Reprieve : Accord

"Wake up. We've got places to be this morning."


Though he was usually quick to rise, Paul rolled away from Reida when she tried to rouse him. She had been running him ragged for nearly three weeks, both day and night, so he didn't feel like moving now that she had given him a day off.

Prompting Paul awake, Reida created a thread of Electro Energy between her index finger and thumb. The moment Paul heard the tell-tale chirp it made, he instantly leaped out of bed, barely evading Reida's attempts to poke his ass.

Amused by Paul's reaction, a deep-throated chuckle emanated from Reida's throat as she squinted her eyes and remarked, "See? You're full of energy. Now, get dressed. Today may be a day off from training, but that doesn't mean you have time to laze around. We're having brunch with the Dean of the Royal Academy. After that, we'll be attending an Intermediate Swordsmanship class as guest lecturers."

Understanding this was Reida's attempt to help him meet with Philip, a wry yet appreciative smile developed across Paul's face as he offered a curt, "Thanks." Reida rolled her eyes in response, but a faint smile could be seen on her face before she turned away to retrieve a fresh change of clothes. It was pretty common to wear the same outfit for days at a time, but Reida liked to freshen up a bit before venturing into places filled with Nobles. She wasn't particularly self-conscious, but she'd rather not smell like sex around snobby and judgmental 'asshats'...




After changing into their respective attires, Reida and Paul took a detour around a parade field nearly a kilometer long before entering a building not all that dissimilar in design to the Citadel of Reida. There, after waiting for a short while, they were permitted entry into the Dean's office, within which stood a nearly two-meter tall man with a Hedwig-like owl sitting on his left shoulder.

As could be expected of the most prestigious institution in the Asura Kingdom, potentially even the entire world, the Dean of the Ars Royal Academy was an aged yet gentlemanly-looking fellow that exuded the aura of a Knight and Scholar. He was nearing sixty-eight years old but possessed the physique and stature of someone much younger despite his solid white hair, neatly groomed beard, and stylish mustache.

While Paul was evaluating him, the Dean, more commonly known as Earl Aegir Roehn Whiteowl, was doing much the same. His piercing blue eyes radiated a fierce intellect while the medals adorning his ebony breastplate alluded to the wealth of experience he had accumulated over his decades of service to the Kingdom.

After a moment of tense silence, Earl Aegir offered what appeared to be an approving nod as he stated, "Outstanding. It's no wonder His Majesty and the Water God have taken an interest in you. I sense a phenomenal power within you, but you carry yourself as any respectable man ought to, with measured dignity..."

Not sure how else to respond to the man's words, Paul simply smiled as he replied, "The Earl's words are too kind. I am-"

Before Paul could continue with the pleasantries, Reida abruptly elbowed him in the ribs, saying, "Cut it out. You're no longer a Noble, and we didn't come here to play politics. You're a Swordsman now. Time to start acting like it."

Resisting the urge to point out that 'playing politics' was the exact reason they were at the Royal Academy, Paul ultimately rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah, I hear ya..." in a lazy tone.

Amused by the duo's interaction, a grandfatherly chuckle emanated from Earl Aegir's throat as he reached up to caress his beard. He was a warrior himself, and while he didn't wholeheartedly approve of Reida's words, he understood where she was coming. At his age, adherence to manners and etiquette seemed increasingly like a waste of time...

After his brief chuckle, Earl Aegir sent his owl-like familiar to roost as he suggested, "Let us away to my private conference room. We can discuss the matter of your tenure as a guest lecturer over brunch."

Gesturing to the double doors on the right side of his office, Earl Aegir waited for Reida to practically kick them open before walking around his desk and encouraging Paul to enter before him. Within was a rectangular wooden table that could easily seat twelve people, and, as was often the case in Noble conference rooms and studies, various trinkets and trophies that served as conversation subjects lined the walls and shelves.

Noticing a rather large number of taxidermied owls, Paul didn't even need to ask before Earl Aegir revealed, "It is tradition for main-line descendants of House Whiteowl to have an owl companion. These eight are the friends I have lost over the years. I keep them here as a reminder of my past and to never become complacent..."

Though Earl Aegir was speaking to him, Paul could tell the elderly man's mind was far from the confines of the conference room. It was only for a brief moment, but he had the distant look of someone that had seen and experienced a little 'too much' in life. It was evident that parts of him still lived in the past, perennially trapped in instants where he could have tried just a bit harder to guarantee the outcome he desired...

Noticing Paul staring at him with a mixture of concern and respect, a grandfatherly smile developed across Earl Aegir's face as he muttered, "You're a good lad..." before walking past him and taking his seat at the head of the table. Paul eventually followed suit, sitting next to Reida and ignoring her as she asked, "What the hell was that about...?"

Freeing Paul from the obligation of having to respond, Earl Aegir rang a tiny silver bell that prompted an aged Butler and half a dozen traditionally dressed Maids to enter the room. Reida was a bit of a brute, but she was still the Water God. It wasn't often Earl Aegir entertained guests of such import within the Academy, so he pulled all the stops by having his staff prepare a small feast.

