
As if her internal clock was more accurate than a genuine timepiece, the lids of Jean's eyes began to flutter at precisely 2 AM. When she opened them, her body briefly tensed as she noticed herself holding onto Paul as he slept precariously close to the edge of his bed.

Fearing she might knock Paul out of the bed if she released him, Jean did the exact opposite by scooching her body back and pulling him close. Her movements were more than enough to stir Paul, his eyes opening just as she rolled him onto his back, their faces less than 15cm apart.

After a moment of awkward silence where they just stared at each other, Jean adopted a faint smile, saying, "Good morning, Master Paul...I hope my presence did not make you too uncomfortable..."

"Uh...it was okay..."

With Jean leaning against him, Paul honestly had no idea how to respond. Fortunately, she didn't maintain the contact for very long. Following Paul's response, she promptly sat up, her body shivering beneath the relatively thin fabric of her nightgown as she said, "Give me a few minutes to kindle the hearth and prepare some warm water."

Though he was tempted to tell Jean to stay in bed until the sun came up, Paul ultimately remained silent. Even during their eleven-day journey back from the Academy, she never missed a day of training. Since she couldn't do it in the carriage, she would wait until they checked into an Inn before doing things like walking around on her hands, stretching, or swinging her sword for hours at a time.

With nothing but Paul to occupy her time, Jean was a certifiable training maniac.

Watching as Jean scurried barefoot across the icy floor, various thoughts crossed Paul's mind. Before he could even think to voice them, however, a crashing sound sounded throughout the room as Ei, wearing a nightgown that was at least two sizes too large, burst out, shouting, "Who dares to trespass my Master's chambers!?"

With the apparent intent of cutting down anyone she didn't recognize, Ei slapped her desolate chest to produce the hilt of a violet-purple sword made of condensed Electro Energy. However, instead of the 73cm Tachi she was used to, a diminutive edge that could barely pass as a knife came out.




Realizing that the only two people present were Jean and her Master, Ei hid her compact version of the Musou no Hitotachi behind her back as she said, "It would appear I was mistaken..."

Resisting the urge to comment on Ei's nearly non-existent blade, a smile made its way to Paul's face as he said, "Good morning, Ei. Did you have any trouble sleeping...?"

"Mmm...it was much smaller than the quarters I am used to, but it was sufficient. Ei thanks Master Paul for his concerns."

"Right...mind fixing your nightgown? Your...shoulder is showing..."


Looking down, Ei noticed that more than just her shoulder was showing. Instead of reacting bashfully, however, she just pulled up her sleeve and said, "Once again, Master Paul's righteous character shines through. Ei is truly humbled."

Adopting a wrier smile, Paul remained silent in response to Ei's praise. He might not be a piece of shit, but he was far from what he would consider a righteous person. Had Ei been in her mature form, he would have felt a lot more than guilt seeing her wardrobe malfunction.

Interpreting her Master's silence as a disinterest in communication, Ei shifted her attention to Jean, asking, "Do you require assistance?" in her characteristically calm, almost cold tone.

Surprised by Ei's words, Jean asked, "Do you know how to light a hearth?"

Shaking her head, Ei answered, "I've never tried. However, I've observed lightning setting trees ablaze. If I control the output, I should be able to-"

Trusting his instincts, Paul interrupted Ei's proposal, saying, "It's okay, Ei. Just leave such things to Jean. Besides, it's barely 2 in the morning. You don't need to be up just yet."


Matching her exclamation, Ei had an ostensibly offended look on her face as she placed her hand over her heart and exclaimed, "What kind of Maid sleeps in when her Master is already awake!?"

Shivering due to more than just the cold, Paul did his best to control the clattering of his teeth as he asked, "Then w-w-what do you want to d-d-d-do...?"

Realizing she was releasing Electro Energy throughout the room, Ei did her best to rein it in before lowering herself to the cold, hard ground, her forehead contacting its surface as she said, "Ei has wronged her Master. Please render a punishment unto this foolish woman..."

Covering his eyes with his left hand, Paul lightly massaged his temples as he took a few steadying breaths. He didn't know if it was because he was in the world of an anime, but Ei's behavior was so far beyond ordinary that it rapidly drained his mental energies. If he was being completely honest, a small part of him wanted to just 'order' her to behave normally...

Shaking such thoughts from his mind, Paul lowered his hand, his eyes fixating on the top of Ei's head as he said, "If you're going to stay up, you may as well get dressed. As for your 'punishment'...it is not your place to determine when and for what I punish you for..."

Since it didn't appear as though Ei would be willing to listen to reason, Paul decided to 'put his foot' down. Not literally, but he at least tried to sound like he was chastising her.


Realizing she had been impertinent yet again, Ei pressed her head even more firmly against the floor as she said, "Master Paul is correct! Ei has overstepped her bounds and been presumptuous. Please-"


Though Paul's voice was barely a whisper, Ei immediately quieted down when she heard his utterance. She prepared herself for a harsh rebuke; instead, Paul exhaled a sigh and said, "Please just get up, return to your room, and get dressed. Watching you bow and hearing you apologize in such an unwarranted manner...it just doesn't feel right. You're the Raiden Shogun, not some Maidservant. You shouldn't be bowing to anyone..."

