*Knock* *Knock*
Xander raised his eyebrows as he walked calmly towards the door with full detail as he knows that the only people who know his address are the Forger Family.
Opening the door, Xander was quite surprised at his guests.
"Ms. Zuberg and Ms. Lawrence.... My surprise seeing you here. You should invite yourself into my lovely home, do you want a cup of tea or mind you having a coffee?"
"Thank you for your kind appreciation, Mr. Aeon. Please brew us some nice cup of tea." Alice calmly says whilst inviting herself, Eula Lawrence, on the other hand, raised her eyebrow not expecting Xander to know about her last name.
But she was quite surprised seeing no hatred nor hostility in Xander's eyes towards her. It was a well-known fact that the Lawrence Clan was a former Duchy Family who tried to overthrow the ancestors of the Lionheartd Family, the Pendragon Family.
Xander led the two knights as he brewed an organic cup of tea which is healthy for the body. He then let the two sit on the couch as he sat on a nearby chair, the three calmly drank their cup of tea as Xander led the discussion.
"Now then... How curious am I to know why two beautiful knights decided to 'intrude' my house, isn't it, Knight of Integrity 30, Alice Zuberg... And the Captain of the Espionage Company of the Favonius Knights, Eula Lawrence from the Tyrannical Clan." Xander said whilst adding a small smirk into his mouth.
(A/N: Scheming Xander's debut!!!!)
Alice sighed whilst Eula was now assessing Xander with her deep thoughts, although she was only ranked 'Captain' in the Order of Knights, she was enough to even contend with their Knight-Commander. The only reason why she was ranked a Captain was due to her bloodline.
She could see it... The power behind Xander's eyes and the magic to hide it behind to project like he was some kind of weakling, perfectly showing an image of 'Brains over Brawns'. A perfect description of a 'Snake'.
"Well... We are sorry to disrupt your peace of mind but... The thing is we have troubled you on being 'Princess Xandera'. Because of our mistake, the reputation of the Princess became quite jumpy since many liked and dislike the thing that their Princess actually crossdresses. . . So we have came here to apologize." Alice said whilst calmly bowing her head, Eula frowned whilst looking at Alice.
'You lied!!' Eula was actually fooled by Alice by coming here. She thought that she would only come here to gather information about Xander as the 'Captain' of the Espionage Company, but she didn't expect to come here to apologize.
"There's no need to apologize since I liked this certain feeling of fame, since it was my first time experiencing it." Xander said whilst mumbling the last part, being under the shadows in his past life almost shaped his figure like a shadow.
"Well anyways since I have forgiven the two of you, well I suppose you should go on your merry way, right?" Xander said whilst adding a small little smirk, unknown to everyone except Xander how his pupils suddenly glowed yellow.
"... Well we also have another objective why we came here." Alice said whilst grabbing something from her sheath, it was her Golden Sword. She then quickly pointed its tip to Xander's neck whilst Eula went behind him with her Claymore whilst also aiming its blade part towards Xander's neck.
"Fufufu. You do know that this is illegal right, even for 'Knights' like you two."
"We are doing this for the safety of our country." Alice again said whilst narrowing her gaze, Eula on the other hand simply sighed at this unnecessary hostility.
"So a boy having no identification as a citizen counts as 'danger'?" Xander smirked whilst raising his small little arms. Remember that he is inside of the body of his 12-Year-Old Version.
"Yes. Every country has its own intelligence agents or is simply renowned as 'Spies'. Knight Eula over here is a Master of it and has known secrets that spark another World War. However she hasn't received a case where someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which is quite impossible, so we have concluded that you're something else that could endanger that country!" Alice said with hostility, her sword is able to read her emotions as it quickly gathered energy from it and raised its capabilities.
"Fufufu... You're right." Xander said whilst his pupil suddenly glowed in yellow light.
Suddenly, Alice and Eula's eyes went bloodshot as their bodies started moving which wasn't from their controls. They calmly walked backward whilst having their swords going back to their sheaths. Xander noticed that the two were in their full armory which means they were ready for a fight.
Alice and Eula came back from where they were previously, at the couch with their swords back on the sheathes. However, instead of losing the memory of it happening, Xander let them experience it. He then blinked which suddenly made the two have the ability to talk again.
"I knew it! A member from the Supernatural World! Tell me, which Faction are you from!" Alice said bloodshuttingly.
"Fufufu, why should I tell? The only reason why you were able to talk again is that I let you, don't think that you're special status as a 'Knight' gives you full authority to let someone speak. You spoiled brat."
"S-Spoiled brat! I'm older than you!" Alice shouted.
Alice didn't retort, she was immediately speechless. Eula and she came for two reasons, the first one was gathering information from Xander, they simply didn't know anything about him. Now that Xander is asking them about him, they didn't know what to answer.
"... Calm down, Alice."
"Calm down!! How do you expect me to calm down!!"
"I won't repeat it this time. CALM DOWN." Eula said threateningly which made the blondie shut up.
Xander watched this phenomenon with deep appreciation, he was enjoying the show. It was until Eula looked at him with deep and tranquil emotions which quite surprised him.
"... You have known something like this would happen right." Xander smiled mysteriously, he then crossed his arms and said.
"Yes. And explain." Xander already knew what would happen, but watching it in real life is better than in his powers.
"Although you fooled Alice of showing her how open target you are, you haven't fooled me. You used your supernatural powers to let us walk back, however instead of using manipulation, I could still feel it."
"Feel what exactly?"
"The blood in my veins and arteries reversing like their jobs changed." Eula calmly said.
Alice widened her eyes whilst saying.
"No way! Are his powers already in Molecular-Level?! Then we didn't have the chance at all?!"
Xander giggled as he explained.
"Fufufu. Not really, I didn't have to use Molecular-Level against the two of you."
"Then how did you reverse our blood flow?!"
"... Its because of the nature of his power..." Eula said calmly.
"What do you mean, Eula."
"A power that has the nature to reverse something from doing its supposed nature... The Power of Time." Eula explained which made Alice gasp.
"Fufufu. Aren't you quite a detective, darling?" Xander said in a deep British accent.
"It's my nature as intelliegence-gathering knight."
"Fufufu. Since you have known this power of mine, then why don't you already speak what's hidden under those deep impressions of your mind, 'Knights'?" Xander again blinked which made the two move their bodies again.
But instead of attacking with deep hostility again, the two calmed down whilst looking at each other.
"... Since our 2nd assumption has been answered, then we want you to hire us as you're bodyguards!" Alice said embarrassingly.
"Do I need you're protection?" Xander again said whilst grinning.
".... No, its because we need you right now." Eula said.
"Good, I'll accept if you explained."
The duo again looked at each other and nodded.
"Very well."