
After instructing Noelle to introduce Sienna to Dimsaul, Paul snuggled up with Ganyu in her backless, shoulderless, leotard-like bodysuit. Sienna's pheromones were still affecting him, so he used the latter's soothing aura to remain calm while considering how to deal with Randolph, the current Rank 5 of the Seven Great Powers.

Though Paul didn't doubt Randolph's strength, the only three people who genuinely concerned him were Hitogami, Orsted, and Perugius. Badigadi was also an imminent threat, but without the Fighting God Armor, he was even weaker than Atofe at half her strength.

The only way Paul could see Randolph being a threat was if he targeted the people around him. However, as he had long since prepared for the possibility of having his children leveraged against him, even that wasn't a serious concern. He couldn't fathom the anguish and guilt he would have to endure, but with billions of lives at stake, he couldn't trade his life for a 'chance' at preserving someone else's...

Sensing Paul's rage, Ganyu squeezed his head and whispered, "It's going to be okay..." in a gentle, soothing tone. The former was lying atop her in a rather compromising position, but Ganyu suppressed her growing urges to ensure he was as comfortable as possible.

Nodding his head in a way that allowed him to nestle deeper into Ganyu's pillowy breasts, Paul replied, "I know..." in a muffled tone, adding, "As long as I have you and the other girls, I can endure anything..."

Adopting a loving smile, Ganyu nestled her face into Paul's spiky, brown and white hair, deeply inhaling his scent before whispering, "Then please rest assured. I may not speak for everyone, but there are those among us who will never leave your side..."


Feeling Ganyu's heart racing through her breasts, Paul's worries gradually gave way to more 'pressing' concerns. Thus, after raising his gaze to meet her hazy, golden-purple eyes, his grasp on her body tightened as he said, "As if I would ever let you go..."




As it would have been stranger for him to walk around unaccompanied, Paul was enjoying the crisp evening air of Milishion alongside Ghislaine. He originally wanted her to stay behind, where it was relatively safe, but Ghislaine refused to be protected one-sidedly. More importantly, she had already decided to live and die at Paul's side.

Since trying to dissuade her earned him a fairly solid punch to the face, Paul eventually relented to Ghislaine's 'request' to accompany him. She threatened to stalk him otherwise, so the two made their way through the city streets of Milishion with no clear destination in mind.

Seeing Ghislaine's boobs bouncing in the periphery of his vision, Paul asked, "Are you okay in that outfit?"

"You're asking that now?" replied Ghislaine. Then, after crossing her arms in a way that further emphasized her breasts, she added, "Temperatures like this are nothing to a Swordswoman. Did you forget how cold it was at the Sword God's Sanctum...?"

Shrugging his shoulders and casting a side-long glance at the buxom cat girl, Paul revealed, "I just figured I'd lend you my jacket if you were feeling a bit...nippy."

Following Paul's gaze, Ghislaine noticed that her nipples had become perky due to the chill. Baiken's outfit didn't come with a bra, so anyone who looked closely could make them out without issue.


Instead of accepting Paul's jacket, Ghislaine diverted a bit of her Touki to keeping herself warm. She didn't really care even if people saw her naked, but she knew Paul did. Her status as an Ambassador also bore some consideration, so she made a mental note to ask Ganyu for some 'pasties' once they returned.

With her arms crossed and tail flicking behind her, Ghislaine asked, "How much longer are we planning to roam around? Since we're out and about, we may as well hit up a bar or grab something to eat."

Though he wanted to avoid involving innocent people in his affairs, Paul didn't hesitate to answer, "Sure," in response to Ghislaine's suggestion. It had been more than three hours since they set out, yet Randolph had yet to attack them. Paul had anticipated this, but he would be lying if he said it wasn't a little annoying...

Following Ghislaine's nose, it wasn't long before she and Paul reached a lively tavern in the Adventurer's District. The Adventurers Guild sponsored various facilities to operate around the clock, so if you were looking for a place to cut loose, grab a bite to eat, or do some last-minute preparations before a hunt, the Adventurer's District was the place to be.

Seeing Paul and Ghislaine enter his establishment, the portly, bald, and incredibly muscular pub owner couldn't help frowning. The moment the duo entered, the previously energetic atmosphere within the dining area vanished, replaced by a palpable tension. They hadn't done anything, but everyone present had the same thought: messing with the unfamiliar duo meant seeking death.

Ignoring the tense atmosphere, Paul and Ghislaine made their way to the bar, occupying seats hastily vacated by previous guests. The pub owner frowned at this, but he didn't attempt to chase them out. Instead, he set aside the glass he was cleaning, steeled his nerves, and asked, "What can I get for you, strangers?"

Adopting a friendly smile, Paul pulled out a pouch of Asura Gold Coins and said, "Roasted fowl for us and a round of drinks for everyone here."

Hearing Paul's words, the ears of the other guests began to twitch. When the pub owner eventually confirmed they had more than enough to cover the expense, all the tensions from before promptly vanished, replaced by a festive atmosphere that invariably drew a large crowd...




