Drunk and Arrested

Among the three of them, only Glenn has an idea who this knight was. This was Sir Percival Broeknwood, the commander of Caracat's Knight's Order.

"How was Kassos?" Percival asked.

"We have never been to the kingdom, actually," Glenn replied. "The only reason that we have the horses was because we did Joaquin a favor."

"Sir Joaquin for you," Percival said. Glenn now remembers why he disliked the famed knight. Percival was too proper, insisting the knights and other titles to be called even when there was a calamity for an event.

When they arrived at the hotel that Percival ordered for them, the knight excused himself. He said that he was going to ask for the king's permission so Glenn could talk to him.

"I just realized how far back I played," Glenn said. "I was actually one of the Beta testers of God's Omen. The two of you must've played it in the middle of the first Patch because of their ads."

"You were a Beta tester?" Gina asked. "What was that like?"