Chapter IX

The next time that she woke up, Dermon is still around. She half-expected for the doctor that was around the first time she occupied Airla's body to be also hovering beside her, but it looks like her student have replaced him.

"Master! You are alright?" She immediately looked around, seeing if anyone was there or if Dermon was just so overcome by emotions that he forgot not to call her Master. Fortunately for her, it looks like it was just the two of them.

"I took care of you, Master. You've been asleep for three days, but I visited you every single time I could." She could see that the fear of losing her is still around. She patted beside her bed, beckoning him to come closer to her, which he did.

"So... are you the one that took care of me? I do not see the foul doctor that my parents have had before." At the mention of the doctor, Dermon's face contorted with anger showing a probability that the man might have been called by her parents, suggesting something unpleasant might have happened.

"He called you a 'drama queen', and have started badmouthing you before he could even step inside your room. I quickly shut him up even before your parents could, casting a silencing spell on him so that he could not pry his useless mouth open." She looked at him worriedly, knowing that though he is a powerful magician, the doctor might have more connections than him. If about what he did got out then...

"Do not worry, Master. He will never say anything bad to you ever again." The evil glint in his eyes might be telling a different story. Of course his student will have connections, he was a great magician after all and one of the few students of the Ethereal Mage. It was foolish for anyone to not to side with him.

"I cannot believe that you have grown up so much." And the others might have grown up much as well. Some might have even decided to settle down and grow a family. Well, it is up to her to assure their safety now that she is back.

"You have taken care of me well, Master. All of us." But before she could even pat him on the head, her door was suddenly thrown open, making Dermon suddenly stand up from her bed.

"Airla! Thank Goddess you have awaken!" It was her parents. They ran towards her, immediately wrapping her around their arms and hugging her tight. Of course, as a person who grew up with little to no affection, she enjoyed the hug closing her eyes from the warmth and care radiating from the two adults.

She is used to giving affections to others, but she was rarely on the receiving end.

"I am fine, mother, father." She told them, smiling. After a minute, they let go of her, and have decided to face Dermon who is currently standing just beside her bed.

"Thank you, sir Dermon! Without you, she probably would be in pain as you said..." Ah, then he have casted a spell on her body to stop the pain. Well, she thinks that she might need a bit of rest before she could proceed with her plans.

"This is nothing, anything for my student." Her parents accepted! That's great! Then, she would have no problem using complicated magic in the future, just saying that she is a student of a great magician and he have taught her all kinds of magic.

"When will you two start learning magic?"

"Around two days from now. It is enough time for her to recover." He said, bowing towards her direction then her parents.

"I must be leaving now. I still have other duties to do, but I am happy to see the young lady awake and well." He looked towards her, a smile forming in his face. She smiled back, waving goodbye. They could converse a whole lot when they start training.

"Of course! It is an honor for someone like you to take our daughter as a student, and now assure her health as well! We will be sure to reward you for your kindness." Knowing Dermon, something as simple as being invited for dinner or tea would be enough for him. Both of her parents bowed as he left for his other duties.

'We will be seeing each other soon, Dermon.'

Now, that her parents are in the room... it's time to talk about her engagement with the third prince.

"Can I talk to you, mother, father?"

"Of course, sweetheart. We are willing to listen to anything that you say."

She beckoned them to come closer, patting beside her bed to let them sit. Now that she have a closer look at them and her mind is not full of other things... she could say that they are quite handsome.

Her mother is a beauty with her silver white hair and emerald green eyes. Her father is also not that bad to look at, with his raven-black hair and golden eyes. And judging from his posture, he might also be well-trained with the sword. To be honest, they were both so beautiful that she thought that they were much more pleasant to look at compared to the King and Queen.

Nobles always praised the King and Queen for their looks when her parents are much more attractive than them...

'Not the time!' She thought slapping herself mentally.

"Airla?" She thought that it is the perfect time to tell her parents of her plan to break the engagement with the third prince. She thought that telling them sooner will be better so that they could be ready for her... well everything.

"I want to break the engagement with the third prince." When she said that, she expected them to throw a fuss, or even just tell her to try fixing it with him since, well, he is a prince. She saw a few of them from other kingdoms when they were assigned to guarding them, as a show of peace as the bastard king once reasoned.

Ladies who are done with entitled princes, or men who have had enough of bratty, spoiled princesses. She would always hear them forcing their daughters and sons to suck up and get together with the royalty, not hearing their excuse.

Well, she might have underestimated Airla's parents because...

"Of course, we understand why." They didn't even looked surprise by her decision.

They might have had enough with the third prince's attitude towards her as well, or Angelica might have told them in passing since servants can speak to them without fear. Well, it's not like she told Angelica to keep it a secret.

"You do?"

"Yes, and we will fully support your decision. Your father and I have had enough of what he is doing to you." Airla is greatly lucky to have parents like them. It is rather unfortunate that she could not enjoy their presence for long...

'I promise you Airla that you will commit the justice that you deserve.' She thought, her resolution burning like none other.

"Then, you must know the person that I intend on marrying." Again, they don't look surprised. This time, she is sure that Angelica have told them of their conversation. This makes everything easier.

"Are you sure?" It was a simple question, but she knows that they are testing her resolve about the matter. Unfortunately for them, she would not back. She is going to show them that the two pariahs of their society will be the most desirable.

"I am." She answered, her voice firm.

"That is all what we want to hear." Her mother said, reaching out to her and kissing her forehead. Her father nodded in agreement, smiling warmly towards her. Ah, to have parents like them... it is like a dream come true.

"Ok, I will immediately inform the King and Queen of your decision. Do not worry about it. Now... you can write a letter to the young Duke Mort. I expect that you are going to do that now?" She nodded in answer, excitement flowing through her body. She needs him to come to their estate.

"Actually, I would like to ask for two favors again." in which her father nodded towards her to continue. She have everything planned out in her head; she just needs to write it down. And if anything happens, she is a master of going with the flow!

"Firstly, can we move the ball to April?" Three months. In three months, she can improve Adiran Mort, and train herself as well. If they are going to announce her and his engagement, she wants to do it with a bang!

"Done. The next one?"

"Can Adiran Mort stay here for the next three months?" Her father contemplated for a second, conversing with her mother through eye contact.

"Why do you want him to stay here?"

"Well... as a fellow pariah of the nobility, I thought that we could help each other out. Before the ball commences, I want to improve the both of us!" Her answer pushed both her parents to agree with her.

"Very well. We trust you." Her mother said, patting her head.

"Well, with that settled. I am going to immediately start breaking your engagement off with that bas- I mean, with the prince." Her father hurried away, a glint in his eyes that she could compare with what she saw with Dermon earlier. Her father might have planned to end things earlier, but have only respected Airla's wish not to.

'Do not worry, Airla. He is going to eat his heart out.'