
"Well met, Viscount Goldweaver, Viscount Blackbird. And might I say what a pleasure it is to see you again, Dame Jean. Still as radiant as ever."

Though it wasn't rare for students to gree them, Alex furrowed his brows in response to Philip's words. Unfortunately, even his status as a Viscount was inconsequential compared to Philip's standing as the Second Son and Heir Presumptive of House Boreas. The status of the Greyrat Houses was so great they didn't even bother with titles such as Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess, or Duke.

Offering a courteous but visibly uncomfortable bow, Alex replied, "Master Philip is too kind." before raising his head and inquiring, "Is there a matter Master Philip wished to discuss?"

Nodding his head in affirmation, Philip casually replied, "Indeed. However, my business is with Dame Jean and her company. If you gentlemen would be so kind as to give us some privacy, I would greatly appreciate it."

With an overbroad smile that made it appear as though he was screaming inside, Alex supplied another courteous bow as he answered, "As you will, Master Philip. Pardon our imprudence..."

Gesturing for the duo to depart, Philip waited until Alex and Marcus were a fair distance away before looking up at Paul and remarking, "You have grown quite a bit since our last encounter. It's amazing what three years can do to a person..."

Adopting a smile, Paul replied, "You have no idea." before asking, "How have you been, Philip? If the rumors are to be believed, you've found in quite the predicament."

Exhaling a chuckle, Philip gestured for Paul and Jean to follow him to the opposite end of the arena, far from prying ears, as he mused, "I see your travels haven't dulled your sense of humor. Rather than a predicament, it would be more accurate to describe my circumstances as a catastrophe."

Upon reaching their destination, Philip's expression became serious as he opened his ghostly blue eyes, met Paul's gaze, and stated, "Let's not foot around the issue. We both know my brother is unsuited for the position of Lord. If you could convince your fa—the Lord of Milbots to back my claim, I would owe you an unpayable debt."

Shaking his head, Paul contended, "You presume I still have leverage with House Notos. Have you forgotten my exile...?"


Understanding full well that Paul's family hadn't abandoned him, Philip's mind raced to comprehend whether there was a hidden meaning within his distant cousin's words. He knew Paul was being targetted by the First Prince Faction, but the Royal Academy was one of the most secure places in the Kingdom. There were so many anti-surveillance wards in place that it was believed not even the Demon Empress could peer within.

Making things a little easier, Paul's eyes briefly flicked towards Alex and Marcus. The duo had originally been standing on the opposite side of the arena but had gradually moved closer as more students filtered in.

Without needing to follow Paul's gaze, Philip's smile broadened as he said, "You must have experienced many things during your travels. If your schedule permits, perhaps you can regale me with a few tales over tea? If not today, then sometime soon."

Returning a smile of his own, Paul divulged, "The Water God has arranged to have me assist with swordsmanship lessons here at the Academy. I'm not particularly fond of tea, but I don't mind sharing a drink or two with an old friend. So long as it's within the Academy."

Understanding why Paul wouldn't want to venture beyond the walls of the Citadel and Academy, Philip offered a curt nod as he revealed, "The Great Houses each have secure villas on Academy grounds. You and Dame Jean are more than welcome to attend me once classes have ended."

Though she still had a class to teach after Philip's, Jean looked to Paul to see what he had to say. Safeguarding him was a much higher priority than teaching a few Noble children. The Academy might be safe, but there was no way of knowing what might happen if he went alone...

Patting Jean's hand as assurance, Paul said, "I would be happy to come along. Jean, however, still has classes to teach. I'm afraid it'll have to be just the two of us."

Exhibiting an expression of mock disappointment, Philip remarked, "That's a shame. I always thought Dame Jean would get along splendidly with my wife. Hahahaha~"

Understanding that Philip was making a joke, Paul resisted his sudden urge to smack the tea-haired youth upside his head. Instead, he said, "We'll continue this conversation later. For now, you've got a lesson to attend."

Offering another curt nod, Philip replied, "Indeed." before turning away to join his classmates. His brief conversation with Paul had garnered quite a bit of attention, not just because it was conspicuous to be standing off to the side, but because every male student in the class had their sights set on Jean. Seeing her standing next to Paul with her arm linked through his had caused a rather tense atmosphere to permeate the area.

Noticing the many people glaring at him, a wry and slightly exasperated smile adorned Paul's face as he softly remarked, "I understand why they would be jealous, but come on..."

Adopting a very similar smile, Jean squeezed Paul's arm as she said, "It's no different from our time back at the Milbots Academy. Don't let it bother you too much. After all, they're just children..."

Punctuating her words, Jean planted a chaste kiss on Paul's cheek before releasing his arm and making her way over to the center of the arena. Her actions earned Paul even more enmity, but having already gotten used to such things, he just smiled and followed close behind...




After fending off the attacks of envious and pretentious brats for a little more than an hour, Paul told Jean they would speak back at the Citadel before meeting up with Philip to board a small but luxurious carriage. Only high-ranking Nobles and members of the Royal Family were permitted to use carriages within the Academy grounds, so, while other students had to walk or run between classes in separate buildings, Philip could enjoy a short reprieve as he was ferried to his destination.

