Stalkers get stalked

Third-person - Jill sat there thinking about what they could want. Her family wasn't that rich and barely owned anything valuable. 'Could they want jewelry? Or maybe our conservations?' "We don't have all day!" One man shouted at her. Jill was so terrified, she almost cried, she didn't want to die here. "I don't know what you want!" Jill sobbed to the two men in front of her. One of them was irritated so they kicked the chair, sending Jill backward, removing her blindfold. Jill got a good look at the two men and realized that she knew them. They were Ryan's brothers! Michael and Alex were both bosses at a company and were known for beating up anyone that messes with their little siblings. 'Why would they do this! I didn't do anything wrong!' "Michael, Alex, please know I didn't do anything wrong, so just let me go!" Jill tried to advise them, but they wouldn't listen. Michael was pissed, he took a knife and slid it against Jill's face and said. "Listen you two faced bitch! If you even get close to Ryan, I'll cut your throat, understand?"

Michael- I was super pissed. I really wanted to kill her, or even better, torture her. Alex brought up her chair then looked at me like he was super annoyed. 'How was he calm?! I just know he wants to kill this bitch as much as I do, right?!' I leaned my head to the door as I walked out of the room. I sigh as I plop down on the couch. "What the fuck is wrong is you! You know we aren't supposed to kill her!" Alex growled. "Geez, what's up with you? It's not like I was going to kill her." I advised Alex while laughing. He just sighed and tossed me a beer. I popped it open as I heard a knock on the door. I saw Alex open the door and Ryan come in.

Ryan- "Hey! What's up Ry!" My brother yelled at me, obviously drunk. "Don't call me that" I pout. "Aw why? Maybe because your little boyfriend calls you that?" He laughs. I frowned at him, he knew Sean wasn't my boyfriend, he just chose to tease me about it. "Let's cut to the chase, where's Jill?" I say crossing my arms. Alex sighs and pulls my arm. He opened the door to where Jill was, she looked like she'd seen a ghost, I liked it. "How long are you keeping her?" I ask Alex. "How long do you want her to stay?" He questioned my question. I thought for a moment. 'Maybe four or six?' "Keep her for six years until she gives her what you want and if she gives you any problems, kill her." I say with a straight face, i'm not a murderer, but people have to pay. I said goodbye to Alex, Michael, and Jill, then went on my way.

(493 words)