Though she raised her head, Ei didn't immediately say or do anything. She just stared at Paul sitting on his bed, her deep amethyst irises and radiant, Electro purple pupils boring holes into him. When she did speak, her voice was softer than usual despite her firmly stating, "You're a good man, Paul Notos Greyrat..."

Rising to her feet, Ei took a moment to make sure her nightgown was in order before meeting Paul's gaze a second time. He was expecting her to compliment him further. Thus, he immediately became slackjawed when Ei stated, "I don't know how."


With a completely serious expression on her face, Ei thumped her chest as she announced, "I, Raiden Ei, Shogun of Inazuma, do not know how to dress myself!"


Resisting the urge to ask how such a thing was possible, Paul just shook his head before looking towards Jean and asking, "Jean...?" in a helpless tone.

Understanding what Paul was asking her, Jean offered a wry smile as she replied, "Leave it to me."

Walking over to Ei, Jean grabbed the former's hand, whispering, "I'll help you get dressed." with the same awkward smile on her face. In response, Ei nodded her head, her tone and expression a lot firmer than when she was speaking to Paul as she said, "You have my gratitude."

Watching Jean drag Ei back to her quarters, Paul waited for the door to close behind him before sinking into his bed. The sheets had become a little chilly, but that didn't stop him from huddling up under his blankets and simply lying in silence. At least, that's how things were supposed to be. The moment he pulled the blankets over his head, he noticed a faint yet clearly feminine aroma that was impossible to ignore...




After one of the most exhaustive nights and mornings of his life, Paul was spent by the time he completed his morning routine with Jean. Ei's advice had given both him and Jean much greater insight into the 'true nature' of swordsmanship, but it did little to combat the heavy bags under his eyes.

Unfortunately, as part of the agreement he made with his father, Paul had to meet with him first thing in the morning. Amarant wanted proof of his ability to summon and contract Familiars, so, after an incredibly awkward bath with Jean, Ei, and a playfully curious Xinyan, Paul gathered everyone to meet with his father.

*tok* *tok* *tok*


Hearing his father's voice before he could announce himself, Paul paused for a moment before pushing open the heavy wooden door and ushering everyone inside.

Seeing five new faces among his son's entourage, each a burgeoning beauty in their own right, Amarant's eyes briefly lit up before he shifted his attention to Paul and inquired, "Does the summoning ritual place a heavy burden on the caster? You look like you haven't slept in days..."

Smiling wryly in response to his father's words, Paul answered, "I can't reveal the specifics. Just know that it doesn't put my life in jeopardy or consume something like vitality."


Since his son had reiterated numerous times that he couldn't reveal the specifics of the summoning, Amarant didn't press him. It was more than enough knowing that his son had been telling the truth. He wasn't sure how powerful each of Paul's Familiars was, but the artifact that buzzed when powerful creatures were nearby was humming loud enough to be audible to others.

While passing his gaze over each member of Paul's entourage, Amarant asked, "Is there a reason they're all girls? If it's something you can't say, that's fine...I was just...curious..."

Though he had little interest in Paul's companions at the present moment, Amarant could tell they would grow into incredible beauties in the future. He was one of the few Nobles that had never taken any concubines, but due to his wife's ailing health, she was rarely available to help him satisfy his urges. If every Familiar his son summoned had such promise, Amarant wouldn't mind bankrolling a few for himself...


Seeing through his father's thoughts, Paul's fatigued expression became even more haggard. The very last thing he needed was his father lusting after the people he summoned through the Intersection of Fate. He had no intention of trying to monopolize the girls he summoned, but there was no way he would arbitrarily entrust them to others...standing be damned...

Thinking his son was worried about having his 'toys' taken away, Amarant adopted a helpless expression of his own as he appended, "Worry not. As I said before, I was just curious. So long as you do not invite unnecessary trouble to the Family and the Milbots Region, you are free to do with your 'companions' as you please..."

Relieved by his father's words, Paul bowed as a show of appreciation and respect. When the girls promptly emulated his courtesy, an awkward yet gratified smile developed across his face. He hadn't instructed them to do such a thing, so it must have been Zhongli's doing.

Nodding his head in approval, Amarant took a moment to stroke his chin in contemplation before saying, "Since you seem to be weary from your travels, I will give you the next week off. After that, you will be joining me to tour the region and learn about your responsibilities as a future Lord..."

Though he suspected his son had the potential to become something far greater than a Regional Lord, Amarant would never dare say such a thing aloud. He was still loyal to the Asura Kingdom, so unless the Royals went out of their way to antagonize them, Amarant would continue performing his duties without thoughts of conspiracy.

Though he wasn't looking forward to spending nearly six weeks traveling around, inspecting the region, and watching Nobles kiss his father's ass, Paul still smiled in response to his father's words, saying, "I won't let you down." in a sincere tone. He might not like it, but he was still the First Son of House Notos. For the sake of his ambitions and the preservation of two worlds, Paul would willfully bear the duties and responsibilities of a Lord...

Nodding his head a second time, a rare smile graced Amarant's face as he said, "You never have. Now, away with you. There are at least eight better ways you can be using your time right now. Just don't get so carried away you can't get it up on your wedding night. Understood?"

Smiling wryly in response to his father's words, Paul wanted to clarify the misunderstanding, but Amarant was pretending to concentrate on one of the papers littered around his desk...


