Ein 4

The fire surrounding Hans forms into a red liquid that moves freely around his body. Bobby took a defensive stance to prepare for any possible attacks coming from Hans. Hans leaped towards Bobby and all the red liquid slammed in Bobby's direction. Bobby tries to defend by absorbing the damage dealt from the attacks with punch all the incoming red liquid but to no avail, the red liquid keeps coming his way.

Hans is currently almost reaching level 6 while Bobby doesn't enter the level 5 domain yet. From a young age, Hans is always considered a prodigy because of his light power capacity which translates to him having many domain power to use at his disposal.

After Bobby can't sustain from absorbing the damage any longer, Bobby wants to use his left eye to cancel all of the attacks but removed the thought as he remembers that Hans is telling him to lay low for now.

"I surrender," said Bobby while raises his hands

Hans halted his attacks and removed his domain power while slowly falling back to the ground.

"Okay, that's it. the winner of the last match is Hans. Bobby, you will stay back with others who lose for the little exercise around the block. Everyone who won, you can go back to Holmes now." said Sir Rye with a grin on his faces

Bobby goes toward Hans but to his surprise, Hans seems to have an annoyed expression while looking back at him

"Bobby….you holding back aren't you.?


Hans ignore Bobby and went back to Holmes as the class is finished. Luna who seems confused about what happened follows Hans shortly after


"Zues, do you think this plan will work.?" ask the man with a long hair on the magic ball in front of him

"Yes, my source and others also said that Evans Luther is now far from its glory in the past. I guess even the magma has reached its point. The kingdom of Anadia is strong only because of Dunne and Luther anyway." said the old man with a white beard on his face

"Yes, even the Eyes able to kill one of them without any difficulties. The other two councils are not worth enough to be said about them. Even though they are also level 10, their capabilities are inferior to ours."

"Hahaha, I guess Asila continent now will be controlled by the Kingdom of Holt fully now."

"Hahaha, It's thanks from you, Zues. The help of Wilder family for this plan to work is essential."

"By the way, did Xans know about this.?"

"Xans is the only one who insists of against this war. Other Holt Kairos vanguard seems to agree on this plan so Xans protest will be ignored. Emperor Duemi's condition also worsened now since his youngest son died"

"Hahaha, the Eyes organization is really good at their jobs."


Bobby has finally reached home with his sore legs after the run for whole 500 rounds around the block.

'Ahhh, that pale face looking Rye is a real monster, how did he ask people to run 500 rounds on the first days of the academy just because they lost. I guess Hans is angry because I did not use my full power earlier, but what can I do?. I can't fight with my eyes closed and my left eyes stand out too much when used.'

Bobby enters the house and he found Rachel who is in the middle of hiding her crying by stuffing her face on the pillow.

'...You know if you want to hide it, you can just cry in the room. Why did you cry in the middle of the living room'

"Err… Rachel.. are you the only one here? where are others.?"

With the puffy eyes and voice that begins to crack, Rachel replied

"Dana and Luna going to the food bank and Rul and Hans going for training when I'm back earlier. Wh…Why are you late? Did you lose your sparring match too?."

'I guess all the class will have their sparring match on the first day and it seems that Rachel loses her match. I didn't know that it was such a big deal though. Why she crying like she loses the world' ponder Bobby while putting a fake smile in front of Rachel.

"haha… I lose to Hans earlier. Why did you cry too much.? Don't worry, it's just the first day, you will beat your opponent back later."

"Bu…But I lose badly to Andrei. I didn't even get to defense and even use my domain power."

"Well, it happens Andre is behind only Hans anyway at entry test so don't beat yourself around too much."

Bobby continues to console Rachel by patting her back while offering her drinks. He does this anyway although his legs pretty much dead from running is because he wants to ask Rachel's help for tonight's cooking. Hans seems to be angry with him at the moment so he doesn't have any assistance with cooking. It can give a good impression to Rachel too if he acts like a nice guy.