
"This...isn't...quite...what I mind..."

"Shhh...just relax. You're in safe hands..."

With Ningguang sitting with her back against his chest, her legs spread apart by his own, Paul rhythmically bounced his left knee while his fingers pressed, probed, and prodded her insides. At the same time, he peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses while the fingers of his left hand, very gently, traced her body. He enjoyed groping and massaging, but Lisa had taught him that, at times, a more delicate touch was required...

As her pleasure continued to build, Ningguang found her jaw trembling as she looked towards Ganyu with a silent plea in her eyes. Unfortunately for Ningguang, Ganyu had been on Paul's side from the moment she was first summoned. Them having sex just further solidified their bond, so much so that Ganyu just smiled and waved in response to Ningguang's plea.

Noticing the interaction due to Ganyu, Paul's expression morphed from a smoldering, appreciative look to a wolfish grin as he asked, "Trying to run away...?" in an almost sing-song tone. Then, before Ningguang could even hope to refute his claim, Paul inserted the index and middle fingers of his left hand in her mouth, pressing the center of her tongue as he began to knead her clitoris.

When Ningguang instinctually closed her legs, Paul's smile widened as he asked, "Why are you so afraid? You're surrounded by people who care for you. All I'm trying to do is make you feel good..."

Since Ningguang closing her legs did very little to restrict his actions, Paul continued to rub and gently pinch her clitoris. At the same time, he began to suckle and play-bite her neck, his teeth leaving faint marks on her pure, unblemished skin as his fingers drew circles on her tongue.

Reaching a peak she had never experienced before, Ningguang's red eyes began to tear up as she bit down on Paul's fingers, her back attempting to arch but stopped due to her former fiance's arms. When Paul noticed this, he whispered, "It's time..." before removing his fingers from Ningguang's mouth at the most critical moment.

Before Ningguang could understand what was happening, Paul casually scooped her up by the pits of her arms and set her off to the side, saying, "I promised the others we would take a bath and cut loose together. We'll continue this tomorrow..."

Feeling the urge to curse for the first time in her life, Ningguang grabbed Paul's belt and attempted to pull him back to her as she asked, "What do you...think you're doing? You're not the type of leave things half-finished..."

Just as Paul was about to see if he could get the ivory-haired woman to spread her legs and beg, a loud impact sounded from the door. The smile immediately faded from his face, replaced by a deep furrow as he joined the two women in directing their gazes to the magically reinforced door.

After a brief period of silence, a distinctly patterned knock emanated from the door, prompting Ningguang to exhale a heated sigh and mutter, "What awful timing..." with a rare, annoyed look on her face.

As Ganyu made her way over to the door, Paul looked to Ningguang and asked, "Who is it?" in a curious tone.

Returning Paul's question with an accusatory glare, Ningguang retorted, "How should I know? I can tell you it's neither Zhongli nor Kusanali, but everyone else from the IOF uses the same sequence of knocks."

Undaunted by Ningguang's glare, Paul's smile widened as he said, "It's pretty rare to see you this upset. Were you that eager for me to get you off?"

Squinting her eyes, Ningguang elected not to respond to Paul's words. She knew what kind of game he was playing, and, for a while, she even intended to play along. So long as none of the other women witnessed her shame and embarrassment, she didn't really care what Paul wanted her to do.

Interrupting his exchange with Ningguang, Paul's body briefly tensed as a familiar voice followed Ganyu opening the door, shouting, "Is he in here!?" before a petite, pink-haired cat girl poked her head into the room.

"There you-ah!? What's the heck is going on in here...!?"

Slipping past a befuddled Ganyu, the girl Paul very clearly recognized as Diona stomped her way into the room before pointing at Ningguang and shouting, "This isn't fair! You've already had plenty of chances to be with Paul! Give someone else an opportunity for once...!"

Seemingly finished lambasting Ningguang, Diona then shifted her gaze to Paul, her angered expression briefly wavering before she shook her head and said, "And you...why are you here having sex with other people when you promised we would do it once you got back? I've waited a really long time, you know...?"

Though she was no longer shouting, it was clear from Diona's expression and tone that she was upset. She was the type that wanted to grow up as fast as possible, so she saw Paul's avoidance of her as an indication that he still viewed her as a child. Sure, she might be a little on the small side, and her breasts hadn't really developed as much as she would have liked, but she was already nineteen. There were girls a little more than half her age getting married and starting families...

Recovering from his momentary stupor, Paul habitually slapped his lap, saying, "Come here." in a soothing tone and with a wry smile on his face. He wasn't entirely sure what was going through the pinkette's head, but he felt obligated to try and comfort her.

Feeling that Paul was still regarding her as a child, Diona's brows furrowed as she said, "I refuse..." in a sulky, ill-tempered tone. She didn't want Paul to try and calm her down; if she was going to sit on his lap and let him pat her head, it would be with his penis inside of her.

Surprised by Diona's refusal, Paul found himself at a momentary loss for words. There were times when she would get upset and even lash out at him in the past, but she had never refused to cuddle and make amends.

In Diona's own words, only children held grudges against family and the people they cared about.

Having regained a bit of her composure, Ningguang crossed one arm over her body and used her free hand to comb back a few loose strands of hair as she expressed, "You're right, Diona. I should have taken the feelings of you and everyone else who has been awaiting our Master's return into consideration. However, can you blame me? Just look at how our Master has grown..."