Though his villa was a short distance from the main campus, Philip was unable to contain himself, stating, "If you render your assistance in the succession battle, I can promise you a lesser Lordship within the Fittoa Region. My father, Lord Sauros, was beyond impressed with the number of improvements you and your people were able to complete in just a few short years. If we join hands, not even the First Prince will be able to stop us from bettering our Regions..."

As the image of a certain red-headed Sword King appeared in his mind, a faintly exasperated sigh emanated from Paul's throat. After his encounter with the King, he had no doubts the man would try to pair him with Ariel if the opportunity presented. Thus, even if it was a pretense to ensure Eris wouldn't fall victim to the current system, he resolved himself to say, "I've already discussed the matter with my father. He also believes that a union between our Houses will benefit the entire Kingdom. To that end..."

Even without Paul finishing his explanation, Philip perfectly understood what he was trying to convey. He had even discussed the matter with his wife, who, at one point in time, had wanted to marry Paul. She was a little reluctant about promising a daughter to House Notos, but, understanding what was at stake, she had already agreed to the arrangement.

Better one child than all of her children...

Raising his hand, Philip adopted a very punchable smile as he said, "Say no more. So long as you help me attain the status of Heir Apparent, I can promise you that our Houses will stand united from then onward. If you'd like, I can even convince my father to cede the territories we were forced to assume ownership of three years ago..."

Shaking his head, Paul surprised Philip by stating, "If things go well, the borders between the Milbots and Fittoa Region may as well not exist. So long as the people are well-tended, it doesn't matter whose banner they fall under."

Adopting a genuine smile, Philip replied, "Well said...!" while clapping his hands. He had expected Paul to try and leverage innumerable benefits in exchange for his cooperation. If their positions and circumstances were reversed, he certainly wouldn't have been shy...

Seeing through Philip's thoughts, Paul couldn't help rolling his eyes. He didn't know exactly what Philip's father had permitted him to pledge, but it doubtlessly exceeded a few fringe territories. Paul might have cared if he didn't know they would need to evacuate the entire Fittoa Region once the red orb appeared over Roa...

Before the conversation between Paul and Philip could pick up again, the carriage gradually slowed to a stop outside a small, three-story villa with a 'meager' fourteen bedrooms, two kitchens, and a large bathhouse. The extra rooms were intended for any retainers the main occupant managed to bring to their side. However, since Philip was concerned about brother poaching or threatening the people he recruited, the only residents at the moment were himself, his wife, and their one-year-old son, Thomas.

Having anticipated Paul's arrival since news first circulated regarding his entrance into the Capital, Hilda was unsurprised to see him alongside her husband. What did stun her was how much he had grown, an expression of disbelief marring her usually solemn and dignified countenance.

Resisting the urge to stare at Hilda's remarkably well-developed breasts, Paul raised his hand in an overly casual manner, saying, "Yo. Long time no see. Congrats on getting married and becoming a mother."

Coming to her senses in response to Paul's words, Hilda nearly responded to him before catching herself and performing a polite curtsy toward her squinty-eyed, perpetually smiling husband.

"Welcome back, Philip. I pray you had a pleasant day..."

Nodding his head, Philip replied, "Quite so." before gesturing to Paul and saying, "I had the privilege of witnessing the youngest Sword and Water Saint in history, Sir Paul, fend off more than half a dozen of my peers. It was quite the spectacle."

Seemingly ignoring Paul's existence, Hilda supplied a nod of her own as she curtly replied, "How fortuitous." before adopting a slight frown as she asked, "I take it you and the Water Saint have matters to discuss...?"

Giving Hilda mixed feelings, Philip's smile widened as he said, "The matter is settled." before shifting his gaze to one of the Maids bowing nearby and adding, "Though we will be taking tea and coffee in my study."

Bowing even lower, the black-haired Maid promptly replied, "As you will, Master Philip." Then, alongside two other Maids, she went to prepare tea, coffee, and a variety of snacks.

Returning his attention to Hilda, Philip asked, "Will you be joining us? Sir Paul has promised to regale me with tales of his adventures."

Understanding that Philip's invitation was more a general courtesy than anything else, Hilda shook her head and said, "Thomas could awaken at any moment. I wouldn't want to interrupt Sir Paul's regaling..."

Nodding his head in approval, Philip replied, "So be it." before turning to Paul and adding, "Allow me to show you to my study."

Though he was a little irked by the sudden transition to proper etiquette, Paul accepted Philip's invitation after waving to Hilda one last time. She followed their departure with her eyes, but, as it wasn't the 'place' of a young Noblewoman to intrude on her husband's affairs, she didn't follow after them. Instead, she lingered in the luxuriously decorated foyer for a moment before exhaling a sigh and retreating upstairs. They had hired a wetnurse to help care for their son, but, as any good Asura Noblewoman ought to do, she preferred to pamper and feed him personally...


