
*smack* *smack* *smack* *smack*

Though she was somehow even tighter than the first time he fucked her, Paul had no issues moving, his hips slamming into Venti's ass cheeks with enough force to send visible ripples through her body. Her back and toes curled as a powerful orgasm wracked her body, but Paul didn't reduce his speed. Instead, he gave the buxom Archon's already swollen ass cheek a firm smack, causing her body to tense as she gripped the sheets beneath her with a slovenly, intoxicated look on her face.

Holding his breath and gritting his teeth, Paul steadily increased his pace despite the interior of Venti's pussy becoming a faux-vacuum. It felt like the tip of his dick was about to explode, but he remained undaunted, his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception glistening as he pressed against the entrance of Venti's cervix and released enough semen to fill a small mug.

Clamping down like a vice, Venti released a sonorous, high-pitched moan as her back arched enough that she was able to stare directly at Paul. He supported and kissed her body in response, the two of them holding that position for nearly two full minutes as Venti's abdomen slowly but visibly inflated, her Anemo Crest shimmering brighter than an emerald under the sun.

Feeling a disconcerting movement in the depths of Venti's vagina, Paul loosened his hold on her body, allowing his penis to slip out of her with an audible pop. He knew what came next, but before he could lay her down, Venti hooked her hand around his neck, an indescribably passionate look on her face as she said, "Hold me..." in a pleading tone.

Nodding his head, Paul continued to cradle Venti in his arms as the bulge in her belly briefly inflated before depressing in an instant. Moments later, a softball-sized Anemo Seelie popped out, a sigh of relief escaping Venti's throat as she entrusted her full weight to Paul.

Adopting a wry yet affectionate smile, Paul kissed the top of Venti's head, whispering, "Good job..." in a loving tone. At the same time, he watched as the newly born Seelie got its bearings, various thoughts crossing his mind as the ethereal creature flittered around the room in excitement.

Forming a platform with her hands, Venti whispered, "Come to me..." in a somewhat longing tone, compelling the Seelie to pause before eventually perching atop her palms. Then, just as she had every other Seelie, Venti gave the nebulous blob a kiss, whispering, "Be free..." before releasing it like a dove.

Without tarrying for so much as a second, the emerald-green Seelie took off like a comet, phasing through the ceiling and disappearing from Paul's perception. Seeing it depart left him with a peculiar sensation of loss, but he didn't have much time to process it as Venti looked up at him, smiling like a Succubus as she asked, "Ready for round seven~?"

Before Paul could respond, Diona exclaimed, "No! It's my turn...!" with her teeth bared. She had passed out after climaxing several times, but the sounds of Paul fucking other women made it difficult to sleep peacefully. Most of the other girls departed shortly after getting off, but Diona was the type to stick around, refusing to let Venti have Paul to herself.

Instead of attempting to argue, Venti adopted a catty smile and replied, "Sure, have fun~" before giving Paul a peck on the lips and adding, "I'll use this opportunity to grab us something to drink~" in a sing-song tone.

Shaking his head, Paul said, "You should go ahead and get washed up. I don't know the exact time, but I'm fairly certain the sun has already risen. Breakfast should be ready soon."

Clicking her tongue, Venti playfully mused, "You're no fun..." before leaving the room with her voluminous ass swaying as seductively as she could manage. It was admittedly quite the sight to behold, but Paul only spared the perfectly sculpted mounds a cursory glance before turning his attention to Diona, asking, "Want to cuddle?" in a hopeful tone.

Narrowing her eyes, Diona pointedly replied, "You always want to cuddle when it's just the two of us remaining. I'm not a pet..."

Adopting a faint smile, Paul softly remarked, "You're one of the few girls I can relax around. Do you not enjoy cuddling with me?"

Furrowing her brows into a severe pout, Diona firmly asserted, "You know that isn't true...!"

Raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, Paul maintained his smile as he offered a compromise, suggesting, "Then how about we do this? You lay on your side, and I'll hold you from behind. We can cuddle and have sex at the same time. Nice and slow."

Though she originally wanted Paul to do her the same way as Venti, Diona couldn't prevent her ears from perking up at his suggestion. She not-so-secretly preferred slow and gentle lovemaking, so she only hesitated for a brief moment before releasing an 'exasperated' sigh and answering, "Fine. But the next time we do it, I want you to treat me the same as Venti..."

Recalling the 'beastly' look on Paul's face as he pinned Venti to the bed, an itchy feeling spread through Diona's chest. She knew it wasn't a good idea to compare herself to others, but she couldn't help being envious of the girls Paul spent the most time with.

Understanding Diona's thoughts, a faint sigh escaped Paul's nose as he extended his hand to caress the cat girl's head. He couldn't do much about her envy, but he could at least give her his full attention when it was just the two of them...




After washing up and making his way to the lounge area, Paul barely had time to take in his surroundings when Klee came running at him, shouting, "Big brother~!" as she leaped at him.

Catching the petite pyromaniac out of the air, a faint smile developed across Paul's somewhat weary face as he replied, "Good morning, Klee. Did you sleep well?"

Nodding her head with a bit of vigor, Klee raised her hands and shouted, "I got to cuddle with Ganyu~!" in a cheerful tone.

