
With everyone excusing themselves to search the keep or fetch the girls outside, Paul found himself alone with Atofe and Kishirika. Ei was nearby, just in case, but Paul doubted her intervention would be necessary after Kishirika's comments regarding the prosperity of Demonkind.

Fortunately for Paul, Atofe had enough patience to wait until they were relatively alone before gesturing toward the throne with her thumb and saying, "Want to give it a go? Or would you rather do it while standing?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Paul replied, "Since I doubt I'll be able to talk my way out of this, I'm okay with either."

Tilting her head to the side, Atofe asked, "What's that supposed to mean? I'll have you know I'm regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the Demon Continent."

With a characteristically wry smile on his face, Paul answered, "Perhaps in your more mature form. Unfortunately, while it's true I hail from the Asura Kingdom, I'm not particularly into brats..."


Prompted by Paul's words, Atofe recalled that she was currently in a more diminutive form than usual. At the same time, Kishirika burst out laughing from the side, prompting Paul to look at her with a deadpan and ask, "And what are you still doing here? Don't tell me you intend to get involved..."

While wiping away a tear from her eye, Kishirika answered, "While that's not a bad idea, I'm primarily here to collect your seed and ensure Atofe doesn't inadvertently break you. She can only absorb Mana and vitality from her descendants, so, unless you intend to knock her up, your seed is pretty much wasted on her."

Before Paul could ask the impish Demoness if she was seriously planning to lap up his semen, Atofe perked up and said, "That's not a bad idea! It's been a while since I've had a kid!"

Raising his hand in a stopping gesture, Paul's expression became serious as he said, "Please, spare me...I have enough issues with the kids I currently possess. I wouldn't mind once things settled down, but there is too much at stake right now..."

Deciding to lend Paul a hand, Kishirika appended, "He's right. Besides, as I pointed out earlier, this one has the power to absorb the traits of others. We don't have to worry about him suddenly killing over or dying of old age in a few decades. So long as you let him do you a few hundred times, he'll eventually acquire your immortality."

"Oh? That's pretty convenient."

Looking toward Paul with a predatory smile on her face, Atofe's blood-red, black-sclera eyes narrowed in amusement as she said, "I recall you mentioning something about training beneath me for three years. I didn't think you meant 'literally' beneath me..."


Though he was usually pretty brazen, Paul felt strangely suppressed by the two legendary figures in front of him. It was difficult to describe, but even though he towered over the two Demonesses, he felt like the most coveted item in a toy store...for adults.

Interrupting Paul's daze, Atofe gave her faintly muscular abdomen a firm pat as she said, "If you're worried about me being able to accommodate you, you're wasting your time. Though we each have a preferred form, the bodies of pure-blooded Immortal Demons are formless. Even if you had a dick the size of a dragon's, I could take it without issue."

Exhaling through his nose, Paul promptly decided against commenting on Atofe's words. Instead, he shook his head and reached up to unfasten the clasp of his breastplate. As he did, Atofe surprised him by meandering her way over and lending a hand. Paul half-expected her to try and tear away his clothes, but she remained calm and even helped to fold up his clothes as if it was completely natural for her to do so.

Seeing through Paul's thoughts, Atofe's predatory smile gained a hint of nostalgia as she revealed, "My father initially raised me as a handmaiden, charged with looking after and protecting a certain violet-haired brat. It was only after his death that I became the ruler of Fort Necross and the de facto leader of the Demon Empress's army..."

With Paul peeling off his tunic, Atofe traced her still-gauntleted fingers across the lines of his body as she added, "I gave up acting like a lady to keep the men and women serving beneath me in line. However, as easy-going as he was, my husband was also very...traditional. After the two of us got married, he had me practice being a proper wife so that I wouldn't leave a bad impression on our kids..."

Resisting the urge to ask why Atofe was revealing such sensitive and personal information, Paul just smiled and muttered, "I see..." in a soft yet resonating tone.

Narrowing her eyes, Atofe stared up at Paul and asked, "Tell me, Paul Greyrat...what kind of women do you prefer? You referred to me as dainty during our first encounter. Do you want me to behave submissively and let you do as you please, or..."

Feeling the growing bulge in Paul's trousers, Atofe took a moment to lick her lips before asking, "Would you prefer I eat you up~?"

Though he knew it was dangerous to let Atofe do as she pleased, Paul adopted a smile of his own as he said, "So long as you don't try to keep me prisoner or force me against my will, I don't mind letting you take the lead. My sit-"

Interrupting Paul's words, Kishirika abruptly pulled down his trousers from behind, shouting, "No one cares about the reason! Get on with it...!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Atofe burst out laughing as she gave Paul a powerful push that sent him colliding against the backrest of the black and gold throne. Then, like a predator pouncing on its quarry, she appeared right above Paul, her feet straddling the sides of his legs as she placed a hand on his shoulder and squatted down with the tip of his glans poking against her through the fabric of her undergarments.

"Don't worry. You're a special case, so I'll stop after seven or eight shots. I usually keep going even after my partner has passed out or begged for mercy, so consider yourself lucky...!"

