[Bonus chapter] The Bean

King Adonis 

I watched Cloud's face intensely as waves of emotions appeared on his face the more he looked across the board. His body was almost limp in my arms as he held onto my forearms. I could see the visible fear, worry and disgust as he scanned the pictures. 

Even though I felt what he felt I also had an overwhelming sense of hatred and anger coursing through my veins as not only pictures of my husband and I decorated the wall, but pictures of Apollo, Maria, Iris and even Ezekiel! When I looked over to my brother and best friend I could tell they felt what I felt in that moment. 

"Journals were found as well. In a sick sense he had a list of things he had to accomplish before a certain time frame," Joe spoke disturbing the thick blanket of silence that had covered the room. 

"What was next in his plan?" I asked already afraid of the answer.