
Hey everyone. Long time no see huh, well I'm back for good now! It was a challenging year in college but I'm ready to settle now for good.

I have 3 things to say. First I'd like to thank everyone for the support and downloads, we've managed to become the #1 Tensura fic on this website collection wise as well the second most popular ongoing multiverse fic at the moment, collection wise of course.

Second is that I'm gonna have so much fun writing the next chapters bc during these last days I've been writing the next chapters to see what direction this is gonna take and I've decided to make Overgeared the next world travel, it's gonna be a unique reading experience considering it's a VR game Akira will be playing as he and Alice await the imminent d####### which is gonna take place in the last chapters of Volume 2.

Volume 3 is gonna be all about conqueting the Nexus and the introduction of a new character who YOU will decide how his personality will develop, will the anarchy of his parents take control of him/her or will it see the good of the Omniverse and try to protect it, you decide!

Thirdly, I'd like to thank the reader atomic_666 who's been gifting his daily power stones for god knows how long. I'm offering him a free month of 20 Advanced Chapters in P@treon to thank him for what he's been doing all this time.

Lastly, there's a new chapter coming in a few hours! Uploads are one every 2 days maybe 3 if I'm deborded but what I can guarantee is consistency!

Thanks all for reading this lil announcement and see you all in Chapter 130!

>For reader atomic, contact me on Patreon: