Locker Room Woes.

The next morning I woke early, feeling a lot better than I had the previous day, although the synth still made me climax when it washed me in the shower.

"So it goes," I said, accepting the fact that I was now horny at the slightest touch.

My bottom was feeling a lot better too, after Nuba's cream had done its job once again. I resolved to try and not get beaten for at least a few more days, until it was properly healed this time.

Then I stopped dead. What had I just thought? I was planning on getting spanked in front of the class, maybe unconsciously, but still! I couldn't believe what a naughty person I suddenly was. Was this all because I had stopped taking the suppressants? Would the other students be the same if they stopped too?

Surely this couldn't happen to everyone. I mean, all the students who left The School stopped taking them, didn't they?

Or maybe it was just me. Maybe I was just a naughty person.

I resolved to ask Nuba about it, and hurried to get ready and go to breakfast. Leaving my room, I walked to the mess hall, noticing how several girls tittered and looked at me as I went by. Such was the price of infamy I concluded, ignoring them.

Nuba was already at, what I now liked to think of as our table. She smiled gently when I slid into my seat.

"Morning," she said. "Sleep well? Every... where feeling all right today?" She waggled her eyebrows.

"Yes, thank you," I said. I glanced left and right, and leaned forward. "Do you think there's something wrong with me?" I whispered.

Nuba frowned. "Sweet cheeks, there's nothing at all wrong with you, quite the opposite, you are mighty fine," she whispered back, and winked at me.

"No! I mean, you know, my..." I dropped my voice even lower. "Urges."

"Oh." Nuba sat back and thought for a second. "Let me think on it a bit. Oh, here we go."

Mother Superior had just announced breakfast, and the serving synths started to weave their way through the tables, delivering the food.

"So, I forgot to mention yesterday," Nuba said, after a minute of masticating the newly arrived meal. "I put in the request to share a room. You may get a confirmation message this morning."

"Wonderful!" I said, smiling widely.

"I'm hoping it will be approved today, it should be quite quick, from what I read on the network, but you need to concentrate in class, no more whippings, or they might take a closer look, and that would be not good."

"Oh, right." I nodded, and resolved to be on my best behaviour. The classes today were P.E in the morning, which would probably be running today, then the afternoon was tactical theory, and I had a self study period for the last part of the day, which had to be done in the library. I told Nuba my schedule.

"Sounds okay, be careful in the showers at P.E though. Lots of pretty girls around you!"

"Oh no! Why would you say that?" I asked.

She just grinned her mischievous grin, which by itself nearly set me off.

"Stop that!" I scolded her.

"Hey, I'm just smiling." She shrugged her shoulders and sipped her coffee.

I made an exasperated face, and continued to eat.

After the meal was done, we said our farewells and went off to classes.

P.E was, as expected, running. Thinking about Nuba has said, I chose a place in the darkest corner of the locker room, and slipped out of my uniform and into my running shorts and top as fast as I could. I kept my face to the wall as I was changing too.

All done, I made my way out and joined the teacher and the few students who were already ready.

Conscious of my new found celebrity, I hung back from everyone else, and when we finally started the run, which was around the large, artificial park The School had created under a giant dome, I ran fast, trying to get ahead of the pack.

Long distance running, though, wasn't my strong suit. I wasn't built for it. My boobs bounced too much, even in the sports bra I'd put on this morning, and I didn't have long enough legs for a good stride, so it wasn't long before I was back in the middle of the pack.

"Hey, Ally!" It was Jade, someone who, before Nuba, I'd have considered my best friend, although we didn't see each other very much, as we had nearly totally different timetables, and her room was at the opposite side of the school to mine.

"Hey," I panted back.

"Are you okay?" she asked me, puffing along besides me. Jade was not much taller than me, but she was really thin. Wiry someone had called her once. In direct contrast to me, she had practically no boobs at all. "I've heard all sorts of stories about you lately," she went on.

"I'm fine, thanks. I've just been feeling a bit unwell, and got distracted in class. You know how boring Ms. Tattler's class is, so I was daydreaming, and not paying attention."

"I see, well, listen you know you can talk to me anytime, don't you?"

"Thanks," I said, smiling over at her.

"See you at the usual place in a few days?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. We usually met at the weekend, when school had a couple of days break, and just hung out together. To be honest, I'd forgotten about that, but I didn't want to snub Jade, who had been my friend for a long time.

"Cool, see you at the finish line then fatty!" she joked, and sped off. She was a much better runner than me.

"Fatty," I muttered, shaking my head, but smiling too. We did tease each other, but in the good natured way that people who know each other well sometimes do. I thought about shouting out after her to grow some boobs, but then that may have got me in trouble, and I was trying to be good, especially today.

By the time I had made it round the course, many of the other girls had already finished, and the locker room was busy with dressed, partially dressed and undressed young women.

When I was on my suppressants, I wouldn't have batted an eyelid, but now, walking through all that attractive, naked flesh, I saw the place through new eyes.

"Oh my," I muttered to myself. How had Nuba known? I mean, I was attracted to her, a self admission that startled me even as I thought it. Was she my... girlfriend? I had to think on this more, but then I bumped into another girl who was on the way to the shower. She was totally naked, and I felt her breast press against me.

"Sorry!" I said, blushing.

"No worries," she replied, smiling innocently back at me, and carrying on to the shower area.

I realised that I was the only one thinking lustful thoughts. None of the other girls would notice anything. That would be my saving grace.

"Hurry girls, we're a bit late today," the teacher said. She was Ms. Henderson, a cyborg. Her robot body was shaped like a human female, which I always thought a bit freaky. Still, her shout reminded me that there was one other person who might notice any odd behaviour on my part, so I resolved to keep out of her sight.

I stripped off, and being naked made my heart rate go up for some reason. Perhaps it was the movement of the air against my flesh, I don't know, but I had to close my eyes and take some deep breathes.

"Are you okay?" A girl next to me put her hand on my shoulder.

I jumped, her touch hadn't helped my condition at all, or the fact she was only wearing her skirt, and had a really nice pair of breasts. I had to tear my gaze away. She was looking at me with concern on her face.

"Sorry!" I said. "You startled me. No, I'm fine, just out of breath from the run. I guess I'm not so fit."

"Come on," she said, looking me up and down, in a totally friendly and innocent way. "You're fit as anything. I'm fatter than you!" She patted her belly, which wasn't fat at all in my opinion.

"Sure, you're verging on obese," I said, smiling at her, to let her know I was joking. She was cute too! I shook myself. "Anyway, sorry, shower time."

"See you later," she said, as I walked quickly away.

The showers were a nightmare. I never realised what a dirty, bad girl I was, with naughty evil thoughts. I tried to put myself in a corner, but the shower area, which consisted of a long, narrow stretch of tiling with shower heads protruding from one side, was busy and crowded, and I kept getting jostled as girls came and went.

I nearly came myself, although in a different fashion, as I washed as quickly as I could. I didn't dare wash my pussy or ass, because the slightest touch down there would have likely sent me into convulsions. It was bad enough with the water trickling over my skin.

Somehow I survived. I wrapped my towel around me, scurried back to my locker, the friendly girl next to me had gone by then, thank goodness, gave myself a cursory drying off, threw my clothes on and practically ran to the toilet, where I went into a stall, yanked my pants down and frigged myself off as quietly and as urgently as I could, until I came in a shuddering, gasping, desperate orgasm.