Conflict Resolution

Though the primary purpose of the Milbolts Academy for Nobles was to emulate and familiarize Noble sons and daughters with the society they would invariably be a part of, there were a number of classes that focused on things like history, territorial management, math, and even chemistry.

Before his sudden and spontaneous access to the Intersection of Fate, Paul had only intended to study territorial management, swordsmanship, and magic. Now that he had Zhongli and Xiangling with him, his schedule was packed with history, etiquette, ballroom dancing, and foreign studies.

While Zhongli and Xiangling had been provided basic information about the world, it was spotty at best. It also relied on their actual memory to retain it, so Xianling, in particular, had already forgotten most of the stuff she had learned. Zhongli was in a better position due to her extraordinary memory, but she still needed to experience things to be genuinely familiar with them. Thus, while they were only required to attend three classes in any given week, Paul, Zhongli, and Xiangling mutually attended eight.

During the start of their studies, primarily due to his announcement, Paul was regarded as an overachiever and a pariah. A lot of the classes he had enrolled in were meant for children in higher age groups and, in the cases of ballroom dancing and etiquette, female Nobles. The only boys enrolled in the latter classes were there to flirt with girls, so his reputation took a nosedive until rumors regarding his, Zhongli's, and Xiangling's academic performances quickly spread throughout the school.

Since there were adult members of the Nobility that didn't even know how to read, Paul's, Zhongli's, and Xiangling's relative fluency at the age of five was viewed as a sign of prodigiousness. Zhongli, in particular, managed to attain the highest marks in every single one of her classes, while Paul was able to achieve second-highest marks in everything but ballroom dancing, swordsmanship, and magic. In those three classes, Zhongli and Xiangling outperformed even the students that were preparing to graduate...




"Heir Notos, we would like to have a word with you. Please come with us."

Staring up at the group of older, roughly eight-year-old children led by a boy with blond hair slicked back and fastened into a fashionable ponytail, Paul replied, "You interrupt my meal and entreaty me without even giving your names? Away with you."

Though his two cronies looked like they wanted to step forward and seize Paul by his sleeves or collar, the blond maintained a practiced smile as he placed his hand over his heart, lowered his head, and said, "Please accept my deepest and most heartfelt apologies, Heir Notos. It would appear I have become too accustomed to others knowing my name. I am the First Son of House Havagat, Julius Havagat Silvertoad. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Recognizing the names Havagat and Silvertoad at Upper-Middle Noble Houses, Paul found himself suppressing a sigh as he rose to his feet and offered a less courteous bow and answered, "The pleasure is mine, Heir Havagat. Now, to what cause do I owe the 'pleasure' of your visit?"

Placing extra emphasis on the word pleasure in a vain attempt to get the youth to leave him alone, Paul's smile cramped when Julius answered, "I would like to purchase your attendants. I have already communicated the matter to my father and obtained permission from your own to pursue the purchase. We need only to work out and finalize the details."

Though both Zhongli and Xiangling were present, only the latter furrowed her brows in disgust. This prompted one of Julius's thug-like cronies to ask, "What are you looking at, wench?" but, even then, she did not speak. Due to her perceived status as nothing more than a servant, speaking out would simply exacerbate matters.

Fortunately, Paul had never been the type to tolerate slights and insults to the people he cared about or, at the very least, associated with. He and Xiangling weren't particularly close, but they were still allies for however long it took them to save both of their worlds.

"Enough. Not only is your proposition offensive to the point of appalling, but the manners of your colleagues are worse than a common barhound. This time, I will settle with filing an official complaint with House Havagat. The next time you insult my honor and approach me with such a ridiculous proposal, I will have no choice but defend it. Now, away with you."

Not expecting Paul to speak to him in such a manner, Julius flared up like an angsty cockerel as he nearly shouted, "Have you completely lost your senses? Even if you are from a Greater Noble House, you have no right to speak to me in such a manner. And over a common wench, no less!"

Without missing a beat, Paul's voice leveled into a threatening tone as he asked, "And who is it making a scene over such 'common wenches'? Your failure to find capable retainers does not give you a license to poach from others. Have some class. You're a Noble, not mongrel."

Inhaling a deep breath, Julius seemed like he was mere moments away from striking Paul. The difference in status between a Greater Noble and an Upper-Middle Noble, however, was like the distance between Heaven and Earth. If he struck first and without probable cause, a year or two of house arrest would be the least of his punishments.

"Paul Notos Greyrat. I will remember today's offense. Farewell."

Without waiting for Paul's response, Julius promptly turned and gestured for his cronies to follow as he practically stormed out of the garden where various students, predominately females, enjoyed their meals.