Though he was still a little annoyed due to Kishirika's actions and Atofe's shove, Paul surprised the blue-skinned Demoness by rolling his eyes and flatly retorting, "Seven or eight shots? What a farce. I can easily go seven or eight hours without rest..."

Without waiting for Atofe's response, Paul linked his thumbs through the fabric of her black undergarments and snapped their band with surprising ease. He intended to do something similar with his boxer-like shorts, but the gears in his brain promptly ground to a halt when he saw what was beneath Atofe's panties...

With the intention of demonstrating her amorphous qualities and messing around with her would-be lover, Atofe had a doll-sized head protruding from her vagina, staring back at him with a devilish smile. When the two made eye contact, the miniature head winked at him before sinking back into Atofe's insides as she stated, "Trust me, kid. You aren't lasting eight hours..."

Retracting her horn into her head, Atofe leaned forward to plant a kiss on Paul's chest. She knew her actions had probably freaked him out, but if he was unnerved by such a 'tame' display, there was no way he possessed a strong enough will to help them achieve their dream...

Fortunately for Atofe, while Paul was undeniably weirded out, he wasn't lacking in imagination and intrigue. He quickly realized that if she could produce an extra head from her crotch, she could just as easily adjust the size, shape, and interior of her vagina. She could presumably do the same with her appearance, so, rather than feeling intimidated by the borderline eldritch beauty tracing her inordinately long tongue around his nipple, he grabbed her remarkably pliant ass and replied, "We'll see about that..."

Emboldened by Paul's response, an amused chuckle emanated from the depths of Atofe's throat as she dropped her hips in a single motion. There was little resistance on the way in, but the moment their hips were flush, Atofe's insides tightened like a vice. Then, without even needing to raise or lower her body, the interior of Atofe's vagina began to ripple and writhe about in an indescribably stimulating. It was unlike anything Paul had ever experienced, almost like he was having sex, receiving a deepthroat, and a handjob at the same time.

"Hoooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...!"

Feeling Paul's body tense due to the intense pleasure she was giving him, another low chuckle emanated from Atofe's throat. She didn't really need a partner to get off, but she enjoyed having sex since the reactions of her partners stoked her sadomasochism. There were few things she enjoyed more than seeing proud and powerful men behaving like maidens, their fierce and confident facades breaking down as they whimpered, moaned, and begged her to stop.

Interrupting Atofe's licentious thoughts, Kishirika surprised her with a firm smack to her behind, warning, "Don't get carried away, Atofe. If you break him, even accidentally, a group of monsters on par with that purple-haired woman outside are bound to show up seeking revenge..."

Clicking her tongue, Atofe reduced the intensity of her stimulation enough to permit Paul's body to relax. The pleasure had been so intense that he could barely even breathe, so, despite only a minute or so passing, Paul was already gasping as a layer of sweat developed across his body.

Ignoring the Demoness standing behind her, Atofe extended her hand to caress the left side of Paul's face as she purred, "The decision is yours to make...tell me what you want to do..."

Having learned his lesson, an awkward chuckle emanated from Paul's throat as he reached up to grab Atofe's wrist. Then, while drawing his face a little closer to hers, he whispered, "I want to make love to you..."

Rolling her eyes, Atofe pretended to be disappointed, muttering, "How droll..." before guiding Paul's hand to her breast and proceeding to move her naturally. Ordinary sex wasn't enjoyable, but they had three years to move on to more advanced stuff. As someone who had lived for well over ten thousand, Atofe didn't mind taking things least for now...

Preempting Paul's response, Atofe's spine and torso elongated ever so slightly to make it easier for her to kiss him. Paul was unaware of this, but Kishirika was able to notice it due to her position between Paul's feet, less than ten centimeters away from Atofe's butt. The Mana contained within a person's semen dissipated rapidly when exposed to air, so she had to be as close as possible if she didn't want to let it go to waste...




With Atofe no longer emulating a machine designed to torture people with excess pleasure, Paul was able to make good on his promise to endure for eight hours. This actually surprised the two Demonesses, not because he could continue for eight hours, but because the quantity and quality of his semen never diminished.

Voicing her thoughts on the matter, Kishirika stated, "You might be under the effects of the Curse of Lust..." while poking and prodding Paul's still-erect member.

Observing the loli Demoness's actions with a blank, ostensibly defeated expression on his face, Paul asked, "Does it matter...?" in a dull and tired voice.

Staring up at Paul, Kishirika furrowed her brows as she asked, "How long do you plan to continue brooding? I might look like this, but I'm older than both you and Atofe combined. Stop stressing out over nothing."

Rolling his eyes, Paul muttered, "Whatever..." as he stared off toward one of the many stained glass murals lining the hall. He knew it was pointless to try and argue, as, even if he didn't want to admit it, Kishirika was right. He also hailed from a society where it was completely normal for children as young as ten to get married and have kids, so he didn't really have a lot of ground to stand on. Especially after the things he had done with Reida at a similar age...

Feeling annoyed by Paul's behavior, Kishirika was momentarily tempted to ask Atofe to hold him down so they could nip his inhibitions in the bud. If she hadn't given him the prerequisite of defeating Badi before they could consummate their relationship and marriage, she might have...


