Chapter VIII

"Yes, I DO know him and... I don't think he's fit for you," Ah, of course he would have the same reaction. It is as just as she expected.

"Adiran Mort is just another misjudged person by the nobility. I believe that with enough support and care then he would be seen as a completely different person." Though she is just really improving everything that she have seen according to Airla's memories.

"What I've seen in this young lady's memories, he is a good guy and one with a sharp mind. Though, he is kind of soft and a hopeless romantic at that..." She just remembered this particular memory where he pushed Juliana away just to stop her from badmouthing Airla again. That particular incident actually might have started all the rumors about him, showing just how much the nobility favors that stupid, little girl.

"Have you... ever encountered a girl named 'Jillianna'?" She asked, wanting to know if her student have any knowledge about the girl that has been tormenting the poor Airla for the rest of her life.

"I have, Master. And actually... I am not particularly impressed by her magic, though her parents started telling everyone that she has affinity for holy magic, her affiliation is not THAT..." She gets what Dermon is saying. There are people that do have affinity for all kinds of magic, and they may be given the chance to master them all but...

Holy magic? That was one magic that cannot be grown even if they use it everyday. There is a reason that a 'Saintess' is as rare as the Goddess herself showing because... well, someone who wants to master holy magic SHOULD 100 percent have an infinity with it the minute that they are born.

"What do you think is the percentage of affinity that she has with it?"

"Give or take, 15 to 20 percent." That was... a poor number. She could be working with the church at best, but she will never be declared as a priestess nor a saintess with that percentage. To be a priestess, she should have around 35 to 50 percent, and all of the records that they have of saintesses in the past all have a hundred percent.

"Does she have other affiliations?"

"Ahh, she has Earth and Fire. A speck of dark magic can be detected as well, but only at 5 percent." That was average at best. If she was her student, she would make her choose three types of magic that she would want to focus on, two of which are whatever affiliation she was born with, and another learnable magic type to add to her repertoire.

"Are you her magic teacher?" Dermon shook his head no. Ahh... the only people familiar with her ways are her students, and if she does not have one of her students teaching her then... her magic teacher would probably focus on holy magic and not her other affiliations.

"You're thinking about her magical education, aren't you master?"

"Yes. You know me so well, Dermon." Once a teacher, always a teacher. Not to mention she made may have fostered one too many children... this must be why Fernando told her that she might have to accept a title just to build a manor for the children she started picking up along the way.

"She is still young. I hope that after all the revelation that would happen that she would change her ways." Though she has some doubts, she could still give the young girl the benefit of the doubt. Children does not suddenly develop a personality, they are taught by someone or somebody, or they saw someone they look up to act that way.

"I think the nobility started favoring her when they found out that she has the greatest percentage of affinity towards holy magic. They are probably going to push for her priesthood or... they may even view her as a saintess." That was a lot of pressure to put a child. Being a priestess means that she should be proper and perfect all the time. Even right from the start, those that wants to enter priesthood must be seen as some sort of 'perfect being' or an angel-

Ah... that must be it.

"The third prince wants to marry Jilliana because of that." She immediately concluded. Having control over the church as a saintess or even just a priestess would give him enough power to win over the people and the nobility. He wants to be king.

"I figured as much. The first prince is impressive, intelligent, and powerful when it comes to his powers, but he is too... I would not say arrogant, but he has this air that he is untouched by anyone since he is the strongest magician of his generation." He is too proud, too much into being the prodigy, which led to him being unapproachable. No, definitely not ruler material either.

"The second prince on the other hand, he is very much kind, very approachable, and very much loved by the people he meets." Judging by how the second prince carry himself, he would actually be perfect as a diplomat to other kingdoms. He is agreeable to be with, he has an aura around him that just makes people around him relax.

Not to mention... a perfect candidate as a King. He might not be as prodigious as the first prince, or as charming as the third, he has a sharp mind and a witty-tongue. The commonfolk and the nobility respects him, and her magic is not to be scoffed with.