Exhaling a light chuckle, Paul mused, "How envious." as he carried the bubbly girl back to the dining table. Xiangling had prepared a veritable breakfast buffet, so Paul fed Klee and snacked on a few finger sausages while Noelle and Ganyu recounted his itinerary for the day.

With her hands crossed neatly over her lap, Noelle revealed, "Baroness Lawrence asked us to convey that she is more than happy to meet with Master at his earliest convenience next week. Would you like me to pen her into your schedule?"

Furrowing his brows, Paul briefly considered refusing, but, as he was the one to propose rescheduling in the first place, he replied, "Sure. Pen her in for some time Tuesday morning. My instincts tell me I'll be indisposed tomorrow."

Though he was only scheduled to meet Varuna and Barbara for brunch, Paul doubted the two zealous women would let him go easily. Barbara was supposed to return to her convent by 5 PM, but it wasn't difficult for her to justify spending the evening with her 'sponsor.'

Bowing her head, Noelle replied, "I'll be sure to the Baroness of your decision." Then, after raising her head, she appended, "Other than that, Master is expected at the Fontaine Estate by 10:30 AM. Lady Jean and I will be attending."

Speaking before Paul could respond, Klee shouted, "Klee wants to go as well~!"

As it had been a while since she last met Barbara, Klee was excited by the prospect of spending time with her 'big sis.' Fortunately, Paul had already predicted this, patting the petite elfette's head as he said, "You can come, but only if you promise to stay with Jean the entire time. No wandering off on your own."

Though Varuna's estate should be fairly secure, Paul knew better than to underestimate zealots. Klee could take down hordes of S-Rank monsters without breaking a sweat, but people were a lot more dangerous. Klee was very trusting, so, knowing what he knew about the world of Mushoku Tensei, Paul had at least three people watching her at any given moment.

Nodding her head, Klee replied, "Okie-dokie~!" in high spirits. She would have liked to sneak off in search of adventure, but Paul had promised to let her do whatever she wanted once she matured. Thus, at least for the time being, she didn't mind his overprotective nature. Rather, it made her feel warm and fluffy to know he cared so deeply for her. Not as much as the medicine she had to take every morning, but more than enough to put a smile on her face...




With the Fontaine Estate being one of the few located in the Business District, it didn't take long for Paul, Jean, Noelle, and Klee to reach it via carriage. Varuna had sent one over to escort them, so they were able to enter the estate grounds directly, a stark contrast to the many individuals lined up outside the main gate.

Observing the crowd through the carriage's privacy blinds, Jean couldn't help remarking, "Lady Varuna appears to have quite a few admirers..."

Adopting a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Paul replied, "Well, she is a remarkable beauty. Given her power and influence within the church, I imagine even foreign Nobles are trying to court her..."

Nodding her head, Jean appended, "Still, it's clear from the amount that Lady Varuna rarely takes time off. We'll need to be careful when it comes time to depart. A lot of eyes will be on us."

Returning a nod of his own, Paul was about to say something when Klee abruptly exclaimed, "Wow~!" with stars in her eyes. The grounds of the Fontaine Estate were unlike any other. In place of the usual hedges and flower bushes, there were fountains, statues, and aqueducts littering the estate like a water park. There was even a giant sphere of water floating in the center of the motor court, complete with a variety of fish swimming within.

"As expected of the Hydro Archon..." remarked Jean.

"No kidding..." replied Paul, his expression slowly cramping as a familiar sense of 'dread' began to settle within him. Fortunately, while his meeting with Varuna was inevitable, the people that came out to greet them were an assortment of knight-like maids, each garbed in the distinct blue and white armor of Varuna's personal guard.

Representing the group, reminding Paul a lot of Lynette, was a young woman with silvery-white hair and a cold expression, introducing herself as Persha Silverlake, Sub-Commander of the Fontaine Knight Order. Her power was only around the level of an Advanced Swordsman, but the glistening 'gemstone' adorning her bow-like choker made it clear she was more than a simple knight.

Though he recognized the gemstone as a Hydro Vision, Paul didn't say anything as he was the one who permitted Varuna to bequeath them to whoever she pleased. She had a habit of converting people into zealots, but that was actually a good thing considering her status and the mission assigned to her. Even someone as powerful as an Archon needed a few reliable people they could trust.

At Persha's behest, Paul soon found himself in a private study, separate from Jean, Klee, and Noelle. The former bowed respectfully and waited in the hallway, so he was the only privy to the breathtaking sight within, that of an indescribably beautiful woman with long silvery hair flowing past her waist. More notably, the only articles of clothing she was wearing were a topless white bunnysuit, a rabbit-eared headpiece, and a distinct, almost slave-like collar...

Seeing Paul staring at her with a dumbfounded look on his face, a faint smile developed across Varuna's as she remarked, "I'm glad I decided to go with this outfit. I initially prepared cat ears and a tail, but I changed my mind at the last moment. If your reaction is anything to go by, I made the right choice..."

By the time she was finished speaking, Varuna was standing less than an arm's length from Paul, the disparity in their heights forcing her to look up at him with narrowed eyes and a slight smile. Then, while Paul's brain was still trying to process the sight in front of him, she removed the top of her bunnysuit, her smile becoming more prominent as she mused, "The fabric around the groin and anus is also detachable..."




(A/N: O w O...)