy but what followed was greater torment.

Not just that but everyone got to witness this spectacle of torture. Though the torment was censored from the screens around Orario to avoid showing this fucked up shit to the public, if citizens were to see this his Familia's reputation would plummet to the ground, as well as Hestia's considering she:s the number one ally of Nox.

Thus Akira censoring the torture and making it seem like a normal fight that ended with Allen's defeat in the eyes of everyone.

"So powerful... She finished with him quickly like a true warrior... I have a lot to learn..." Ais Wallenstein says. Her comrades saw her reaction and were in fact also impressed by Carrera's power.

But unfortunately, the gods present in the mausoleum didn't receive the same treatment as the public, having access to the uncensored version of the fight.

Demeter didn't say a thing, she simply watched with a poker face while congratulating Carrera's win cheerfully. Hermes felt uncomfortable and even started to look away in fear. Loki had sweat around her body and felt very insecure and unsafe seeing this. Hephaestus had mixed feelings. The other gods shared the same reaction as Hepha.

Hestia didn't dare say a thing and just continued watching. Freya did not flinch and her initial expression didn't change a bit.

As for Akira, he was smiling, holding his dress in excitement with eyes that flared in amusement, "Continue Carrera... And everyone... Show them the power of I," He ordered.

"NOOOO PLEASHE I BEG YOU SHTOOOP" Allen begged, crying blood.

Carrera cast a curse that prevented him from dying or losing consciousness. Then, she proceeds to tear off his right leg, then the left leg and when the cures continue, he cries like a fucking animal. Carrera plunges her hand inside of his chest and tears off his tongue, still not dying or losing consciousness. She removes her hand from his torso making the limb-less body yet still alive body fall on the ground.

Carrera blushes, parts of Allen were on her face and arms. Her hands were red red red from blood. She blushes, the scene turns her on. "So this is the kind of pleasure ya were having Ultima~" She blushes.

"...KEUGH...BLURRP..." The noises coming from Allen's mouth were incomprehensible.

Becoming more and more excited, Carrera opens her mouth voraciously then bites the left side of Allen's head. His body trembles and moves hysterically while Carrera pierces through his smooth skin and rips his face apart. His left eye ball was stuck in her mouth. She bites the right part of his face now and tears it apart, getting his right bloody eye too. Then using her shark claws, she grasps his hair and tears it from his head, then she tears apart the top part of his head and starts mutilating his brain, transforming it to potato mash and also adding the main ingredient, his eyes. But he was still alive.

"Time to end this, rejoice now." Carrera now grasps one of his cut arms then uses immense force to shove it inside Allen's face, piercing through his head and digging in the ground, crushing his eye balls into mud, his nose into splatter then using the other limbs to crucify his mangled body to the ground.

Just then, he was allowed to die. But the broken soul was consumed by her, a nice dessert to finish this off.

What was left on the ground was an indescribable carrion of flesh that couldn't be thought of as human ever before.

"DID YOU SEE LORD?! THE KILL IS MINE!!! MYAHAHAHAHA!!!" Carrera laughs maniacally.

Seeing this through the magical orb, Akira facepalms, "What a mess, she didn't even dare to leave me the soul like I requested. Fucking waste." He mumbles.




Y'all have been silent these past days (side eye)

Comment what you think su~ !