An Assful.

The next morning, after a terrible night's sleep, I climbed out of bed, showered again and used the toilet, and then returned to bed, unable to summon any enthusiasm for anything.

I woke up again when Sth opened the door to deliver breakfast.

"Come on, pull yourself together sweetie," he said, putting down the tray. "You were fucked, it happens. But you're still alive, and where there's life, there's hope. Look at me. I could have given up when they cut me, but I didn't. I admit, I would have hoped that I could have escaped somehow already, it's been years, but I'm alive still. Still hoping."

I sat up and looked at him. "What do you mean? Cut?" I asked.

"Oh sweetie," he said. "You don't know much do you?"

I shook my head.

He looked at me for a moment, and then, shockingly, lifted his tunic up.

I looked. If I'm being totally honest, he wasn't an attractive person. Does that make me shallow? Maybe it does. Still, I looked. He was a fat man, but below his bulging belly hung his penis. It wasn't a big one, and it was soft, like Murders had been between 'bouts'. Then I frowned. Something was missing.

"You have no..." I gasped.

"That's right. I'm a eunuch," he said. "The captain before Murder took me when I was about your age. He was a twisted fuck that one, liked the young boys. I put up too much of a fight for him, so he chopped them off. He'd have probably finished me off too, after I'd suffered for a while, but there was a coup, and Murder, well, murdered him, took over. He allowed me to stay on as a slave. You can say what you like about the current captain, but he's always treated me all right." He dropped his tunic back down.

I stood up and put my hand on his arm. "I'm sorry Sth," I said. "You must think me a spoiled brat, whining and moaning when you've been through so much."

"Don't be daft lass," he said, smiling. "You've fought back all the way. I've never seen anyone as strong as you. You're just going through a rough patch now." He gripped my own arm. "You will get through this. I believe it." He paused and smiled. "Just don't forget old Sth when you come into power."

I grinned then. I was still suffering, but what this person had been through was far worse. If he could keep going, then so could I. And let's face it, I didn't suffer a lot, did I? Could you count multiple orgasms as torture? Swallowing a bit of cum was the worse I had to endure.

"I promise, when I'm captain, I won't forget you," I said.

"That's my girl." He looked at the bag he'd left me last night. "Just remember that when you look in there."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I'd eat your breakfast first, you're going to need your strength." He patted my arm again, and then turned and walked out of the door.

My resolve boosted, at least slightly, I sat down to eat my meal.


The morning was boring. I spent most of it lying on my bed. At first, I tried to figure a way out of my current predicament. When that failed, my thoughts drifted to Nuba and, predictably, after a short time my hand slipped into my jumpsuit, and down to my pussy.

Several minutes later, I brought myself off, gasping and panting. It seemed Nuba may have been taken from me, but she wasn't out of my system.

I slept a little again after that, waking up only when Seth brought me lunch.

"Am I to remain in here all the time?" I complained.

"I'll ask the captain, or you can. He requires your services a little later. Eat your food and then get changed. He pointed to the bag."

"Oh." I nodded, suddenly not really wishing to leave the room.

"I'll come back later," Sth said, and left me to it.

The food was rice, some kind of green vegetables and something that could have been a kind of meat, or maybe it was soy, covered in gravy. I didn't know, but I ate it anyway. There was even some rice pudding for desert, and a pot of green tea. It was basic fare, but fairly tasty.

"It seems I won't starve to death here at least," I muttered, as I finished the tea off.

Once I'd done eaten and drunk everything, I decided I couldn't put things off any longer. "Okay then, let's see what horrors are in store today." I picked up the bag Sth had left and emptied the contents onto my bed in a pile.

The first item was a black bra. It was made of some kind of stretchy plastic stuff. It was rather small, and my poor boobs were squashed in them. As an added bonus, there were holes for my nipples, which allowed them to poke through. I shook my head. People were certainly imaginative when it came to sex costumes.

The panties were of the same material, and also small and tight. However, they confused me for a short time, as protruding from the material, was a plastic penis like thing. It took me a minute to realise that the thing was on the inside of the pants, and the only way I'd be able to wear them would be if it was shoved up my backside.

"Oh dear or dear," I said. "Why? Why is this happening to me?"

I sat down on the bed, holding he pants in my hands in despair. The plastic phallus wasn't as big as Murder's real one, but it was dry, and I was sure it would hurt. Then I saw a small jar amongst the items from the back. I frowned and picked it up. It had writing on the side: 'Lube'.

Lube? Lubrication!

I nodded in understanding, and opened the top. Inside was a kind of gel. I scooped a finger in and sniffed it. Minty! Shaking my head, I proceeded to coat the plastic thing with the lube. Then, standing up, I put one foot on the bed and, taking another glob of gel, and a deep breath, I wormed my finger up my bottom hole.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, as it slipped up there quite easily with lube. Then: "Oh," again, as I began to breathe harder. "Dammit! How is this turning me on?"

I pulled my digit out and climbed into the pants. They were tight, and it took some effort. They also had a hole in, no prizes for guessing the location of that. Eventually the tip of the plastic penis reached my asshole. Taking another deep breath, I placed it on the bed and sat on it.

"Ooohhh!" I cried, as it slid up inside me. "Ohhhh!" I had to cross my legs because the tingling from my special place had really started up.

Eventually, after some deep breathing, I managed to calm myself down, and stood back up, pulling the pants up fully, which caused me a moment I can tell you.

When I finally managed to get them into position, the plastic penis was right up in my ass, and my pussy lips protruded out of the hole, squeezed out by the tightness.

"Oh dear oh dear," I said again.

The next item was a fairly light silver chain. At first I thought it was a necklace, but the ends didn't seem right. It was only after a few minutes of thought that I realised where else it could go.

Sighing, I clipped one end to one of my nipple rings, and the other to the other. The chain swung between them.

"Imaginative," I repeated.

Next was my least favourite. The dog collar. Shaking my head, I put it on, feeling like a traitor to myself. Even as I did though, my poor squashed pussy began to tingle again.

"You be quiet," I said to it, to no avail.

Lastly were some fishnet stockings and a pair of black shoes. They had heels, but they weren't as high as the other ones, and I actually had half a chance of walking in them. They were still not comfortable though.

Wincing at the tight clothing, I sat back on my bed, shifting uncomfortably with the thing pushing up my ass, and waited.

After only a few minutes, Sth opened my door and walked in.

"Stand up please," he said.

I did, and he looked me over. "Oh my dear," he commented. "You are quite something else." He frowned for a moment. "Actually, here's an idea. If you can get Murder to fuck you, properly I mean, and deflower you, your value at market will go way down. I mean, you'll still sell for a lot, but it would make the difference between profit and loss for him."

"So then maybe he wouldn't sell me?" I asked.

"It's possible. Of course, you'll still be stuck here as a slave. I'm not sure if that would be better or not."

I nodded, thinking it over. At least here was a known quantity. If I was sold off who knows who I'd have to serve, and how they would treat me? It might be worth a shot.

"Come on then," he's waiting. "Here." He handed me the cloak again.

Wrapping it around me, I followed him out, bracing myself for my second session as a sex slave.