
Though he was tempted to make good on his promise of 'destroying' Lisa to teach her a lesson, Paul didn't want to inconvenience her while she was at work. He also knew he wouldn't be able to calm down if he got too riled up, so, after registering Ei, Eula, and Ghislaine with the Guild, they formed a Party named Einherjar.

Due to his background as an aspiring Game Developer, Paul had always had a fondness for Norse and Viking culture. He also felt that the name Einherjar suited his Party well as the word roughly translated to Army of One. They weren't at that level just yet, but Paul genuinely believed it was only a matter of time before each member of his Party was comparable to a small army.

"You're horny."

Breaking Paul from his reverie, Ghislaine shamelessly sniffed him despite the presence of several locals. If he had a spray bottle on him, he might have given her a spritz. Instead, he just chuckled before ruffling her hair and saying, "That's my secret, Ghislaine. I'm always horny."


Though she was tempted to refute Paul's words, Ghislaine was getting better at discerning when he was joking around and when he was being serious. In response to his words, she looked towards Eula, asking, "Are you going to take care of it?"

Before the startled blunette could respond, Paul said, "That can wait till later. For now, let's pick up a wagon before heading home for lunch. I'm pretty handy in the kitchen, but I'm terrible at preparing food in the wild. If we're going to be camping outside, I'd prefer to have Xiangling with us."

Agreeing with Paul wholeheartedly, the two kitchen catastrophes, Ei and Ghislaine, nodded their heads. The former didn't actually need to eat, and the latter was okay with raw meat, but there was a significant difference between being 'okay' with something and preferring it. If she were given a choice, Ghislaine would readily surrender an entire boar for just a few cuts of meat prepared by Xiangling...




Though most wagons and pushcarts were made to order, taking days or even weeks to complete, most Carpenters and Blacksmiths carried more than enough spare parts to piece together a wagon or two.

By offering a 'very' handsome reward for their services, Paul managed to convince the two Dwarves running the Carpentry and Blacksmith to work together on a makeshift wagon capable of treading soil and snow. He was initially going to purchase a used cart, but most of the Merchants he tried bartering with were only willing to hand them over at the market price for a brand new wagon. The only one willing to offer a discount was an obese merchant who suggested that Ei and the others might be able to convince him if they showed a bit of 'sincerity.'

Instead of immediately refusing the offer, Paul suggested to the man that they move someplace private to discuss the specifics of their agreement. There, he beat the living shit out of the fat man before threatening to cut off his dick and shove it down his throat the next time he even considered making such an offer. He was half-tempted to burn the man's store to the ground, but without any backing in the Magic Triumvirate, Paul didn't want to cause too much trouble. At the very least, not yet...




With the Dwarves telling them to come back the following morning, Paul and his entourage of beauties exited the city of Sharia before walking the long way around and entering through the opposite gate. After causing a bit of trouble, they didn't want anyone following them the direct route to their current abode.

"Nya! Welcome back, Uncle Paul~! Big Sis Ghislaine~!"

Though he winced when he heard Esme addressing him as Uncle, Paul didn't chastise her for it. Instead, he ruffled the adorable little cat girl's hair as he asked, "Is your mum home?"

Before Esme could call out to her mother, Amalie emerged from the kitchen with a far more radiant smile than the one she had worn the previous day, replying, "Indeed I am, nya. Welcome back, everyone."

Retracting his hand from Esme's head, Paul returned a smile of his own before asking, "What's for lunch?" followed by, "And how'd the search for furniture and renovators go?"

Seeing her daughter deflate the moment Paul stopped patting her head, an amused chuckle emanated from Amalie's throat before she answered, "I've learned how to make curry and bao buns from Ms. Xiangling, nya. As for the renovations, I'm afraid it will take a few days before they can even get started. Luckily, we did manage to acquire a brand new bed and some furniture. A few village younglings are currently upstairs, giving everything a thorough scrub, nya. Speaking of which...what are you doing down here, Emse...?"


Instead of answering her mother's question, Esme's eyes widened before she promptly darted up the stairs like a startled house cat.

Exhaling a sigh, Amalie muttered, "That girl..." before regaining her smile, looking at Paul, and asking, "Would you like to eat now? If not, I can also give you a foot or back massage, nya~?"

Shaking his head, Paul answered, "Food sounds nice. Also, you shouldn't push yourself this late in your pregnancy. I understand your concerns, but you don't need to treat us like nobles. You're doing more than enough just by listening to my selfishness regarding the renovations. Just take care of yourself and your daughter; that's what's most important."

Exhaling a second sigh, Amalie's remarked, "You should be a little more selfish. When people aren't used to receiving kindness, it can make them feel even more stressed out to receive too much, nya..."

Though she appreciated everything Paul was doing, Amalie couldn't rest easy knowing he could just wake up one morning and decide to take back everything he had given them. It simply wasn't 'natural' for people to help others without receiving something substantial in return...

Understanding Amalie's thoughts, Paul's smile softened as he said, "Feel free to suspect me as much as you want. I have no intention of betraying your trust, so it's ultimately harmless unless you suddenly choose to stab me in the back. Since you don't strike me as the type to betray the people helping you out, I imagine this will eventually become a fond memory you look back on with a mixture of regret and fondness. Now then, let's eat...!"

Taken aback by Paul's words, Amalie found herself at a loss for her own. She had never met a human as strange as Paul, someone who could smile naturally even when accused of deceit. It simultaneously made him more and less trustworthy, a contrasting sentiment that left Amalie feeling even more confused than before...




