Welcome to Caracat

Three winged horses were dashing through the skies. It turns out that the horses not only bind their souls to their new owners, they also receive aspects of their owners as well.

For example, John's Hermes inherited his assassin role, so the horse morphed into one that is agile. For Glenn and Gina's horses, there weren't a lot of changes physically but they know that there was something different with their mount.

"Do you remember what Caracat is like?" Gina asked. "Because I feel like I don't know what it is."

"It's a fairly big city that belongs to the country of Thawyork," Glenn said. "It's not as advanced in terms of technology compared to Kassos, but it's definitely not behind either."

"As far as I can remember, Kassos is close to creating a television," John said. "It's odd because they use magic, so it's very different from our television."