With the sun beginning its gradual ascent, bringing with it warmth and rays of light, Paul found himself in a reflective mood. He had considered the possibility that Randolph wouldn't attack, but he couldn't understand the man's reasoning. Last night was the 'best' opportunity he would ever have, so he 'should' have attacked...

Shaking his head, Paul decided it was best not to overthink things. If Randolph was afraid to attack even when provided a perfect opportunity, there wasn't much he could do except wait. Someone was bound to die in the process, but so long as Ganyu was around, Paul could resurrect them without too much trouble. If not her, then Varuna was more than able...

Gently smacking Ghislaine's ass, Paul said, "Get up. We're heading back." in a decisive tone. His words and actions caused Ghislaine to groan, but she eventually opened her eyes and began stretching like a cat, her body significantly more flexible than her build suggested.

After a series of loud pops, Ghislaine rose to a seated position, a lazy look on her face as she combed back her bangs and remarked, "Looks like the Death God is even more cautious than you. Hard to believe he's the fifth most powerful person in the world."

Shrugging his shoulders, Paul argued, "The Seven Great Powers system has always been controversial. Gal is ranked sixth, but even if he went all out, I can't imagine him defeating Atofe or Perugius. If we include those I've summoned and the Dragon Kings mentioned in the founding myth of the Asura Kingdom, Gal may not even make the top twenty."

Hearing that the person she wanted to overcome was a 'weakling,' a slight pout marred Ghislaine's face. After all, there was still an incomprehensible gulf between her and the Gal in her memories.

Noticing Ghislaine's reaction, Paul asked, "What's with that look?" while extending his hand to caress her head. Then, assuming he knew what she was thinking, he added, "Being weak isn't a sin. Choosing to remain weak is. So long as we keep training to overcome our shortcomings, it's only a matter of time before we become strong..."

Crossing her arms in mock defiance, Ghislaine looked away from Paul as she groaned, "So you say...but so long as those 'Archons' of yours are still around, we can never stand at the top. No amount of effort can surmount the obstacle known as time..."

Retracting his hand from Ghislaine's head, a frown marred Paul's face as he remarked, "This isn't like you..." in a soft, somber tone. He knew precisely where Ghislaine was coming from, but he never expected her to voice such concerns aloud.

Turning to meet Paul's gaze, a faint sigh escaped Ghislaine's nose as she said, "Relax. It's not like I've given up on getting stronger. It's just hard to stay motivated when any random person you summon might be stronger than me..."

Unable to refute Ghislaine's words, a similarly exasperated sigh escaped Paul's nose. He also felt helpless when comparing himself to the archons and long-lived individuals like Atofe. His growth had been astounding, but he still fell short compared to entities that had existed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Unlike Ghislaine, however, his power increased even if he sat around doing nothing...

Interrupting Paul's thoughts, Ghislaine pushed him over, mounting him as she expressed, "If I had known you were going to brood, I wouldn't have said anything..."

"I'm not brooding..." argued Paul. "I was thinking of ways we could both get stronger."

Shaking her head, Ghislaine pressed down on Paul's shoulders, using her breasts to cover his mouth as she said, "Forget it. I'm not interested in shortcuts. I still intend to use a Vision, but any power I gain in the future will be my own. Besides..."

Though she wouldn't be in heat for a month or two, Ghislaine lowered her weight against Paul's cock. She wasn't very wet, but that didn't stop her from devouring nearly seventy percent of his member as she whispered, "I already found my life's purpose..."

Punctuating her words, Ghislaine sat up and devoured the rest of Paul's cock. Nearly everyone from the IoF, at least those acting as Paul's escort, was suspended within. Paul's plan was to lure Randolph into activating his Demon Eye before unleashing them, so this was a rare opportunity where Ghislaine had him to herself. There was a possibility that Randolph would attack them, but that wasn't going to stop Ghislaine from making the most of the moment...




Staring up at the ceiling overhead, the ever-present smile on Randolph's face became even more prominent as he hummed, "Now I'm certain of it. These brats are trying to lure me..."

Resisting the urge to stab his sword through the ceiling, Randolph kicked back and took a sip from his skull-shaped chalice, an A-Rank Artifact with the power to transmute virtually any liquid to delectable wine. Even liquid metals were no exception, but Randolph's favorite liquid was blood. More specifically, the blood of his targets.

Fortunately, at least for Randolph, the flavor of the wine was improved when his targets experienced extreme emotions such as anger, fear, and frustration. Thus, while he couldn't help feeling annoyed by Paul's clear provocation, he wasn't in a hurry to kill him. Rather, the more Paul goaded him; the longer Randolph was prepared to wait.

With such thoughts in mind, Randolph finished the contents of his glass and rose to his feet, stepping over more than a dozen corpses as he made his way to the exit. He typically didn't kill unless he was paid to, but for the sake of cultivating Paul's 'flavor,' Randolph felt compelled to let the young swordsman know how close they had been...




(A/N: He isn't called the Death God for nothing o_o...)