"I was unaware of your preferences, so I had my people prepare a little bit of everything. Please, enjoy. No need courtesy or restraint."

Taking Earl Aegir's words at face value, Reida promptly tore off an entire leg of lamb and began chowing down on it with her bare hands. This was a rather stark contrast to Paul, who, despite his inordinate appetite, took the time to arrange his plate and employ utensils.

With his Butler arranging his plate, Earl Aegir took a moment to look over Paul's and Reida's plates before focusing his steely, blue-eyed gaze on the former as he asked, "While this is a little forward, mind telling me the actual reason you're trying to enter the Academy? You should know that the First Prince has it out for you and your companions. I already warned those two lasses, but I'll afford you the same warning. Never expose your hand before a mad dog unless you're willing to lose a few fingers..."

Though he understood what the Earl was trying to say, Paul didn't have much of a choice unless he wanted to take a back seat and let matters take their course. Approaching Philip might put the man in danger, but it also put him in a better position if he intended to become the future Lord of Fittoa. The First Prince couldn't simply order his execution, so his most likely course of action would be to pull James to his side by promising his support in the upcoming succession dispute.

While the backing of the 'future King' sounded like a tremendous boon on paper, the truth of the matter was that House Boreas had opposed the First Prince, or, more accurately, the Nobles backing him for years. A lot of hardliners within the Capital wanted to 'cleanse' the Kingdom by expelling all non-humans from their borders. If that were to happen, House Boreas, and the Fittoa Region as a whole, would suffer immensely.

Deciding to be partially honest, Paul revealed, "The Lord of the Milbots Region has petitioned me to help smooth relations with House Boreas of the Fittoa Region. To that end, I intend to meet with the First and Second Sons of House Boreas to determine which, if any side, is worth supporting in the upcoming succession battle. When I heard Philip was attending the Royal Academy, I figured he may as well be the first I speak with."

Nodding his head, Earl Aegir's eyes appeared to lose focus for a moment as he muttered, "I see..." in a thoughtful tone. He knew Paul wasn't telling him everything, but that wasn't a surprise. Only knaves and fools revealed more than could be readily verified through observation.

Without actually needing to consider his response, Earl Aegir offered a second nod as he said, "Very well. From today onward, you are free to wander the grounds of the Royal Academy. Certain areas, such as the female bath and dormitory, are understandably off-limits, but you can enter any other facility that isn't labeled as restricted. In exchange, I ask that you assist in the Intermediate Swordsmanship classes at least thrice a week. I believe this arrangement benefits both of us...?"

Returning a nod of his own, Paul answered, "Agreed." in a curt tone. He wasn't too enthused about the prospect of having to babysit a bunch of pretentious Nobles, but at least he would be able to see how things were going in Jean's and Eula's classes. They had said there were no issues thus far, but it wouldn't be the first time they had glossed over something to keep him from losing his cool or going on a rampage.

Seeing through Paul's thoughts, at least partially, an amused chuckle emanated from Earl Aegir's throat as he replied, "Excellent. Then, with that out of the way, why don't we focus on our meal? If we chatter much longer, our raven-haired friend here might eat everything..."

Raising her right brow, Reida ceased shoveling food into her mouth long enough to ask, "You picking a fight...?" in a challenging tone. In response, Earl Aegir immediately shook his head, an amused smile lingering on his face as he mused, "Not even if our ages were reversed."


Though she briefly narrowed her eyes, Reida eventually decided to let the Earl off and focus on her meal. Even in his heydey, Earl Aegir was a mere Sword Saint. He had clearly persisted in his training, but there was no way his aging frame could keep up with the strains of high-level combat. If he could still execute even a single Longsword of Light, Reida would be more than impressed. She may even respect him.

Unaware of Reida's rather rude thoughts, Earl Aegir engaged Paul in some casual conversation as the two of them ate their meals at a relaxed pace. Reida was quickly bored by this, but Paul had always harbored respect for the elderly. He could also count the number of 'reasonable' Nobles he had met on a single hand, so he rather enjoyed the conversation...




While Paul and Reida were away at the Royal Academy, an auburn-haired man whose expression and gaze exuded resentment seized the chance to enter the Citadel. His rank deterred anyone from getting in his way, so he was able to make his way to the very heart of the Citadel, specifically the instructor housing area.

Though he was tempted to use a magical tool to enter Reida's room, the man suppressed the urge as he stopped in front of a door several rooms down. His knock was initially met with silence, but after knocking several more times, a woman with amethyst purple eyes eventually answered the door, asking, "Can I help you...?" with a skeptical look on her face.

Instead of answering the woman's question, a malicious smile developed across the man's, Water King Vuldar's, face. He had waited for the better part of three weeks for his mother to leave the Citadel, and, now that she had, he intended to make the brat who had soiled her pay...


