Getting Close

A greedy smile appeared on Mariko's face, and with a smile, he seemed even more ugly, his unusually big nose swells like a frog on his face with that smile. He takes a look at Winston, something about Winston that he didn't like, maybe his appearance. 

"Who is this?", he said. There is a sense of jealousy in his tone. 

"He is a friend", Silvia said while taking a gaze at Winston, he also looked at her, their eyes met for a second and got separated again. 

"We have five hyenas", Silvia continued.

" Five? How did you manage to get five hyenas?", Mariko said, with wonder on his face.

"We were just lucky", she said with politeness.

" Hmm, lucky! So how much did you expect?" 

"Three bottles of nectar for each".

"Hahaha, it seems you have become ambitious".

"it's hyenas! you will earn a lot with the toxin you will derive from them".