Ein 3

"Bobby, wanna be a pair?"

"Ya, if you don't have anyone."

Bobby replied with certainty that kinda makes Hans flustered because as he remembers when they are still a kid before, Bobby doesn't have any light power and even domain power. He was also surprised when he met Bobby in Holmes as he doesn't expect Bobby to clear the entry test.

"How about you Luna.?" said Hans as he turns his head toward Luna who is walking to them

"Ohh, I already pair up with the glasses girl. Her name is Nira and she seems don't have anyone close to her so I just asked her earlier and she agrees."

"Let's pair up then Bobby."

"Hahaha, I think everyone is scared of sparring against you. Okay then, let's talk to Sir Rye."

The whole Ein class is consists of 20 students so everyone will have a pair for each of them. As Bobby and Hans are the last ones to say their pair, they will have a spar at the last match.

The rules of the spar are whoever seems to can't fight anymore or surrender will lose immediately. Everyone can use their whole domain power and means during the fight but if the damage dealt seems to be fatal or deal a huge injury, Sir Rye will intervene and block it but the person will automatically lose.

The first match is between Nate and his opponent is a tall guy with short brown hair. Nate has the Domain of Light and a sword as his weapon. Nate obliterated his opponent with his moves that can cast multiple light beams while he swinging his sword.

Luna seems unhappy as she wants to see Nate getting hurt more but it's a pity that Nate can be said as one of the top students in the class.

The match carries on until match number eight which is Luna's match. Bobby and Hans seem expectant as they want to see how Luna will be during the spar.

Luna opens the match by casting her Domain of Art which is changing the tip of her spear into a brush. The tip is still sharp but it takes a shape like a brush as she swings the spear strangely towards Nira who seems to hesitate while casting her domain power.

Nira blocks the attacks by using her weapon which is a massive shield but to her surprise, the spear on Luna's hand melts and turns into black ink that forms into snakes. The snakes coil up Nira's body rapidly. Nira tried to resists but to no avail, she surrender the match.

The reason Luna change the tip of her spear into brush earlier is that she was drawing the snakes while swinging her spear towards Nira. The snake will take form once it is hit with something.

Bobby and Hans are surprised as they don't think that Luna is this good as she seems to always act like a spoiled brat.

After waiting for the ninth match to ends, finally, it's Bobby and Hans's turn for their match-up.

"Hans, just go all out on me. I just want to see how far that I am compared to before."

"Ya, I was planning to do that anyway even you don't say it. Don't come crying at me later though."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I just worried you are the one who comes crying later."

Sir Rye comes in between them and raises his hands as he said.

"Okay, fight!!"

Hans takes out his sword from the scabbard and the sword that once is silver in color is wrapped with fire around it. He half-crouch from his spot and then he jumps toward Bobby who standing in front of him as he tightens both of his grips on the sword.

"Nothingness Domain: Absorb."

Bobby chants as he punches the incoming attacks using his brass knuckles. The fire that envelopes Hans's sword is thinning when it touch Bobby's punches.

Both Hans and Bobby fall back a few steps after their clash.

"Ahh, that's what it means by his domain power is better in absorbing damage better than others, I thought that this match ends in a blink of eyes with Hans winning," said Luna who sitting with Nira after their match ends.

Hans seems flustered by it and he recovers quickly as he chants his domain power once more.

"Fire Domain: Blaze"

Fiery fire envelops his sword once more but it is bigger and more violent as his whole arms are also enveloped in fire.

Without waiting, Bobby rushes toward Hans and thrust his fist toward Hans. Hans avoided the attacks and move toward Bobby's left side as he swing his swords toward Bobby.

Bobby immediately crouches under Hans and by using Hans's momentum who is currently in the swinging motion, Bobby sweeps Hans's legs and cuts up with his elbows toward Hans's jaw.

"Fire Domain: Fire Barrier"

The fire that envelops his sword vanishes completely but there is now a fire barrier enveloping his whole body before Hans fell.

Hans falls from the sweeps and his jaw is hit directly by Bobby's elbow but the damage is reduced because of the fire barrier. He quickly retreats from Bobby after he notices that fighting Bobby in a close range is like walking in the lion's den. He also lost his grip on his sword due to Bobby's attack earlier.

"Ha….I didn't expect that it comes into this."

Hans raises his hands as he chants.

"Fire Domain: Lava"