King Adonis
"I am not my father nor is King Adonis. We don't owe you a single thing and neither of us have to explain ourselves to you Wilhelm," Ezekiel, just like the soldier he was, responded with such a lack of emotion you would have thought he was simply reciting the news. "This is a desperate kick of a dying horse and I am unwilling to entertain it any longer."
"You're living in denial," Wilhelm stressed, "Your father was a threat to Gordon. Has that never crossed your mind?"
"My father made his mistakes but as a guard, a loyal knight to the throne, we pose no threat to the royal family. Our job is to serve and protect."
Wilhelm shook his head with an unimpressed frown, "You have been so deeply brain washed that you're a robot."
"Don't insult his profession when you are incapable of seeing the truth," I straightened my back and looked down at Wilhelm.