As she hadn't really been paying attention to anything other than Paul's face, Diona, for the first time, got a look at the former's body. When she did, the tips of her calico-like ears twitched as her tail promptly curled up into an s-shape. A faint shade of red also spread through her cheeks, but she still managed to appear angry as she retorted, "So what? He's just...a little bigger, that's all. That doesn't justify you keeping him to yourself...!"

Shrugging her shoulders, Ningguang adopted her characteristically calm and confident smile as she rebutted, "You would do well to remember that yourself. Master Paul does not belong to any of us. It's understandable to desire his care and affection, but intruding when others are in the process of receiving it is selfish. How would you feel if our positions were reversed and I was the one interrupting~?"


Realizing how childish her actions had been, Diona began to grow teary-eyed as she hung her head and balled her hands into fists. She wanted to refute everything Ningguang had said, but she didn't know how to do it without sounding petty or impertinent.

Fortunately for Diona, a lot had happened during Paul's journey. First and foremost, at least in terms of things that benefitted her situation, he had met Roxy. Diona was just a few centimeters taller than the latter, but Paul was no longer bothered by such things. He still preferred girls with big tits and fat asses, but that didn't mean petite girls were lacking in charm.

Rising his feet, Paul caused Diona's eyes to widen as he towered over her by well over a full head. However, even though she felt a sudden urge to turn around and try to flee, she stood her ground, a defiant look replacing her brief stupefaction.

Adopting an appreciative smile, Paul was briefly tempted to scoop the petite pinkette into his arms. Before that, he half-turned to Ningguang, initially intending to inform her they would continue tomorrow. What stopped him was the look she was giving him, a mixture of acceptance and thinly veiled disappointment that compelled him to consider his next words very, very carefully...

Surprising everyone present, Paul proceeded to tousle his hair violently, his frustration immediately exceeding the threshold of his tolerance as he exclaimed, "God fucking damnit...!" before internally lamenting, ("Why the fuck does this shit have to be so god damn complicated!?")

Thinking Paul had finally snapped, some of the admiration Ningguang had been harboring toward him spontaneously disappeared. However, before she could even think to initialize her carefully laid plan to piece his psyche back together, Paul suddenly turned toward her and ordered, "Get on the bed." in a commanding tone. He didn't tap into his authority as Champion of the Intersection of Fate, but Ningguang still felt a shiver pass through her body as he stared at her with a serious yet fiery look.

Though she could feel the tensions in her body increasing, Ningguang did her best to appear calm as she smiled and replied, "As you will..." in a hot, sultry tone. What she didn't anticipate was Paul all but ignoring her as he suddenly picked up Diona, eliciting a surprised, "Nyaa!? Wha-what do you think you're doing!?!?" from the diminutive cat girl.

Instead of lifting Diona and holding her in a conventional manner, Paul left her experiencing an array of emotions that included fear, confusion, and a growing amount of excitement as he held her upside down and buried his face and nose into her crotch. She had no idea what was happening, but feeling Paul was finally starting to view her as a woman, she didn't put up much resistance as she began panting.

Feeling a fair amount of heat and a faint moisture permeating the dark-blue fabric of Diona's romper, Paul left her feeling further disoriented as he spun her right-side-up and stared into her beet-red face.

"Do you still think I view you as a child...?"

Though she didn't answer immediately, Diona eventually shook her head as clarity gradually returned to her luminous green eyes.

Nodding his head in approval, Paul said, "Good." before surprising Diona with a lengthy kiss. Then, taking advantage of the fact she had wrapped her legs around him when he flipped her around, he supported her back with his left hand while squeezing her butt and caressing the base of her tail with his right.

As Diona's tail began to swish and flick due to her growing excitement, Paul surprised her for the umpteenth time by freeing her from the invasion of his tongue and whispering, "Listen to my words very carefully, Diona. I want you to go to my room. If anyone is there, tell them I'll meet them in the bath in one hour. As for you, I want you to remain in my room. When I get there, it will be just the two of us, alone, for the entire you understand?"

Swallowing hard, Diona nodded her head and replied, "I understand..." in an uncharacteristically meek tone of voice. She should be mad that Paul was clearly prioritizing Ningguang, but the thought of spending an entire night with him made her heart feel like it was trying to crawl up and out of her throat.

Not satisfied with Diona's reply, Paul brought his face closer to hers as he said, "Repeat what I said back to me..." while gently squeezing her tail. It was one of the most sensitive spots on Diona's body, so she immediately started to twitch and spasm as he slowly ran his hand along its length.

Though her voice and jaw quivered the entire time, Diona demonstrated that she had been listening by repeating Paul's words nearly verbatim. It was kind of impressive, so much so that Paul felt compelled to reward her with one final kiss before sending her off with a gentle smack to the butt.

Freed from Paul's grasp, Diona sprinted full speed from the room in order to carry out his orders. As for Paul, he turned towards the casual-looking Ningguang who, by appearances, was patiently awaiting him on her large and lavish bed.

Adding a few cracks to Ningguang's facade, Paul began to roll his neck and shoulders, loud pops echoing through the room as he warned, "One hour may not sound like a long time, but let me assure will feel like an eternity once I have you screaming my name in minutes..."

Despite another powerful shiver spreading through her body, Ningguang was able to maintain a mask of calm as she smiled, playfully squinted her eyes, and said the words that would seal her fate, "We shall see..."


