24- Strange Incident (III)


The beast came forwards as it motioned for Adel to continue speaking.

Adel nodded his head and kept repeating many words and sentences, making the beast nod its head repetitively at the end of every sentence.

An hour later, the beast finally raised its hand motioning for Adel to stop, before it picked up the same stick and started writing:

"Sorry, human, for what I've said earlier. Well, I can guess that you haven't understood what I've said, as that was an older version of the language you were speaking.

'Do you, human, too, want to use my body to relieve your lust? Don't try misleading me, human. I know all too well about your race. So either make it quick or get away from here.'

I said so, thinking that you killed the two beasts that were on top of me, while I was on the Gyre aphrodisiac of our clan.

Those b*stard humans led me here while forcefully drugging me with it, r*ping me then making me get r*ped..." The beast finished its words which were lined on the soil, while anger was visible flashing through its eyes...

Adel understood its meaning. Earlier, the beast had been scared and thought that after Adel kills the beasts, he would r*pe it too.

He was speechless for being thought of as such a sinful man. But he knew it wasn't the beast's fault.

Those humans who have r*ped this beast must've had quite the weird fetish, and it seemed that the beast in front of him was a male one, not a female...

Adel felt his body shiver as he looked at the beast in pity. Though he still wouldn't take revenge for a beast that he'd just met.

So, he was rather interested in its clan, and how it could have such high talent in the soul cultivation pathway, with the many ingenious ways of using spells...

So he directly asked it, not concealing his purpose:

"I don't care whatever feud you had with the humans, but I'm not like them who would take interest in a beast, and a male at that..." Adel felt his body twitch again as he remembered how the beasts from before were on top of it like some crazed beasts, meaning they too were drugged by the said 'Gyro aphrodisiac'...

"Anyway, I'm somewhat interested in what your clan has in terms on knowledge of the soul. So, can you tell me its location? And as a payback, I'll make sure you exit these territories and go back to your clan..."

The beast nodded its head, before typing on the soil: "When you bring me outside, bring me a piece of paper and I'll draw the way over there."

The beast understood what Adel meant, that he wouldn't divulge his secret to it of anything other than getting it outside, and it didn't mind since right now all it wanted was to get back to its clan...

Adel nodded before he said in a hesitant tone: "I'm not leaving until 28 hours later, so whether you can wait or not..."

The beast just waved its hand, stopping Adel from continuing his words, before it nodded, meaning that it didn't mind waiting the extra 29 hours.


Adel just went to a random direction to the core region to start tempering his body, as he still hasn't had the time to start cultivating the body cultivation pathway.


Adel finally reached a group of beasts that released the energy to that of mid stage second step beasts, of the energy cultivation pathway.

It looked like most of the beasts on the three regions were in the energy cultivation pathway. But there were some on the body cultivation system, while there wouldn't be a beast that was cultivating the soul cultivation pathway.

After all, humans that were cultivating on the soul cultivation pathway were extremely rare, much less beasts. Of course, other than the special case of that beast earlier who looked like it had a dispute with humans that had high cultivation but arrogant, which most likely were stupid young masters who had weird beast fetishes...

He then sneakily reached out to them, punching them straight to their abdomens.

He didn't put much strength in that, so that he could only anger them but not kill them.

The beasts were furious, as they saw a human that seemed to humiliate them by punching their abdomens. Though they were somewhat alert, since the human escaped their senses...

The beast started frantically attacking Adel with energy spells, ones that were water, others that were fire, etc.

And so, with the continuous attacks, Adel's body was slowly being disintegrated.

Unexpectedly, his body started reconstructing itself slowly with the help of the Anteater treasure, making the beasts stop their attacks in alarm.

Though they didn't have intelligence, so they right afterward continued attacking regardless of what was happening.

Adel gritted his teeth, but he still continued withstanding the pain as he was already used to it due to his previous practice of the [Cankili] martial art, before...


He finally broke through to the Grandmaster realm in martial arts. Meaning, he could now finally use the [Cankili] martial art fully...

It wasn't as easy as it sounded, though. The body got used to the natural energy while it was being disintegrated. So, it saved him a lot of effort, but in exchange of extreme pain.


And just like that, hours passed as Adel's body was slowly being destroyed and recreated, until the last bit of the Anteater treasure was consumed.

His body's prowess soared, as it had the strength to that of a cultivator that was on the early stage of the second step, on the cultivation pathway, while his cultivation systems were still on the high stage of the early step.

He then stopped being attacked as his body couldn't get destroyed anymore by the continuous attacks.

He then stretched his hands, which soon followed cracking sounds that were loudly heard.

He then sent an attack straight to the place where the dantians of the beasts were, precisely their spines.


A loud noise soon reverberated throughout the area, as all the beasts had their dantians crushed, losing all their cultivation, and killing them in the process...

Adel was dumbfounded. It took one hit from him, who was at the high stage of the first step to kill a high stage second step beast?

And that was without using his full battle experience that was still dormant on his soul!

But he soon got even more excited as he read the technique, seeing that this was but the very start of the [Five Elements Transcendent Body]...