Since he felt it would only garner unwanted attention if they were to stroll around the city, Paul decided to spend the hours before sundown playing with, or, more accurately, teaching Esme. She was currently around three and a half years old, so Paul figured he could give her a bit of a head start by teaching her and Ghislaine Water and Healing Magic.

Though neither Esme nor Ghislaine truly understood what he was trying to teach, the Beginner Level Spells were pretty straightforward and didn't require a lot of imagination. Just being charmed by the spectacle of Magic was generally enough to empower a person to cast the simplest of Spells. The only actual requirements were knowing the chant and having enough Mana to generate the phenomenon.

Fortunately, while few members of the Beast Race actively attempted to become Mages, it didn't mean they were lacking in talent or affinity. It just wasn't a part of their predominately warrior-based culture.

Though Ghislaine failed rather spectacularly, Esme left her mother feeling equal parts proud and exasperated as she managed to produce a sizeable Water Ball before ultimately losing control and drenching both herself and the floor. Proud because she had never even considered that her daughter might be able to use Magic, and exasperated because she knew her daughter was bound to make a mess.

In an effort to alleviate Amalie's feelings of exasperation, Paul offered to sponsor Esme's education at the Ranoa Magic Academy once she turned 5 or 10. His offer ended up having the opposite effect, but for the sake of her daughter, Amalie agreed without too much of a fuss...




With the sun having long descended over the horizon, Paul and the rest retired to their bedroom to find everything spick and span. The children Amalie had hired were instructed to continue scrubbing until they could no longer smell her scent, so the room almost felt brand new.

Seeing the massive bed that had been constructed in place of Amalie's comparably small one, a wolfish grin developed across Paul's face as he asked, "Who wants to help me break it in? After that brief interplay with Lisa this morning, I've been raring to go."

Since Ei and Eula were usually the first to step forward, citing duty or some such, Paul was pleasantly surprised when Xiangling sheepishly raised her hand and asked, "Can I volunteer? I've been feeling a little anxious recently, and I think it would help..."

Without needing to consider his response, Paul replied, "Of course." before shifting his attention to Ei and Eula, asking, "Do the two of you mind waiting in the IOF?"

Though Xiangling had experimented with girls like Xinyan and participated in several orgies, she was the type of girl that could only open up when it was just the two of them. Fortunately, Ei and Eula were well aware of this, so, without attempting to protest, the former responded with a curt, "Very well." while the latter supplied an even more concise, "Understood."

With the two taciturn beauties taken care of, Paul shifted his attention to Ghislaine, asking, "Are you okay with resting in the nursery until Lynette shows up? When she does, I want you to explain what happened with the fat merchant earlier this morning."

Though she crossed her arms under her rather sizeable breasts, Ghislaine didn't hesitate to answer, "I'll take care of it." She was only really aroused during the mating season, so while she had gotten used to cuddling with Paul each night, she didn't mind sleeping elsewhere so he could deal with the urges of his other women.

Returning an appreciative smile, Paul said, "Thanks, Ghislaine. I knew I could count on you." in an ostensibly sincere tone. In truth, he felt more than a little guilty about having her sleep somewhere else, but he would feel even guiltier if he didn't spend some quality time with Xiangling.

Managing a harem wasn't just early morning deepthroats and gratuitous amounts of sex...

Sensing Paul's apprehension, Ghislaine adopted a rare smile of her own as she squinted her eyes and stated, "Don't worry...I'll get mine come Fall..."

Prompted by a shiver running up his spine, an awkward laugh emanated from Paul's throat. He knew Ghislaine was trying to tell a joke, but, at the same time, he knew she was at least 50% serious. If he failed to make the necessary preparations come Fall, there was a possibility he would spend the first five weeks of the season as her captive...




With no one else present, Xiangling's usual docility was nowhere to be seen. When others were around, she would behave very meekly, usually taking a support role and prioritizing others. When they were alone, she became a lot more confident and playful, even going so far as to banter a bit when she played around with Paul's not-so-little brother.

"Look at this. It's nearly the size of my forearm! How this thing fits inside of us, I'll never know..."

Though Xiangling's words may have sounded like an exaggeration, they weren't. Paul had been sporting more than 20cm even before his growth spurt. When his height suddenly shot up more than 30cm, the rest of his body grew to match. Now, with his body in its 'prime' condition, Paul was sporting precisely 28cm of man meat when erect. If he were being frank, even Paul was a little intimidated by it since he was constantly worried he might accidentally 'break' someone...

Fortunately, the bodies of mature women were as enigmatic as they were beautiful. Petite girls like Barbara and Xiangling struggled a bit, by women like Ei, Eula, and Ghislaine could take Paul's entire length without showing any signs of duress. Quite the opposite...

Feeling a little brave, Xiangling reverse-mounted Paul's chest and said, "I think I can pass the halfway mark this time..."

Restraining a chuckle, Paul began to massage Xiangling's pert white butt as he said, "Just don't choke. If you were sent back to the IOF for such a ridiculous reason, I don't think either of us would live it down..."

Though she supplied a nervous chuckle, Xiangling wasn't daunted by Paul's words. Instead, she began to gather saliva in her mouth before sticking out her butt to grant Paul easier access to the glistening garden between her thighs. When he grabbed her waist and began lapping at her folds, she grabbed the shaft of his oversized member and kissed his dark red glans. Then, over the course of twenty or so minutes, she did her best to accept as much of it into her throat as possible...