"The only thing missing with him is having someone backing him up..." Duke Adiran Mort WILL be a possible candidate as King, she would make sure of it. But, that was about it; she wants to show how he could be a threat to the first and third prince. She knows that Mort would not like being King, and would rather live his life peacefully.

'Which is what I also want.'

"I wanted to make Adiran Mort as a possible candidate to the throne, but that was only to show everyone what they missed out on. After that, we are going to discuss whether he would really like to become a candidate but knowing his personality from Airla's memories..." Dermon nodded in understanding.

"So, if he does not want to become a candidate, then you would support the second prince?" She nodded in answer. But first, they would need to assure that they would have the power to support themselves first.

"Dermon, I need you to be my teacher." She stated, both her eyes and voice firm.

"Of course, I will personally ask your parents to let me be your teacher." Then... the next thing in their agenda is to release the agreement between Airla and the third prince. But first, she would need to contact Duke Adiran Mort.

"Oh! I also remember..." She opened her palm, focusing a type of magic that would probably shock the nobility to its core.

"Pure, white magic...?"

"I have a perfect affinity for holy magic." which she would use against the people that is destroying her reputation. The Goddess have given her a go in all of her plans so... using the church for this might be good as well...?

'Goddess...?' She waited for a minute or two before a giggle answered her.

'Go do anything that you deem will help you. What is mine is yours. You are, after all, my precious daughter.' There she is again with calling her her precious daughter. She would demand for an explanation, but this time might not be the perfect one.

"Are you saying me that the Ethereal Mage is also the Saintess?!" She shrugged, knowing it right from the start. Fernando knows as well, as a fellow holy magic user. He has fifty percent affinity to holy magic, which is enough for the church to hound him into priesthood but well...

"The Sword Saint is a literal saint as well, you know? Well, a priest to be exact." This made Dermon froze in shock. Back then, they found their affinities on their own, with a magical ball that was carelessly thrown in the trash.

At first, of course, they did not realize how rare holy magic is. They thought that its just normal and all, but then they got a hold of a book.

The book, which is actually fifty years old, scared them of entering the church. They were not made for a life of just staying in one place and praying all the time. They did not realize that the book was old, and that the system have changed.

They found out the truth when they were given the titles 'Ethereal Mage' and 'Sword Saint'.

"So... let me get this straight... YOU can contact the Goddess, she have given you the second chance at life, favors you obviously, and now you are also the Saintess?!" Why is he shocked by that now? She told him everything before!

But, to be fair, she also focused on poor Airla's life and what happened to her...

"Yes, like I told you before, yes." She answered, sighing. Maybe, it's time for her to serve the church this time around. The Goddess have done so much for her, the least that she could do is serve her and the world.

'You do not have to force yourself, you know that.' The Goddess said. Ah, she noticed that she is hanging around her this time, probably wanting to see how she is as of the moment.

'I just wanted to see how you are. The time magic that you have casted is going to put a toll on your body if you still keep it on for longer.' The time magic! Oh no, her huge magic might have forced this body's reserves to grow larger than before, but that doesn't mean that it could handle long-time spells like this.

"The blowback on my body is going to hurt." She said, groaning at the pain that she is going to feel throughout her body after this.


"I am going to stop the Time magic since we can talk longer another time. But... can you please numb my body the minute that I stopped the magic?" Dermon looked confused, of course, but he nodded in answer.

"The second that I release my time magic, I am going to hurt SO much." She told Dermon, in which the man realized what is happening.

"I will assure you a painless release!" That sounds like she was going to die. Well, she may as well be for casting heavy spells with an untrained body. She took a deep breathe, resigning in her fate, and released the spell.

'Shit.' She felt herself immediately fall down, hearing screams around them, and someone immediately hugging her. Must be Dermon because she did not feel the usual pain that she has with using too much magic.

'This is my third time blacking out after coming back...'