Rumors Part 2

pulling an all nighter till 5 am --_--

Warning!!!- cursing and a little sexual content

- The next morning-

Sean- I wake up to an alarm clock and look over to the side of the bed. There Ryan is, sleeping peacefully. I bash the alarm clock and get out of his bed. I walk over to the curtains and pull them open. "CLOSE THE CURTAINS!!!" I hear Ryan aggressively say. I quickly close the curtains and try to protect myself from his rage. He picks up a water bottle and throws it at my head causing it to burst open. "Ouch sorry! You really need some sunlight in this room." I told him as I rub my head. He grits his teeth and gets out of bed. "Dude seriously! Put some pants on!" I yell at him as I close my eyes. He sighs and opens his drawer and pulls out a pair of pants. Since today was the last of school for a while I decided to fuck it and where some grey sweatpants and a white top.

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Ryan- I enter the bathroom and take off my shirt along with my pants that I put on and put on a white sunflower top with blue jeans. (Use your imagination) I brush my teeth and wash my face then let Sean use the bathroom. While in the bathroom I went to the living room and watched tv. I slowly fell asleep and saw a dark figure behind me. I was too numb to open my eyes. About 12 minutes later I felt Sean scrub my head. "Wake up sleepy head." He tells me. I get up and accidentally trips, falling in-between his boobs. (or breast if you may) I was really embarrassed and covered my face. "Are you alright?" He asks me as he removes my hands from my face. I just walk off and put on my shoes and coat. I thought Sean was prepared to do the same, but he just stood there. I had to snap my fingers and say, "Get out of your world and come on! We're going to be late" I walked out the door and he followed behind me.

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Sean - "Wanna stop at my job for a quick second Ry?" I ask Ryan as we walk to our school. "Thought you didn't have work today." He told me, sighing. "I don't, I just need to apologize to my co-worker for the disruption you caused." I told, he looked at me like I was crazy so I decided to just head to school.- - After the short trip of walking we finally made it to school. I pushed open the doors and we walked inside. The hallway was so very quiet and everyone just stared at us. Then they started to whisper, I could hear some of the whispers. "Are you sure? Did they really sleep together?" One said. "Yea i'm sure, that's what Jill said." the other one said back. 'Jill? Like.... Ryan's Girlfriend?!' Then my friend Lucas walked up to me. "How'd it feel?" he asked me. I was very confused. "How'd you feel?" I asked him as Ryan looked at him. "You know ----- 0" he showed me with his fingers. I looked at him like he just told me to kiss the floor. I pull on Ryan's arm and make our way to the bathroom. Outside we hear everyone cheering, They're gonna do it in the bathroom!

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Ryan - 'What is happening?!' I was scared that we entered the bathroom, but wouldn't dare to go back out. Then the bell rang, class had started, I really didn't care if I was late because I always was, but Sean I never knew if he did. Eventually the swarm of people left and we could leave the bathroom. I held Sean's hand just in case we needed to run. We get our stuff and bolt to the classroom. Since it was Friday we could go to any classroom we wanted to. So, I took Sean to the one farthest to the hallway. Mr. Johnson taught that classroom, but when I'm there (alone) he lets me call him James. I opened the classroom door and no one was there, just Mr. Johnson in his chair. "Ryan? What a pleasant surprise." He tells me, swinging his chair around. I go sit on a desk and Sean does the same, but inside instead of on top. I pulled out a book from my backpack and started to read. I look up to see Mr. Johnson staring at me. "New book huh? What's it called?" He asked me. I put a bookmark in the place I was reading and closed the book to see the title. "The Detective and the Criminal by Hanna D. Jance" I told him. --- --- The bell rings again and we say goodbye to Mr. Johnson, deciding to skip the rest of the day and go home. Students walk out of their classrooms and stare at us, laughing. We ran as fast as we could until we couldn't hear the laughing anymore. When outside I started to slow down my running and walking. "Coming to your house again?" Sean asks me. I nod my head. "Just maybe not Sunday, my brother is coming to visit." I told him. He grabs my hand and we run to my house.

Not knowing that someone was behind them.

Not knowing that someone was behind them.

(906 words)