Stalker Much!

WARNING! - Kidnapping and little profanity also a short chapter T-T

-The day before- Jill- I was coming back from gym when I saw Ryan and Sean hold hands, walking together. 'Was he cheating on me?' 'Why would he do that to me?' 'This is all Sean's fault!' I wiped my tears as I walked back into the school to change. Once I finished changing I took my bookbag and walked out the school. I text my best friend Ashley.

^Hey Ryan, guess who I found cheating on me!^


^Ryan! But, you stay after school right? Just tell everyone that they're sleeping together!^

^Allright! Got it see you!^

I snicker and walk to my apartment. While walking to my apartment I see a man walk up to me. "Hello beautiful, how are you?" He asked me. I could tell he was drunk so I shooed him away. Next thing I know I was grabbed from behind. "Help! Help!" I muffled. I knew then and there that I was going to die. I bit his hand and took off running, but I was struck from behind and blacked out. -Later- I woke up in a room and was blindfolded, I saw shadows standing in front of me. "Hello little lady, you sure do put up a fight." One man said calmly to me. "She bit my fucking finger!" The other aggressively said to the other. Frightened, I launch back in my chair. "Hello? Who are you?" I ask the two men infront of me. They both looked at me and one nodded his head. One took off my blindfold and I stared at them, they weren't wearing masks. 'Am I going to die? They aren't wearing masks I can see them! When I leave i'm going to tell the police!'

"We aren't letting you go for a while so you might as well sit back and relax." One of them said, breaking the silence. Then I started to cry. "Please, Please let me go! I promised not to tell! Just please let me go!" I cried out to them, but was striked in the face by a metal blade. It hurt like hell, I could tell I need to give it a rest before they kill me. "Sooner or later your gonna have to tell us where to find it." One complained to me. ''Find what? Money? Jewels?" I asked, "What do you want from me!"

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