Hearing the distant sound of murmurs and noticing several groups of girls looking his way, a faint yet exasperated sigh emanated from Paul's throat as he sat down and accepted the cup of tea promptly proferred to him by Zhongli.


"Of course. You spoke out in our defense and compromised a potential partnership with an influential House. It's the least I can do."

Compelled by Zhongli's words, Xianling offered a bow that was closer to a kowtow than a Noblewoman's genuflection as she said, "Thank you, Paul! I don't know what I would do if I somehow ended up in the hands of this world's greedy and licentious Nobles..."

Before Paul could inform her that he would never allow such a thing to happen, Zhongli caught both him and Xiangling off guard by saying, "As macabre as this may sound, I would suggest suicide. Since you seem to have forgotten, let me remind you that we, meaning those of us conjured through the Intersection of Fate, will return there upon death."

Though Xiangling adopted an 'oh yeah' kind of expression, Paul was left sitting with his mouth agape. Zhongli, noticing this, appeared to pause for a brief moment before adopting a wry smile and saying, "It would appear I forgot to mention that. My apologies, Master Paul. I thought you would have known, given the relationship between the Intersection of Fate and the system you were familiar with in your previous life. So long as you, the Champion, remain, we can be resurrected as many times as necessary. It is because of this that we can willfully give our lives to preserve yours."


Not knowing what to say, Paul lowered his gaze to his half-emptied cup of tea. His situation hadn't changed, but he felt as though the burden on his shoulders had suddenly increased. It didn't help that he, like the two girls seated across from him, had absolutely no idea why he had been chosen.

Just as Paul was considering hiding away somewhere so that his death wouldn't lead to the destruction of two worlds, Xiangling placed a rather substantial serving of pheasant stew in front of him, saying, "Eat." with an uncharacteristically severe expression on her face.


Still at a loss for words, Paul remained silent as he dipped his silver spoon into the fragrant, almost curry-like stew. Then, under the watchful eyes of the two otherworldly girls, he took in several large spoonfuls before softly muttering, "It's delicious..."

Stealing a bit of Xiangling's thunder, Zhongli scooped up a spoonful of her own stew, softly blowing on it before proferring it toward Paul and saying, "This is not a responsibility you or any of us asked for. The burden placed on you is especially great. Thus, instead of focusing on us and a world far beyond your reach, you should first prioritize your personal wants, needs, and desires. We are here to support you, not the other way around..."

Though they weren't the exact words Paul wanted to hear, he still felt a little better after hearing Zhongli's words. Then again, with her strangely sonorous tone, she could probably insult people, and it would still come across as profound wisdom...




To prevent a similar problem from arising in the future, Paul sent a letter to his father that included a copy of Zhongli's and Xiangling's academic evaluation. His father probably thought he had purchased some random Slaves, so he wouldn't have given the matter much consideration before giving the Havagat family permission to pursue a transaction. By showing how truly exceptionally Zhongli and Xiangling were, Paul hoped to nip any future problems in the bud.

Fortunately, Paul had already built a considerable amount of rapport with his father before leaving for school. Had he not, Amarant may have simply gifted Zhongli and Xiangling to the Havagat family as incentives in a trade agreement. Instead, he upheld his decision to allow Paul to pick, choose, and train his servants/retainers. This meant Paul had the exclusive right to trade them away and, in this instance, speak in their defense.

As an additional perk of the rapport Paul had built, Amarant immediately became skeptical when the Havagat family sent him a plethora of letters decrying his son's behavior. Instead of pursuing the matter and writing his son a rebuke, he waited patiently for Paul's private letter to arrive. When it did, complete with a rational account of events and ample evidence of the other party's wronging, he immediately arranged a meeting with the Lord of House Havagat to give the man a piece of his mind.

After enduring the fiercest rebuke he had ever received, bordering on an open declaration of enmity between House Notos and Havagat, the Lord of the latter House compelled his son's immediate return. Upon learning the truth of the matter, that his son merely coveted the beauty of Paul's servants, he beat Julius with such ferocity that the latter ended up being bedridden for two months.

In an effort to smooth things over between his House and House Notos, Lord Havagat offered his eldest daughter, an eight-year-old girl named Sasha, as one of Paul's future concubines. Under normal circumstances, Amarant would have readily agreed to such a proposal. However, knowing his son preferred to have a say in such matters, he ultimately rejected the man's offer. Instead, Amarant reached out to one of the more influential families serving his own, consequently arranging for Sasha to be wed to their seventeen-year-old Heir as his second wife. This was less than ideal from the perspective of House Havagat, but, fearful of what might happen if they refuse, Lord Havagat eventually agreed to the arrangement before subsequently beating his son a second time...
